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Bell’s ‘Many-Worlds’ Interpretation (p. 299) In his ‘cosmological interpretation’ of quantum mechanics, Bell combined elements derived from both Everett and the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation (see the note to Chapter 19). In fact, Bell’s account of his mixed interpretation is rather terse, and can be misunderstood. I am most grateful to Fay Dowker and Harvey Brown for drawing my attention to an error I made in reporting Bell’s idea in my first draft of this book. In this section I follow their interpretation of Bell, which I am sure is what he did mean.

The Many-Instants Interpretation (p. 302) I hope I have made it clear that probability ‘to be experienced’ or ‘to exist’ is a problematic concept. If consciousness is determined by structure, the consciousness is already in the Nows and must be experienced irrespective of their probabilities. What role remains for probabilities? It is a very difficult issue. Probability is already puzzling in ordinary quantum mechanics, and even in classical physics. Cold water could boil spontaneously, but we never see this happen. Standard probability arguments suggest that what is possible but hugely improbable will not be experienced. Much suggests that probabilities in some form are inescapable in quantum theory simply because it explores mutually exclusive possibilities. Instants of time are natural candidates for the ultimate exclusive possibilities. If certain very specially structured instants do get hugely larger probabilities than others, and are the ones habitually experienced, that must, I feel, count as explanation. But as an indication of the depth of this problem, I add here in Box 16 an edited email exchange I had with Fay Dowker of Imperial College, London. I had especially asked her to read my first draft, since she is a very clear thinker but is sceptical about both many worlds and canonical quantization, the approach to quantum gravity that I favour.


Soccer in the Matterhorn (p. 307) In the second edition of The Physical Basis of the Direction of Tune, Zeh says that the intrinsic dynamical asymmetry of quantum gravity ‘offers the possibility of deriving an arrow of time (perhaps even without imposing any special conditions)’.

Timeless Descriptions of Dynamics (1) (p. 309) For specialists: for each stage of a perturbation expansion, Mott always chooses a kernel in an integral representation corresponding to outgoing waves. However, nothing in the mathematics rules out the (occasional) choice of incoming waves. This would mess up everything.

(2) (p. 309) I should emphasize that Mott, like Bell, never used any expression like ‘time capsule’, and clearly did not think in such terms about alpha-particle tracks. Neither did Mott’s work on alpha-particle tracks seem to have prompted him to any intimations of a many-worlds type interpretation of quantum mechanics. I learned this from Jim Hartle. Over a decade ago, when collaborating with Stephen Hawking in Cambridge, Jim lodged at his college, Gronville and Caius (featured famously in Chariots of Fire), which was also Mott’s college. Over dinner Jim asked Mott whether his paper had not led him to anticipate some form of Everett’s idea, and was told no. Apparently, all the ‘young Turks’ followed the Copenhagen line without hesitation at that time. Shortly before his death about two years ago, when he was still mentally very alert, I contact Mott and asked if I could talk to him about his paper. Alas, he was too ill to keep the appointment, telling his secretary he was very disappointed ‘since the man wanted to talk about work I did nearly sixty years ago’.

A Well-Ordered Cosmos? (p. 321) This final section follows closely the final section of Barbour (1994a).

BOX 16 An Email Dialogue

DOWKER. It seems to me that you provide no scheme for making predictions, and I would further claim that no such scheme can exist which contains the two aspects that are fundamental to your scheme: canonical quantum gravity (CQG) and the Bell version of the many-worlds interpretation (MWI).

BARBOUR. I think you are right, subject to what one means by prediction. I cannot make the kinds of prediction you want, and you correctly identify the reasons. I feel the arguments for CQG and MWI outweigh desire for predictions of the kind you would like.

DOWKER. I freely admit that I am rather attached to the notion of the universe (and I) having had, and being about to have, a continuous history. But my criticism here is not the absence of history in your approach, but, to repeat, that there is no way to make predictions about the results of our observations. In my view this is a deficiency that cannot be overcome. Whatever else science tells us about the world, it must allow us to make predictions about our observations that we can check.

BARBOUR. I am not sure we can impose such a criterion on Nature. The Greeks had the notion of saving appearances (finding a rational explanation for the phenomena we observe) that is already very valuable. You may be asking more of Nature than she is prepared to give.

DOWKER. In backing up this criticism I shall focus on the aspect that I am most familiar with and on which I have most confidence in my own views, which is the aspect of the interpretation of quantum mechanics. I am pleased that your book draws attention to the work of Bell on the many-worlds interpretation, since it has not had the recognition it deserves. In my view his version is the only well-defined many-worlds interpretation (I’ll call it BMWI) that exists in the literature.

BARBOUR. I agree it is well defined, but with reservations about the role of time. The time of an observation, like any other observable, must be extracted from present records. When you start to ask how that is done in practice and how Nature does put time into the records, I think things may become less well defined. I do believe that almost all physicists this century have blindly followed Einstein in declining to try to understand duration at a fundamental level. A lot of the first part of my book is about that. I think my position might be stronger than you realize.

DOWKER. I think that neither your version (which I’ll call JMWI) nor BMWI allows us to make predictions about what we observe (so I disagree with Everett’s statement ‘the theory itself predicts that our experience will be what it in fact is’). Let me take your version. There we have many configurations at time t. The most serious problem is that in a scheme like yours, in which all the possibilities are realized, there is no role for the probabilities. The usual probabilistic Copenhagen predictions for the results of our observations cannot be recovered. An excellent reference which analyses the MWI literature and the various attempts to derive the Born interpretation from MWI is Adrian Kent [1990, International Journal of Modern Physics, A5, 1745]. Adrian concludes that they fail. I’ll just state again the main reason that they faiclass="underline" when all the elements in a sample space of possibilities are realized, then probability is not involved. Your idea is that it is the sample space itself, i.e. how many copies of each configuration are included in the sample space, which is determined by the (squares of the) coefficients of the terms in the wave function. That is all well and good (if bizarre). But there’s no reason then to call those numbers probabilities, and no way to recover the probabilistic predictions of Copenhagen quantum mechanics. In fact the MWI proponents themselves agree that the failure to reproduce the Copenhagen predictions is a problem and do try to address it, but without success.