At any instant, all the things in the Newtonian world are at definite positions. His absolute space performs two distinct roles. As in the discussion above, it binds, or holds, things together, in one instant. But it also places them in a container. Imagine taking two-dimensional snapshots of a table in a room. Paint out the background room, and you could still reconstruct the form of the three-dimensional table, but you would not know where to place it. Newton insisted that the things in the world in any instant have a definite place, and he posited absolute space as a kind of room to provide that place. His fixed container persists through time. We could take real snapshots of the things in the world (Figure 1). Ideally, these snapshots should be three-dimensional, like space, and show all things relative to each other and their positions in absolute space, just as snapshots of a soccer match show the players, ball and referee on the pitch with its markings. The grandstand clock records the time.
According to Newton, all bodies move through absolute space in accordance with definite laws of motion which govern the speed and direction of the bodies in that space as measured by absolute time. The laws are such that if the motions of the bodies are known at some instant, the laws determine all the future movements. All the world’s history can be determined from two snapshots taken in quick succession. (If you know where something is at two closely spaced instants, you can tell its speed and direction. Two such snapshots thus encode the future.)
Figure 1 As explained in the text, Newton conceived of space as a container, or arena, and time as a uniform flow. The difficulty is that both are invisible. This diagram attempts to represent the way he thought about space and time. The blank white of the page is a two-dimensional substitute for the invisible three-dimensional space, and the effect of the flow of time is mimicked by supposing that it triggers light flashes at closely spaced equal intervals of time. These flashes illuminate the objects in absolute space at the corresponding instants of time just as strobe lighting illuminates dancers in a darkened room. In this computer-generated perspective view, the vertices of a triangle represent the positions of three mass points as they move through absolute space. The triangles formed by the points at successive instants are shown.
Newton’s picture is close to everyday experience. We do not see absolute space and time, but we do see something quite like them – the rigid Earth, which defines positions, and the Sun, whose motion is a kind of clock. Newton’s revolution was the establishment of strict laws that hold in such a framework.
These laws have a curious property. They determine motions only if certain initial conditions are combined with them. Newton believed that God ‘set up’ (created) the universe at some time in the past by placing objects in absolute space with definite motions; after that, the laws of motion took over. The statement that Newton’s is a clockwork universe is a bit misleading. Clocks have one predetermined motion: the pendulum of the grandfather clock simply goes backwards and forwards. The Newtonian universe is much more remarkable, being capable of many motions. However, once an initial condition has been chosen, everything follows.
Thus, there are two disparate elements in the scientific account of the universe: eternal laws, and a freely specifiable initial condition. Einstein’s relativity and major astronomical discoveries have merely added to this dual scheme the exciting novelty of a universe exploding into being about fifteen billion years ago. The initial condition was set at the Big Bang.
Some people question this dual scheme. Is it an immutable feature? Might we not find laws that stand alone, without initial conditions? These questions are particularly relevant because Newton’s laws (and also Einstein’s theories of relativity, which replaced them) have a property that seems quite at variance with the way we feel the universe works – that the past determines the future. We do not think that causality works from the future to the past. Scientists always consider initial conditions. But Newton’s and Einstein’s laws work equally well in both directions. The truth is that the string of triangles in Figure 1 is determined by Newton’s laws acting in both directions by any two neighbouring triangles anywhere along the string. You can persuade yourself of this by looking at the figure again. It is impossible to say in which direction time flows. The caption speaks of ‘strobe lighting’ illuminating the triangles at equal time intervals, but does not say which is illuminated first. Scientists could examine the triangles until the crack of doom but could never find which came first. This is related to one of the biggest puzzles in science.
The universe we see around us today is speciaclass="underline" it is very highly ordered. For example, light streams away in a very regular flow from billions upon billions of stars throughout the universe. These stars are themselves collected together in galaxies, of which there are just a few basic types. Here on Earth we find very complex molecules and very complicated life forms that could not possibly exist were it not for the steady stream of sunlight that constantly bathes our planet. However, the vast majority of conceivable initial conditions there could have been at the Big Bang would have led to universes much less interesting – indeed, positively dull – compared with ours. Only an exceptional initial condition could have led to the present order. That is the puzzle. Modern science is in the remarkable position of possessing beautiful and very well tested laws without really being able to explain the universe. In the dual scheme of laws and initial conditions, the great burden of explaining why the universe is as it is falls to the initial conditions. Science can as yet give no explanation of why those conditions were as they must have been to explain the presently observed universe. The universe looks like a fluke.
There are two remarkable things about the order in the universe: the amount of it and the way it degrades. One of the greatest discoveries of science, made about a hundred and fifty years ago, was the second law of thermodynamics. Studies of the efficiency with which steam engines turn heat into mechanically useful motion led to the concept of entropy. As originally discovered, this is a measure of how much useful work can be got out of hot gas, say. It is here that the arrow of time, which we know from direct experience, enters physics. Almost all processes observed in the universe have a directionality. In an isolated system, temperature differences are always equalized. This means, for example, that you cannot extract energy from a cooler gas to make a hotter gas even hotter and chuff along in your steam engine even faster. More strictly, if you did, you would degrade more energy than you gain and finish up worse off.
I have already mentioned the unidirectional process of a cup breaking. Another is mixing cream with coffee. It is virtually impossible to reverse these processes. This is beautifully illustrated by running a film backwards: you see things that are impossible in the real world. This unidirectionality, or arrow, is precisely reflected in the fact that the entropy of any isolated system left to itself always increases (or perhaps stays constant).
It was recognized in the late nineteenth century that this unidirectionality of observed processes was in sharp conflict with the fact that Newton’s laws should work equally well in either time direction. Why do natural processes always run one way, while the laws of physics say they could run equally well either way? For four decades, from 1866 until his suicide on 5 September 1906 in the picturesque Adriatic resort of Duino, the Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann attempted to resolve this conflict. He introduced a theoretical definition of entropy as the probability of a state. He firmly believed in atoms – the existence of which remained controversial until the early years of the twentieth century – conceived of as tiny particles rushing around at great speed in accordance with Newtonian laws. Heat was assumed to be a measure of the speed of atoms: the faster the atoms, the hotter the substance. By the second half of the nineteenth century, physicists had a good idea of the immense number of atoms (assuming that they existed) there must be even in a grain of sand, and Boltzmann, among others, saw that statistical arguments must be used to describe how atoms behave.