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aberration 128

absolute distance 74–5

absolute motion 62, 119

absolute rest 126

absolute space 20, 62–3, 83–5, 92, 119–20, 235–7

absolute time 20, 64, 83–5, 92, 119–20

action 111–13

ADM formalism 167, 253

aether 124, 126–8, 130–1, 153

Alpha 42, 46

alpha particle tracks 284–7, 290–6

angular momentum 86–90

anthropic principle 25, 342

antiparlicles 191

Arnowitt, Richard 167

arrow of time 19, 25, 27, 34, 308

Ashtekar, Abhay 351

Aspect, Alain 217

atomic time 107

atoms 24–5, 49

ionization 284–7, 290–6

number in a pea, 46–8

spectral lines 188–9

Augustine, St 11


Baierlein, Ralph 175–6

Baker, Dame Janet 332

Banks, Tom 258

Barbour, Julian

collaboration with Bertotti, 113–18, 167–72, 238

Discovery of Dynamics, The 239

website, 5, 7, 345

Barrow, John 341

Bell, John 220–1, 284, 287, 299–302

Bell’s inequalities 221

Berkeley, Bishop 63, 322

Bernoulli, John 110

Bertotti, Bruno 113–18, 167–72, 238

Besso, Michele 163

best matching 116–17, 170–2, 173, 175–6, 236–7

bicycle riding 88

bifurcation 55

Big Bang 12, 46, 251, 317, 320, 321

Big Crunch 263, 317, 321, 328

black holes 38, 166, 319, 320

block universe 143

body, human, as a time capsule 33

Bohm, David 218, 352

Bohr, Niels 13, 188–9, 219

Boltzmann, Ludwig 24–5, 27–8, 34, 342–3

Born, Max 198, 286, 310

Bose-Einstein statistics 191

bosons 191

bound states 234–5

boundary conditions 253

‘brachistochrone’ problem 110


damage 33

motion processing 28–30, 267

organization 31–2

state 26

as a time capsule 32–3

Broderick, Damien 358

Broglie, Louis de 189–90, 352

Brout, Robert 352

Brown, Harvey 353

Bruno, Giordano 75

BSW paper 176, 253

bucket experiment 62–3


calculus 63

Candide 111

canonical quantization 166

Capelin, Simon 239

Carnap, Rudolf 143

Carter, Brandon 341

causality 312–13

cells 33

centre of mass 79–81

centrifugal force 62–3

Chardin, Teilhard de 328

Christian, Joy 359

chronology of the universe 313–15

Clarke, Samuel 63

Clemence, Gerald 347

Clifton, Andrew 358

clocks 93–108

defined 135

earth’s rotation 106

gravitational effects 154–5

inertial 99–104

solar 97, 98

solar system 106–7

stellar 97, 98

universe as 107–8

water-clock 95

collapse of wave function 199–200, 204, 217–18, 224, 289, 295, 297

College Farm 3, 4

complementarity 204

complex numbers 197

configuration space 43, 208–9

configurations 41, 43, 228

collinear 75

Confucius 17

consciousness 26–8, 31, 52–3

continuum spectrum 235

coordinate grid 129–32, 140–1, 206

Copenhagen interpretation 202–4

Copernicus, Nicolaus 12, 32

correlations 224, 257

cosmology see quantum cosmology

cosmos, well-ordered 322

covariance, general 160, 163–4

creation 22, 64, 110–11, 229, 232–5, 251, 254–6

Creator 326–7

curved surfaces 157–8

extrinsic/intrinsic curvature 158

shortest path on 111–12

cycling 88


Davies, Paul 322, 336, 337, 341, 358

Davisson, Clinton 190

Dawkins, Richard 48, 210, 324–5

De Broglie, Louis 189–90

De Chardin, Teilhard 328

degrees of freedom 79

two true 244

Descartes, René

on existence 49–50, 53

on motion 61–2

Deser, Stanley 167

Deutsch, David 333, 337, 352, 358

DeWitt, Bryce 38, 39, 221, 224, 246–7, 257, 351

on many-worlds 224–5

Diana, Princess of Wales, death of 324, 360

Dido, Queen 109–10


intrinsic 116–17, 172

provisional 171–2

diffraction 285

Dirac, Paul 2–3, 13, 15, 40, 167

on mental pictures 206

on self-interference 197

on space-time 2

spinor fields 191

transformation theory 206

Discovery of Dynamics, The 239, 344