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Eliot, George 330–1

Eliot, T.S. 240

energy 23, 90–2 see also kinetic energy; potential energy

energy levels 188

entangled states 216–17, 222–4

entropy 23–5, 27–8, 289, 318–9

ephemeris time 107

EPR paradox 218–20

equation of time 98

equivalence principle 154, 176–7

eternity 36, 40, 328

Euler, Leonhard 111

events 139, 143

Everett, Hugh 221–7

everything, theory of 192

evolution 252, 256

excited states 234

experience 51–2, 53–4


faces 33

falling bodies 93–6

Faraday, Michael 15, 124

Fermat, Pierre de 110

Fermat’s principle 271, 272

Fermi-Dirac statistics 191

fermions 191

Feynman, Richard 244

on time 2

fields 124, 190–1, 222

Fischer, Arthur 344

Fitzgerald, George 128

fossils 33

Foster, Brendan 358

Fourier, Joseph 201

frames of reference 81–2

free will 324–6

Fresnel, Augustin Jean 124, 269

Friedmann, Alexander 317


Galileo Galilei 12, 61

falling ball experiment 93–6

odd numbers rule 93–4

parabolic motion 94, 95, 96

on relativity 81–2, 151–2

water-clock of 95

Gamow, George 284

gas 318

Gauss, Carl Friedrich 157–8

Gaussian wave packets 278

general covariance 160, 163–4

geodesics 112, 116–17, 118

geometrical optics 270–1, 288

geometrodynamics 167

geometry, non-Euclidean 157–8

Germer, Lester 190

Gill, Ann 344

Giulini, Domenico 348

God 22, 64, 110–11, 326–7

graffiti describing time 44–5

grand unified theory 192

gravitons 244

gravity 12, 15, 91

curving space-time 12, 159, 160, 161

and time 154–5

Grossman, Marcel 159, 161

ground state 234

group velocity 278

Guichardet, A. 347

Guth, Alan 359


haemoglobin 48

Halliwell, Jonathan 258

Hamilton, William Rowan 111, 268, 269–74

Hartle-Hawking wave function 359

Hartle, Jim 353, 354, 359

Hawking, Stephen 39, 258

on Big Bang 320

on black holes 166, 319

on end of physics 13–14

on time travel 329

no-boundary proposal 312

heaven 327–8

Heggie, Douglas 346

Heisenberg, Werner 13, 189, 284

Heisenberg cut 296

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle 205

Heraclitus 1, 330

Hero of Alexandria 110

Hilbert space 193, 206

Hipparchus 98

history 69, 282–3, 287–92 see also records

Hofmann, Wenzel 115

Holland, Peter 352

Hopkins, Gerard Manley 75, 323

Hoyle, Fred 359

human body as a time capsule 33

Hut, Piet 346

hyperplanes 143–4


identity of indiscernibles 85–6

inertia 62, 65, 93

inertial clock 99–104

inertial frame of reference 82

inflation 359

initial conditions 22, 253

instants of time 16, 18, 247, 265–6

interactions 104–5

interference 124, 125, 195–6

self- 197

fringes 196

intrinsic difference 116–17, 172

intrinsic time 245

invariable plane 88

ionization 284–7, 290–6

Isham, Christopher 351


James, William 28


Kant, Immanuel 207

Kaon decay 342

Keats, John 326, 331

Kepler, Johannes 2, 12, 98, 164, 269

Kiefer, Claus 352, 353

kinematic relativity 152

kinetic energy 90, 108, 112

Klein-Gordon equation 351

Kretschmann, Erich 164

Kubasiak, Gretchen Mills 334, 338–40

Kuchař, Karel 172–3, 238–9, 246, 349, 351

Kuhn, Thomas 115


LaFlamme, Raymond 358

Lagrange, Joseph-Louis de 111

Lanczos, Cornelius 268–9

Lange, Ludwig 346

Lapchinskii, V. 258

Laplace, Pierre 71, 76, 88

Laplacian determinism, perfect 83, 156, 177

Laue, Max von 190

least action, principle of 111–3

least-time theory 110

Leibniz, Willhelm Gottfried 16, 63–4, 74, 110, 119, 240, 322

on creation 63–4, 110–11

identity of indiscernibles 85–6

principle of sufficient reason 64, 86

satirized as Dr Pangloss 111

Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence 63–4

length of time 19, 100–2, 107, 123, 133, 173

Liebscher, Dierck 6, 73, 346


cone 148

diffraction 285

interference 124, 125

polarization 244

quanta (photons) 187, 188, 191, 243–4

rays 269–73

refraction 110

wave theory 124, 125, 269–71

‘line of time’ 27–8


in quantum mechanics 225, 231, 275

of time 19, 27–8

Littlejohn, Robert 347

Lorentz, Hendrik Anton 128

Lorentz frames 141

Lorentz transformation 141

lottery, cosmic 52–3

Lovelock, James 4


Mach, Ernst 65, 153, 334

on inertia 65–6

on time 67

Machian distinguished simplifier 120, 170–1

Mach’s principle 65–6, 113–5

magnetism 124, 126

Makino, Jun 346

many-instants 302–5

many-worlds 53, 221–7, 229–302, 323–4


centre of 79–81

of particles 243–4

matrix mechanics 13, 189, 280

Maupertuis, Pierre 111

Maxwell, James Clerk 15, 124–5

McMillan, Steve 346

McTaggart, John 343

measurement problem 200, 224

measurements 200, 222–4

mechanics 12

Megamolecule Land 43

memory 19, 28, 32–3, 53, 55–6, 300

mental pictures 206–7

Mercury 161

Michelson-Morley experiment 128

Middlemarch 330–1

Midsummer Night’s Dream, A 276

Minkowski, Hermann 12, 138–42, 144, 147, 150–1

Minkowski space-time 141–2, 143, 145, 146, 174

Misner, Charles 167

mist(s) 51, 197

molecules 210, 235

momentum 200

angular 86–90

eigenstates 201

Monadology 111, 240

Moon 98–9, 205, 298

motion 61–70

absolute 62, 119

brain processing 28–30, 267

Descartes on 61–2

as an illusion 39, 46–9, 266–7, 329–35

Newtonian concepts 12, 20–1, 22, 62–3

‘philosophical’ 61

relative 61–2, 63, 119

Mott, Nevill 284, 307, 310, 354

movement see motion

music of the spheres 75, 325–6


Neumann, Carl 99–100

Newton, Isaac 11, 12, 20–2, 119

on absolute motion 62

on absolute space 20, 62–3

on absolute time 20