Background to the Crisis (p. 124) The best (moderately technical) historical background to the relativity revolution that I know of is the book by Max Born. It is available in paperback.
The Forgotten Aspects of Time (p. 135) My claims about the topics that somehow escaped Einstein’s attention are spelled out in detail in Barbour (1999, forthcoming). I have tried to make good the gap in the literature on the theory of clocks and duration in Barbour (1994a).
Einstein’s Way to General Relativity (p. 151) Einstein’s papers and correspondence are currently being published (with translations into English) by Princeton University Press. The letter to his wife mentioned in this section can be found in the first volume of correspondence (Stachel et al. 1987).
Platonia for Relativity (p. 167) This is a technical note about the definition of superspace. The equations of general relativity lead to a great variety of different kinds of solution, including ones in which there are so-called closed time-like loops. These are solutions in which a kind of time travel seems to be possible. The question then arises of whether a given solution of general relativity—that is, a space-time that satisfies Einstein’s equations—can be represented as a path in superspace, in technical terms, as a unique succession of Riemannian three-geometries. If this is always so, then superspace does indeed seem a natural and appropriate concept. Unfortunately, it is definitely not so. There are two ways in which we can attempt to get round this difficulty. We could say that classical general relativity is not the fundamental theory of the universe, since it is not a quantum theory. This allows us to argue that superspace is the appropriate quantum concept and that it will allow only certain ‘well-behaved’ solutions of general relativity to emerge as approximate classical histories. For these, superspace will be an appropriate concept. Alternatively, we could extend the definition of super-space to include not only proper Riemannian 3-geometries (in which the geometry in small regions is always Euclidean), but also pscudo-Riemannian 3-geometries (in which the local geometry has a Minkowski type signature), and also geometries in which the signature changes within the space. For the reasons given in the long note starting on p. 348 below, I prefer the second option.
The above note was written before my new insights mentioned at the end of the Preface. I now believe that there is a potentially much more attractive resolution of the difficulty: the true arena of the world is not superspace but conformal superspace, which I describe on p. 350.
Catching Up with Einstein (1) (p. 175) Figure 30 is modelled directly on well-known diagrams in Wheeler (1964) and Misner et al. (1973).
(2) Technical note: Einstein’s field equations relate a four-dimensional tensor formed from geometrical quantities to the four-dimensional energy-momentum tensor, which is formed from the variables that describe the matter. Machian geometrodynamics shows how these four-dimensional tensors are built up from three-dimensional quantities. The two principles by which this is done are best matching, and Minkowski’s rule that the space and time directions must be treated in exactly the same way (see the following note). As far as I know, the mathematics of how this is done when matter is present was first spelled out in a recent paper by Domenico Giulini (1999), to whom I am indebted for numerous discussions on this and many other topics covered in this book.
A Summary and the Dilemma (1) (p. 177) This is another technical note. My image of space-time as a tapestry of interwoven lovers rests on the following property of Einstein’s field equations. If, in any given space-time that is a solution of the field equations, we lay out an arbitrary four-dimensional grid in any small region of the space-time, we can then, in principle, attempt to take the data on one three-dimensional hypersurface and use Einstein’s equations to evolve these data and recover the space-time in the complete region. Normally, we attempt to do this in a time-like direction. However, the form of the equation is exactly the same whichever direction in which we choose to attempt the evolution from initial data. This is an immediate consequence of an aspect of the relativity principle that Minkowski gave a special emphasis: as regards the structure of the equations, whatever holds for space holds for time and vice versa.
What is more, however we choose the ‘direction of attempted evolution’, Einstein’s equations always have a very characteristic structure. There are ten equations in all. One of them does not contain any derivative with respect to the variable in which we are going to attempt the evolution. Three of them contain only first derivatives with respect to that variable. The remaining six equations contain second derivatives with respect to it and have the form of equations that are suitable for evolution in the chosen direction. But we must first solve the other four equations, which are so-called constraints. Unless the initial data satisfy these four equations, evolution is impossible.
There are two ways to look at a space-time that satisfies Einstein’s equations: either as a structure obtained from initial data that have been (somehow) obtained in a form that satisfies the constraints and then built by the more or less conventional evolution equations, or as a structure that satisfies everywhere the constraints however we choose to draw the coordinate lines. In the second way of looking at space-time, conventional evolution does not come into the picture at all. Much suggests that this is the more fundamental way of looking at Einstein’s equations (see, in particular, Kuchaf’s beautiful 1992 paper).The connection with my timeless way of thinking about general relativity is expressed by the fact that the three constraint equations containing only first derivatives of the evolution variable are precisely the expression of the fact that a best-matching condition holds along the corresponding ‘initial’ hypersurface, while the fourth constraint equation, containing no derivatives of the evolution variable, expresses the fact that proper time is determined in geometrodynamics as a local analogue of the astronomers’ ephemeris time. It is this complete freedom to draw coordinate lines as we wish and, at least formally, to attempt evolution in any direction, that makes me feel that the second alternative envisaged in the Platonia for Relativity note is appropriate. I think it is also very significant that Einstein’s equations have the same form whatever the signature of space-time. The signature is not part of the equations, it is a condition normally imposed on the solutions. The demonstration that Einstein’s general relativity is the unique theory that satisfies the criterion (mentioned at the end of this section) of a higher four-dimensional symmetry was given by Hojman et al. (1976).
1 mentioned on p. 346 at the end of the notes on Chapter 4 my recent discovery of a way to create dynamical theories of the universe in which absolute distance is no longer relevant. My Irish colleague Niall Ó Murchadha, of University College Cork, and I are currently working on the application of the new idea to theories like general relativity, in which geometry is dynamical. There is a possibility that this work will not only give new insight into the structure of general relativity, in which a kind of residual absolute distance does play a role, but also lead to a rival alternative theory in which no distance of any kind occurs.
The key step is to extend the principle of best matching from superspace to so-called conformal superspace. In the context of geometrodynamics, this is analogous to the passage from Triangle Land to Shape Space as described in Box 3. However, whereas in Box 3 it is only the overall scale that is removed, and it is still meaningful to talk about the ratios of lengths of sides, the transition to conformal superspace is much more drastic and removes from physics all trace of distance comparison at spatially separated points.