There is a possible or real place for all that in the psyche of any individual. According to the allocation priority within the individual psyche any adult becomes bearer of one in four types of “mental tunes” which we will term hereinafter as state of mind:
• the “animal” state of mind makes so that the individual’s behaviour and all his capacities together with the creative potential are submitted solely to instincts;
• the “zombie” (“robot”) state of mind makes so that instincts are submitted to behaviour programmes that society embedded into the individual’s psyche while he was growing up, and which the latter cannot get rid of by himself for different reasons;
• the “demonic” state of mind makes so that person lives from the principle «I don't give a damn about what I do» and rejects either consciously or unconsciously the God`s guidance;
• the “human” state of mind means freedom; original meaning “decree, judgment”. In a different way, the “human” state of mind means autocracy of conscience based on believing God (not in God).
The demonic and human states of mind are impossible without the will understood as an ability to submit oneself and throughout events to the aware expediency.
An adult’s state of mind that remains unchanged in changing life circumstances is a product of education. If an individual cannot achieve the human state of mind by the beginning of his youth, it means that he had been a subject either to an interruption or a perversion in development during the earlier period of his life. Cultures where a statistically insignificant minority of population can reach the human state of mind by old age are defective ones. That what in fact are the cultures of all the regional civilizations: Western, Russian, Muslim, Vedic and others.
The problem of the West consists on the fact that, according to our definition of freedom, liberalism means neither personal freedom nor society of free people; it means therefore culture of legalized permissiveness and dishonesty [4], because the West is a slaves civilization that was artificially brought to life just as the product of biblical project with the purpose to enslave mankind on behalf of God. That is why supporters of ideals from all other regional civilizations of the planet have rejected Western liberalism. The populace of the West do not understand that and Huntington is reminding them:
“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas (it is the sole issue that divides Huntington and Fukuyama) or values or religion (in fact few people from other civilizations changed their religious faith), but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do.”
Regardless of vices being inherent in other civilizations, Western liberalism will endure through more and more acute crisis until it clearly understands that freedom is the autocracy of conscience based on believing God outside churches and holy books [5]; because God is not indifferent to what happens on Earth.
If human history is understood as a multinational history of individuals having the human state of mind, the human history has not began yet. Hence, we are witnessing the end of human prehistory when children of different people are groping ways to the humanity, to the global civilization of human humans, to the multinational culture where everyone (except for some minor exceptions) will be able to reach humanity by the beginning of youth and where it will be ashamed to not to be the human in the above specified sense.
Internal Predictor of the USSR
July 7, 2010
[1] Magna Carta is an Englishcharter, originally issued in the year 1215. Magna Carta was the first document forced onto an English King by a group of his subjects (the barons) in an attempt to limit his powers by law.
[2] China and other countries with similar culture.
[3] See Carel Van Sheik works on the orang-utans culture.
[4] You are allowed to do whatever the law does not prohibit. Then where does the law come from? What does the law mean: rectitude or demonism? Have Western populace and intellectuals ever thought about it? This might be very interesting issue!
[5] That in effect differs from the inscription in the bill “In God we trust”.