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Bendo answered. “All I can say is that in the last month four company and battalion-grade officers have died under, uh, unusual circumstances.” He shrugged. “That’s the main reason that Wil and I were receptive when the Commander, here, approached us.”

“I showed them your message,” Shar admitted. “I thought it was worth the risk. I could’ve hitched a ride with the trader that brought the message, but I knew if your message were right, Sri and Wil wouldn’t survive the purges. Wil signed on as soon as he found out it was you asking, and over a hundred of his men joined him. Sri had to do a bit more thinking, but finally he and most of his crew joined us. There are twelve men in the brig right now, though, that didn’t agree.”

“There is one thing, Commodore,” the young Captain said in a faintly embarrassed tone. “I will have to ask for assurances for my crew. I will not have them held responsible for what is, in fact, a mutiny!”

I nodded grimly. “You’ll have them, Captain. At any time, now, the Viceroy’s yacht will be emerging from a jump point. That yacht has one of the only two subspace initiators in the sector, the other being in the palace on Haven.” I explained that I was to report to the Viceroy as soon as the yacht arrived. “I’d like all three of you to accompany me aboard. You can get your assurances direct from Cord.”

Chapter VII

The yacht arrived about four hours later. In the meantime, I stayed aboard Predator. I hoped that my presence would keep some miner from firing on the destroyer just for fun.

I spent the interim learning the rest of the story. Shar had been suspicious of Jonas for several years, and had accumulated evidence that Jonas had been skimming money from Fleet procurement contracts. When Jonas had announced his discovery of Cord’s ‘treason’, Shar had been sure something was wrong. Shar knew Cord, at least by sight and reputation, from his ‘hero’ days on Prime. He knew Cord was completely and enthusiastically loyal to the Emperor. The second-level cover story had leaked to Shar almost as quickly as it had been released to Jonas’ people, and Shar was certain that something was wrong.

He knew that Wil and Sri were two of the best and brightest on Thaeron, and that they were trustworthy. He caught them one by one in his bar, took them to his office, and showed them my message.

Both had signed on, but there were practical difficulties. Luckily, the destroyer was in the orbital repair dock at the time. Shuttles and boats were always coming and going. Bendo told his crew that they would be participating in a covert marine intelligence operation, and that a company of marines would be boarding from a shuttle lorry to prevent Cord’s spies from knowing about it. He had confided in his comm officer, and told the crew that they were under comm silence for the duration of the operation.

Once Shar and the marines were aboard, the locks were sealed, and my message was played for both the ship’s crew and the marines. I was flattered to hear that every one of the marines had signed on when they were told who I was. A dozen of the ship’s crew had made an abortive attempt to escape the ship, and been locked in the brig. Then they’d blasted out of the repair dock on full emergency drive, a very risky maneuver. Once again, Bendo impressed me.

They’d waited until Jonas and his dreadnought, Nemesis, were on the opposite side of Thaeron, but they’d still had to exchange laser and missile fire with a cruiser, Relentless, and had taken some minor damage. Boosting at top speed, they’d reached the jump point a few seconds ahead of a pursuing destroyer. They’d emerged at Haven’s system, and started yelling for Cord or me.

I was amazed that so many people had taken such a chance based only on my message to Shar.

As soon as the yacht arrived, we four went aboard, and I established a subspace connection with Cord. He’d obviously been anxiously awaiting my call, as he arrived in his comm room within thirty seconds. I introduced the others, and explained that I’d invited them to join the conversation so they could reassure their people.

Cord simply nodded. “Very well. Please have your operator begin recording this session, so it can be replayed for them.” As I signaled the operator, Cord turned to my companions. “Gentlemen,” he nodded to Bendo and Tor. Then he turned to Shar with a genuine smile. “Commander, a great pleasure to see you again!”

Shar looked stunned. “Y-You remember me, sir?”

Cord's smile widened. “One does not easily forget meeting a man who has won the Empire's highest honor, Commander. I hope your presence means that you'll be joining us.” Shar nodded dumbly, and Cord returned the nod before returning his attention to the others.

“Anticipating that a conversation like this might occur,” he began, “I’ve retrieved copies of some messages that I’d like to play for you now.” For some reason, his tone had gone flat and his face expressionless.

Cord’s image faded, and was replaced by a thin, frail-looking white-haired man in the uniform of a Fleet Admiral.

Bendo gasped, and Tor cried, “Gods! That’s Chu-Lo!”

Fleet Admiral Chu-Lo was seated behind an empty desk, a grim expression on his face as he began speaking.

“Begin Message One. From Vinlen Chu-Lo, Fleet Admiral, Imperial Fleet, To Micah Jonas, Rear Admiral, Imperial Fleet. Unofficial, Unclassified.”

“Jonas,” he continued with the air of a man looking at something unpleasant, “I don’t know what you think you’re playing at out there, but you’ve really stepped in it this time, and not even your family’s connections are going to get you out of it.” His lip curled in disgust. “You’re a bloody fool!” The Fleet Admiral paused while he regained his composure. “I’m dictating these messages myself, and in clear, so that there can be no claims of coding errors or misinterpretations.” He shook his head. “End Message!”

His image didn’t fade. “Begin message two. From Commander-In-chief, Imperial Fleet, To Rear Admiral Micah Jonas, Commander, Rim Sector. Official, Unclassified. Subject, Orders.

“Paragraph One,” He began. “Effective upon receipt of this message, you are relieved of your duties as COMRIMSEC.

“Paragraph Two. You will present yourself to Captain Van-Lyn of Nemesis and report yourself under quarters arrest pending the arrival of an investigative team from the Fleet Judge Advocate General’s office.

“Paragraph Three. In the interests of good order and discipline, you will support the new COMRIMSEC’s assertions that you have removed yourself from your command due to ill health. End Message.” The old Admiral's face could have been carved from stone.

His tone warmed slightly as he continued, “Begin message three. From Commander-In-Chief, Imperial Fleet to Captain Jamin Van-Lyn, Commanding Officer, ESS Nemesis. Official. Unclassified. Subject, Orders.

“Paragraph One. Effective upon receipt of this message, you will temporarily assume the additional duty of Commander, Rim Sector. As this appointment is temporary and additional, you are authorized to retain command of Nemesis.

“Paragraph Two. You will accept the surrender and report of Rear Admiral Micah Jonas under quarters arrest pending the arrival of an investigative team from the Fleet Judge Advocate General’s office. You will insure adequate security to prevent escape or subornation of Fleet personnel.

“Paragraph Three. In the interests of good order and discipline, you will announce that Rear Admiral Jonas relieved himself as COMRIMSEC due to ill health.

“Paragraph Four. Upon arrival of the JAG Investigating team now enroute, you will support and assist the investigating team in any way requested, to include facilities, support, and ensuring the presence of Fleet personnel for questioning or testimony. End message.”

Finally, the stony expression relaxed, and the formal tone dissolved. “Begin message four. From Vinlen Chu-Lo, Fleet Admiral, Imperial Fleet to Jamin Van-Lyn, Captain, Imperial Fleet. Unofficial. Unclassified.”