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“Could I learn to do what you do?”

“We’ve got a way to go before you get to learn things that others do. For a start, do you actually know what you can do?”

“I think so. At least, I’m learning stuff every day.”

“Well, I know you can defy gravity and move amazing weights with mental power. What else is there?”

“I’m bullet proof; or at least, I think I am.”

Amber just raised an eyebrow.

“A burglar threw a knife at me, and I discovered that I have a force field around me. It didn’t matter whether it was a knife or a punch, as neither landed on me. I think it would be the same with a bullet or bit of shrapnel.”

Amber smiled.

“Useful; go on.”

“I can learn languages very easily. I used to be crap at French, but with the torc, I learned to be almost fluent. We have a Korean girl at school, and when she spoke in her language, it’s like the torc translates and helps me talk back in her language.”

“You see, these are skills that the aliens needed to fit in among humans. They needed to be safe, and to be able to move quickly. Perhaps they were not used to Earth’s gravity, or perhaps they were terrified of humans so much that they needed the ability to escape rapidly. The chances are their own language was nothing like our early speech patterns, so they needed artificial help to get their voice boxes to attempt human sounds and to tune into the minds of the humans so as to provide an instantaneous translation.”


“Oh, indeed, Keira; you’ve stumbled onto something very powerful and very precious. If you keep it, you need to learn exactly of what it is capable; indeed, of what you are capable.”

“If I keep it?” Keira sounded quite worried.

Amber smiled again.

“Okay, now I know that’s not an option. I am not going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

“You could, though, very easily, by what I’ve seen.”

“Yes, I could, but I won’t, I promise. You see, I was like you once, and it’s tough when you feel that you are the only one. I sense in you all the frustration of having this power and not having anywhere to go or anything to do; am I right?”

“You know you are.”

“Well, I’m here to tell you to forget about looking for trouble, as trouble will find you when you’re ready for it. Now I know you exist, it’s my job to keep you safe while you learn what you can do. There are many people who would stop at nothing to have what you have, and if they can’t have it, they’ll try to make you to do things by threatening to hurt those close to you. What you should be doing is enjoying being at school, because you will never be as free as you are now.”

“School is so dull!”

“It seems that way, but it’s not forever and if you try, you can actually have fun. If you don’t want to have fun, then it’s as easy to be a miserable cow and end up being miserable for the rest of your life.”

Keira was quiet.

“Are you okay?” Amber asked.

“I’m confused; are you telling me you want me to come and work for you?”

“Not for me, dear, I want you to come and work with me. I want you to develop as normally as possible, with due regard to the odd circumstances, and to let me help you in that development.”

Keira felt very humble, as clearly Amber was an important figure within the security services, and yet she was taking an inordinate amount of trouble to single Keira out for special treatment.

“I’m flattered, but how do you know I’d be good enough.”

Amber laughed heartily.

“My dear girl; if you take a moment and look at what you managed today, and all without any help or special training, you will understand that you are more than good enough.”

“Then, what do I have to do?”

“Are you seventeen yet”


“Then you have to do nothing for a couple of years. I will get you and your father to sign a form, and the rest is up to us. Your secondary education is a private school, yes?”


“And your father is paying full whack?”

“As far as I know, yes.”

“Then we will inform him that HMG will pick up any further education. In other words, once you agree to join us, we will pay for your degree course at university.”

“I’m not sure I want to go to university. Can’t I just come and do cool stuff with you?”

“You will have enough time to do cool stuff, as you call it. You only get to be a free student for a limited period, and believe me; you want to take what you can get. The main thing to remember is that you might have some amazing gifts, but you don’t know it all. Take my advice; work hard, get your A-levels, go to university and get a useful degree in something that will help you and in which you are interested. Then come and do cool stuff. How about it?”

“I suppose you’re right. Can I get some work experience in the holidays?”

Amber just laughed as she pulled the car over to the rear yard of another police station.

“We’re here; now let’s see what little Miss Shamin tells us.”

Keira grinned.

“They all tell you everything without knowing it; right?”

“Right!” said Amber, leading the way.


France 2012

Adelise Fortier had never hated anyone quite as much as she hated the English girl. It had all started a couple of years ago, in the summer holidays.

She and her family, which comprised her parents, her older brother Armand and her younger sister Claudette, hailed from northern France. They had a holiday home in the Brittany Port du Crouesty. Her parents were keen sailors and they owned their own five berth yacht that was moored in the marina. When they weren’t here, the boat was stored in one of the boat yards. Her father would call the yard and arrange for the yacht to be in the water and ready for him when they arrived.

They spent every summer here, as her father was able to work from the cottage, which had internet connections and all he needed to keep up with his clients. He was an accountant. In fact, their little cottage had around the same amount of space as did the boat.

They also belonged to the sailing club, which gave them all a degree of social interaction with other people. Six weeks with just one’s parents and siblings was enough to drive anyone bonkers. The children had all grown up together, so Armand and Charles, being the same age, had become firm friends as little boys and were still good buddies.

Strangely, she remembered Keira’s father and mother, but not the girl herself. She had a vague memory of a skinny and shy boy who didn’t make any effort to mingle with the French children.  It took her a while to remember where she had seen Graham before, because he now had a much younger and more attractive woman, and a different child. Adelise assumed that Keira was not his, but Stephanie’s child, and the boy had remained with the rather intense mother, who was no longer with her husband.

Charles Royer was her dream-boat. Only the young man was unaware of her interest. Charles and his younger sister Bernice were, just like Adelise and her family, migrant holiday-makers; brought by their parents to spend summer by the sea.

Many French holiday-makers would head south, to the warmer Mediterranean coast. However, not everyone could afford the exorbitant prices for accommodation and nearly everything else in the south, so some headed west instead. The Atlantic coast was cooler and definitely less settled than the Mediterranean, but when it was nice, it was a lovely place to be.

The Gulf of Morbihan was a sheltered inland sea, protected from the Atlantic by the narrow mouth of the inlet at Port Navalo. In the Gulf were many islands, some inhabited, and a wonderful area in which to sail and explore. There were many ports with cafes and restaurants in which the sailor could stop and refresh oneself. Port du Crouesty was to the southeast of Port Navalo by a few kilometres, on the Atlantic side of the straights.