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music of the spheres 75, 325–6


Neumann, Carl 99–100

Newton, Isaac 11, 12, 20–2, 119

on absolute motion 62

on absolute space 20, 62–3

on absolute time 20

on creation 22

on Descartes 62

laws of 12, 20–1, 22, 64

on making his discoveries 74

on motion 12, 20–1, 22, 62–3

Newtonian space-time 139–40, 146, 174

Newtonian time 107

no-boundary proposal of Hawking 312

Nobel Prize for Physics 187, 235

Nows 16, 18, 34, 40–1, 43, 44–5, 55–6, 174, 177, 333

Einstein on 143

and experiences 51–2, 53–4

and memories 55–6

in relativity 142–6

self-awareness 52–3


observables 204

odd numbers rule 93–4

Olivieri, Claudio 333

Omego 328

Ó Murchadha, Niall 35, 349, 352, 358

ontology 138, 301

optics 269–71

optimization 109–13

ovens, heating 185


Page, Don 257, 358

Pais, Abraham 123

Pangloss, Dr 111

parabolic motion 94, 95, 96

paradigms 115

Parmenides 1

particles 185–92

mass of 243–4

‘past’ 299, 300 see also history

paths 43–4, 69, 111–3, 118

Pavia 114

pea, number of atoms in 46–8

Penrose, Roger 7, 31, 166, 319, 320, 360

perihelion, advance of 161

persistence of objects 252

phase locking 259

‘philosophical’ motion 61

photons 187, 188, 191, 243–4

physics 38

end of 13–14

quantum versus classical 13, 15–16

Pied Beauty 75, 323

Pinker, Steven 342–3

Planck, Max 13, 185–6

Planck length 311

Planck mass 311

Planck time 311

Planck’s constant 186

planets see solar system

Plato 44, 45

Platonia 44, 45–6, 47, 344

asymmetry of 55, 307–9

for Minkowski space-time 145

for general relativity 167–9

geodesics in 116–17, 118

‘mist’ over 51–6, 197–8

Platonic forms 44, 251

Podolsky, Boris 218

Poincaré, Henri 71, 76, 128, 135–6, 152–3, 156, 180, 346

on duration 123

Point Omega 328

polarized light 244

pond argument 127

position eigenstates 202

potential energy 90–1, 108, 112, 117

preferred-basis problem 226–7, 301

Price, Huw 341

principal function 272

principle theories 134

probability 24, 198–9, 203–4, 356

proper time 150–1, 175

psychophysical parallelism 226, 301–2

Ptolemy, Claudius 99

pulsars 166

Purser, John 325–6

Purser, Michael 5, 325, 336

Pythagoras’ theorem 150


Q space 209

quanta 13 see also photons

quantization 15, 166

quantum cosmology 16, 197, 247, 251, 284, 311–21

quantum gravity 15–16, 240, 242–8

quantum inseparability 216–17

quantum mechanics 183–245

discovery of 12–13, 185–92

good measurement in 223

measurement problem 200, 224

measurements in 200–4, 212–24

quantum of action 185–6


radioactive decay 284

realism 252

real objects 220, 227, 228

records 30–1, 32–3, 284–7, 292–6, 300

refraction 110

Reinsch, M 347

Reissner, Hans 115

relative motion 61–2, 63, 119

relativity 12, 121–81

Einstein on 12, 15, 129–32, 151–2, 155

Galilean 81–2, 151–2

general 12, 155

kinematic 152

special 12, 152

rest 126–7

Ricci tensor 161

Riemann, Bernhard 158–9

Riemannian spaces 159, 169

Rosen, Nathan 218

rotation 86–90, 157

Rovelli, Carlo 351

Rubakov, V. 258

Rutherford, Ernest 188


Saturn 89, 90

scalar fields 191

Schrödinger, Erwin 13, 115, 189–90, 207, 208–9

on ‘I’ 331–2

Nobel Prize for Physics 235

stationary equation 230, 231, 232–5, 253

time-dependent Schrödinger equation 230, 231, 258

wave-packets 275–80

self-awareness 52–3

self-interference 197

semiclassical approach 258, 259–64, 273

semiclassical solution 258, 288, 296

Shape Space 73, 74–7

Shapere, A. 348

Sharp, David 175–6

Shimony, Abner 329, 343, 360

shortest paths 111–13, 117–18

shortest-time theory 110

sidereal time 97, 98

simultaneity 12, 123, 129–32

simultaneity hyperplanes 143–4

Smolin, Lee 239–41, 322, 327, 337, 351

snapshots 18–19, 20

solar system 12, 88–9

as a clock 106–7

solar time 97, 98

solipsism 50, 252, 300

space 138

absolute 20, 62–3, 83–5, 92, 119–20, 235–7

space-like 149

space-time 12, 138–42, 145–6, 155–6

curvature 12, 159, 160, 161

distance in 147, 150, 151

Minkowski 141–2, 143, 145, 146, 174

Newtonian 139–40, 146, 174

past, present and future 147–50

spatiotemporal framework 136

specious present 28

spectral lines 188–9

speed 96, 97

group 278

spin 86–90, 157, 218

spinor fields 191

spiral galaxies 88

St Augustine 11

stars as clocks 97, 98

‘state’ 26

stationary points 172

stationary Schrödinger equation 230, 231, 232–5, 253

stationary states 230, 231

statistical behaviour 191

stellar clocks 97, 98

strata 345

stratified manifold 344

sufficient reason, principle of 64, 86, 156

Sun 12, 316–17

as a clock 97, 98

superposition 201–2, 210–12, 225

superspace 169, 348

superstring theory 39, 166, 192, 359

supersymmetry 192

syzgies 78


Tait, Peter 100–1

Tail’s problem 100–4, 135, 139, 144, 347

tensors 161, 191

Tetrahedron Land 43, 168

theory of everything 192

thermodynamics 23

Thomson, George 190

Thomson, James 123, 135

Thorne, Kip 166, 319, 336–7

3-spaces 171

time 17–19

absolute 20, 64, 83–5, 92, 119–20

arrow of 19, 25, 27, 34, 308

atomic 107

directionality of 19

ephemeris 107

equation of 98

experiencing 19–20

graffiti describing 44–5

and gravity 154–5

instants of 16, 18, 247, 265–6

intrinsic 245

length of 19, 100–2, 107, 123, 133, 173

‘line of 27–8

linearity of 19, 27–8

Newtonian 107

non-existence of 14–15, 35–8, 39, 247, 251, 309–11

proper 150, 175

sidereal 97, 98

solar 97, 98

time capsules 30–4, 251, 261, 264–7, 299, 300, 308

defined 31

time-dependent Schrödinger equation 230, 231, 258

time-independent (stationary)

Schrödinger equation 230, 231, 232–5, 253

time-like 148

time travel 328–9

timelessness 14–15, 35–8, 39, 247, 251, 309–11

Tipler, Frank 328, 341

transformation theory 206

trial pairing 171

Triangle Land 40, 41, 42, 45–6, 116–17, 344

Twain, Mark 338

two-and-a-bit puzzle 109

two-slit experiment 194–6

two-snapshots problem 92, 103


unbound states 235

unity of unities 75

universal equation 254

universe 22

chronology of 313–15

as a clock 107–8

expansion 262–4

modelling 40–6

order of 23

wave function of 242


Vaughan, Henry 328