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Despite Shannon’s rough edges and somewhat questionable language, Amber discerned that the girl was loyal and dependable. Deep down, she craved to be needed and important to others, as both these elements were conspicuously absent in her family life. She had discovered a friend in Keira, and to a lesser degree in Connie, that had given her friendship for the first time in her life.

Connie, on the other hand, was sadly lacking in self-esteem, regardless of the fact that she now looked slim and very attractive. Her formative years had been tough, and once again, Keira had given her a boost when she so desperately needed one.

Both were intelligent and intuitive young women, but they were also lacking the level of discipline that Amber believed necessary for working in the intelligence game.

While Keira was otherwise occupied researching various organisations that potentially could be enemies of the United Kingdom and her allies, Amber had the pair working on a scenario assessment, while she contemplated whether or not to take them on. Keira needed a support team, and from her own experience she knew that the fewer that knew her secret the better. She could recruit experts who could assist and Connie and Shannon could act as mediators so as to keep the true powers hidden even from those they worked with, as well as those who had a nefarious agenda.

The girls finished and sat back, regarding each other warily.

“Jeez, that was fuckin’ nasty,” said Shannon.

“Did you get the one where you had to decide who should live and who should die?”


“What did you do?”

“I cheated; I wrote that I called Keira on my mobile and got her to come and help.”

“I never thought of that. I saved all those under forty.”

“I don’t see how we could answer that one right. It was bloody tricky.”

Amber came into the small office in which the girls had been sat for the last couple of hours. She took their sheets of paper and sat in one of the vacant chairs as she read through the list of actions with reasons.

Finally, with a smile, she put down Shannon’s paper and started on Connie’s answer sheet.  The girls felt inordinately nervous, but sat in silence. Finally, Amber put down the papers.

“Why don’t you want to be a psychologist?” she asked Shannon.

“It’s boring, and I hate boring.”

“So is intelligence work. Most of the work is routine and positively brain-numbing.”

“Yeah, but it’s the moments of sheer bloody panic that I’d be looking forward to. I mean, that time when Keira took out them terrorists, I just wanted to be part of it all and not sitting on me arse hearing it all second hand.”

Amber failed to control her smile, so she turned to Connie.

“How about you, Connie; is being a designer not as glamorous as you thought?”

“My friend wants me to help, and that’s far more important.”

Amber smiled and nodded.

“Right, then you’d better come with me,” she said, standing and leaving the room. The girls grabbed their bags and followed.

They returned to Amber’s office, to find Keira waiting for them.

Once all were seated, with Amber behind her desk, they all looked at her expectantly.

Amber regarded Keira for a moment.

“Are you sure that you want to screw up these two friends’ lives?”

“If they’re willing, yes.”

She turned to the girls.

“Are you sure you want to forget what a normal life is?”

“What’s so good about a normal life anyway?” Shannon asked with a grin. Connie just smiled and nodded.

“Okay, then on your own head be it.  Welcome to the smallest and most secret department in the United Kingdom. In a moment, you will sign the Official Secrets Act.  Once signed, then you become faceless. As far as your family and friends are concerned, you are now civil servants within the Home Office. We will work on exactly what you can tell them, because on Monday, you will all be heading to a small farm in Hertfordshire where you will stay for six weeks to be trained in areas that you never knew existed. There will be some other members of the team joining you, but you are the only people who know what Keira is able to do, and no one, and I mean no one is ever to even get a whiff of her potential, is that clear?”

The girls nodded. For once, Shannon didn’t have a funny word to say.

“Keira wanted you to be her mentors, to help her deal with all manner of things, both in the social arena and while at work. You are her running backs – there to watch her back and to come up with imaginative and realistic explanations for surprising things that might just happen. Your job, ladies, is to keep a tight lid on anything she does, and to ensure that the press are never able to get anything printable to use.”

“So, do we get to go where she goes?” Shannon asked, with her eyes gleaming.

“Yes. One of the areas in which we will train you is communications. You will be her eyes and ears, using the technology to maintain communication channels while she undertakes whatever it is she has to do. You are not the field agents; you are her support, which is a vital role. I hope you appreciate how important it is. But, if she tells you to ‘Stay there’, then you do as she says. Is that clear?”

The girls nodded. Shannon felt guilty as she recalled not doing exactly that in the woods that fateful night.

“This training; is it likely to be physical?” Connie asked.

“Why?” Amber asked, bluntly.

“I’m just curious. Keira and I used to go running and stuff, so I’d like to get fit again.”

Amber regarded the slender young woman for a moment.

“Connie, you lost a substantial amount of weight over a year and a half, and despite living a typical student’s life, you have kept it off. Getting fit is the understatement for what we are going to expect of you.”

Shannon looked slightly worried.

Amber sighed.

“Look, girls, this is not just a career; it’s a lifestyle. Believe me, and I learned the hard way, this is your chance to say no, walk away and live an ordinary life. What do you say?”

“A boring ordinary life,” muttered Shannon.

“It depends on what you consider to be boring. As I said, much of our work is exceedingly boring.”

“Yeah, but we get to save the world. How many people can say that?” the Irish girl said with a grin.

Keira grinned at them both.

“Then welcome to my world!” said Amber, producing some documents for them to sign.

As the three friends walked away together for lunch, Amber wondered just what kind of world she had welcomed them to.

Time would tell.

.......................End of Book 1.

Books by Tanya Allan

Her AMAZON.COM PAGE: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B004VTB5OQ

A Chance would be a Fine Thing (Knox Journals Book 1)

A Fairy's Tale

A Girl can but Dream

Amber Alert

A Tale of Two T’s*

A Wedding and Two Wars (Knox Journal Book 2)

Beginning's End

Behind The Enemy

Dead End (Candy Cane 2)

Dragons & Stuff!


Every Little Girl's Dream #

Extra Special Agent

Flight or Fight

Fortune's Soldier

Gruesome Tuesday*

In Plain Sight*

In The Shadows

It Couldn't Happen, Could it?

Killing Me Slowly*

Marine I: Agent of Time*

Modern Masquerade


Queen of Hearts*

Ring the Change

Shit Happens - so do Miracles*


Tango Golf: Cop with A Difference

The Candy Cane Club

The Hard Way*

The Other Side of Dreams

There's No Such Thing as a Super Hero

The Summer Job & Other Stories

The Torc (Book 1 – The Emerging)

To Fight For a Dream*

Twisted Dreams*

TWOC - A Comedy of Errors

Weird Wednesday*