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The Prime Minister was surprised.

“That soon?  I thought you wanted things to settle down a bit?”

“I do, but she’ll be feeling frustrated at not being able to see what happens next.”

“How can you possibly know this?”

“Because it’s what I’d be feeling if I were she.”

“Can you be certain that she’s one of the good guys?” asked the MI6 director.

Amber smiled.

“Oh yes, she is definitely one of us. Now, if you don’t mind, I have to go and see a girl.”

Mrs Lambert had been quiet all the way back to the college. Not that Keira was interested in saying much either. They had the car radio on and listened to Radio Four news, as it was more comprehensive than any of the others.

Needless to say, Shannon was full of questions as soon as they got back.

The others were aware only that Keira went missing for a couple of hours and that Mrs Lambert had to go and collect her. There was curiosity, but nothing out of the ordinary.

After tea, Mrs Lambert banged her spoon for silence.

“Girls; as you are by now aware, there was an incident this afternoon where one of our number witnessed part of what is being called a failed terrorist plot. Keira behaved most correctly in identifying some chemicals that were possibly to be used in the manufacture of explosives, and assisted the police to locate and arrest those involved. It is vital that we do not speak of this matter to anyone outside the school, and that includes boyfriends and family. I do not want the press to come to the college, and to twist the facts for their own version of events. Is this clear?”

It was, abundantly clear. The girls looked at Keira with renewed respect. She was grateful to retire to her room for a study period and obtain some peace and quiet.

Mrs Lambert was in her study when she glanced out of the window to see the sleek, black car pull up outside the front. It was a Jaguar sports car, not that she was any sort of expert, but even she could see that it was new and had darkened windows.

A tall, well-dressed woman got out of the driver’s seat and glanced at the window through which Mrs Lambert watched. She made eye-contact with the older woman, which sent shivers of ice run down her spine. She immediately knew that this woman was here to see Keira.

Doreen heard the front bell being pulled, and listened as someone went to answer the door. She stood in preparation to meet the newcomer.

“Mrs Lambert, there’s a lady here. She says she’s from the Home Office,” said the secretary.

“Please, ask her to come in,” she said.

As soon as Amber walked into the Head-teacher’s study, she was aware that this woman not only knew about the girl, but had actively assisted her.

“Thank you for seeing me, Mrs Lambert. Can I just say how fortunate Keira is to have such an understanding and intelligent woman as a mentor?”

Doreen was blown away by the use of her own name and that of Keira’s. She felt confused and back-footed. Her visitor was an attractive woman of indeterminate age. Doreen noticed that she wore a wedding ring on her left ring finger.

“Let me be perfectly frank with you. My name is Amber Robbins and I work for a select department within the security service at the Home Office. I am a specialist, and as such it is my task to locate and recruit similarly gifted individuals to join a very select group. Just so you know, I can read minds and possess other skills that most people would find disconcerting at best and downright terrifying at worst.  When I was at school, I was blessed by a wonderful woman who was my teacher. She was to become my mother, as my own mother passed away when I was very young, but if it hadn’t been for Jenny, then who knows what sort of muck-up I would have made of things.

“Now in you I identify another, just like Jenny, who can see past the usual prejudices that our society breeds. You’ve done just the right thing for Keira, but I have to tell you that it’s now my turn to help her develop and grow to understand those gifts with which she has been endowed.”

Doreen Lambert stood, unsure how to reply.

“You don’t have to reply, as I am not going to take her away from here. You have shown me that this is the best possible place for her to finish her education, so she will complete her A-levels here, and then look to her next goals in life, whatever they may be.”

While she was talking, Amber sought with her mind the girl in question. Keira wasn’t hard to find.

<Is it me you’re after?>

<Yes. I’m Amber.>

<You’re like me, in a way?>

<In a way.>

<Do I come down, or what?>

<Do you want to help me finish what you started?>

Keira grinned and stood up, putting her books away.

<Yes please.>

Doreen was startled when someone knocked on the study door.

She opened it to find Keira standing there.

Doreen said nothing, but opened the door for the girl to walk in.

“Hello, Keira. It’s good to finally meet you. I was very impressed with how to managed things today. You were very resourceful.”

“Thank you; I tried to be as neat as I could,” she said, frowning. “How did you find me?”

“I read the statement you made to the police and then I spoke to the female officer that you saved from being shot. She wondered how you managed to run two hundred metres in less than five seconds. You tried to make her believe it wasn’t as far, and she believed you. I didn’t.”

“I was worried about that, but I couldn’t let him just shoot her, could I?”

Amber smiled and turned to Mrs Lambert.

“What time would you like her back?”

“In time to get a good night’s sleep,” the older woman said, with a smile.

“Excellent, can I suggest you change into something a little smarter?” Amber said to the jeans-clad Keira.


“A dark skirt and blouse, perhaps with a jacket. You are going to be part of the WIB now, aren’t you?”


“Women in black.”

“How many are there?”

“That would be telling, but your addition will significantly add to those already serving.”

In the end, a conservatively dressed Keira joined Amber in the Jaguar and hurtled along the country roads towards London.

“How do you know nothing was coming?” she asked.

“I can see more with my mind than anyone can see with their eyes.”

“I can’t do that,” Keira admitted.

“Maybe you haven’t tried,” Amber said, glancing at the girl. She noted the torc for the first time, immediately understanding that here was the source of the girl’s power. She drove, while seeking answers with that amazing mind of hers.

“It’s an alien artefact,” Amber said at last.

Keira immediately touched her torc.

“How do you know?”

“I can ‘see’ into it. It’s highly technical, belonging to a race far superior to us in so many ways. Even with all our scientific brilliance, we could still never come close to what you have around your neck.”

“Is it old?”

“Very. I can’t tell exactly, but it was made long before man started thinking himself as civilised,” she said, pausing. “It’s what changed you from being a boy, isn’t it?”

Keira was surprised that she wasn’t surprised that Amber knew.

“Yes, how did you know?”

“You and I are more alike than either of us could ever imagine. We managed to get to a good place in very different ways. I did the same thing when I was about eight, or so. Only I didn’t need a torc. My parents were part of a scientific programme to try to engineer special people. They died without knowing if it worked. It didn’t; not to their generation, at any rate. Unbeknown to the authorities, I was born with powers, though. One of them was to become the person I should always have been - a girl. I don’t understand much about the inner workings of that thing, but I sense that it was created to give the wearer the appearance of being female. What happens when you take it off?”