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Giving me an odd look, she said, ‘I do not know, Me’heer. Sometimes he is there, sometimes not. I do not know where he lives.’

It was clear she thought it strange that I should ask. Not wanting to draw attention to myself, I gave a quick nod, as if it was of no importance, and made my way back to the inn.

That evening I decided to sit in a corner of the inn parlour, nursing a tankard of Dutch beer and doing as I had been instructed, keeping my eyes and ears open. Like the previous evening, it soon filled up with soldiers, mostly English, but a few Dutch, who came to eat and drink and play cards. They talked loudly of nothing in particular, complaints about the delays in their pay, an officer who bullied the younger men, the lack of decent boots. Nothing unusual. Very much the same kind of talk as I had heard at Dover Castle. A sudden angry argument erupted between one group of English soldiers and the Dutchmen, with accusations of slacking and cowardice being thrown about. It was starting to turn nasty when Niels Penders, the innkeeper, came through from the back room and broke up the impending fight. He was a big man, but his tactic was cheerfulness and jokes, not force, followed by free beer all round, which seemed to settle the dispute, for the moment at least.

There was nothing suspicious or even interesting in the soldiers’ talk. This evening there were few civilians in the inn, and no sign of Cornelius Parker. I wondered why he had been here the previous evening, when it did not seem to be an inn much frequented by the local Hollanders. I also wondered whether my encounter with him had been entirely a chance one. Could he have followed me? It seemed unlikely, and the idea probably sprang from the nervousness I felt at being alone in this foreign town, with no particular business to pursue. Yet I could not quite shake it off. Could Parker have discovered that I was here on errands for Walsingham, or had he seen us visiting the Earl yesterday? But why should that be of interest to a draper, a merchant dealing in expensive imported fabrics? All the Dutch merchants, I knew, suffered as a result of Spanish blockades of many of their ports. Their merchant vessels were forced to run the gauntlet of the Spanish ships which prowled the Channel, and were only able to sail down past the English coast under escort from Dutch or English warships before they could reach the Atlantic and make their way west to the New World or south to the Mediterranean and Africa. So it was in the interests of all the merchants for the war with Spain to be brought to an end by an English and Dutch victory.

Why had the beggar warned me against Parker?

Tired from my hours of walking over the snow-covered cobbles of Amsterdam and seeing little purpose in eavesdropping any longer on the soldiers’ talk, I decided to go to bed. On the way, I asked Niels Penders to send some hot water to my room. It arrived soon after I did, carried in by a girl of about my own age, the innkeeper’s daughter Anneke. She smiled and curtseyed, and set the bucket of steaming water down beside the table that held a jug and basin. When she was gone, I dragged the clothes coffer against the door to block it, poured the water into the basin, and stripped to the skin.

For days, ever since we had left London, I had slept in the same clothes I wore all day, and I felt tired and grubby. It was a luxurious pleasure to wash all over with the scrap of soap I had brought with me. I had no towel, but a fire had been laid in the small fireplace and after rubbing myself with my cloak I soon dried by toasting myself in front of it. I then washed out my stockings, my shirt and my undershift, wringing them out as best I could and draping them over a chair in front of the fire, which I made up with logs from a basket provided by the inn. I slipped my night shift over my head with a sigh of pure pleasure. Tonight, at least, I could sleep in comfort.

The coffer I left in place behind the door, but I laid my clean shirt, breeches and spare hose ready, in case I should need to dress in a hurry, and with that slid beneath the feather bed and blew out my candle. Within minutes I was asleep.

The next morning I woke slowly, vaguely aware of a cock crowing somewhere not far off, and the clatter of hooves beneath my window. The clothes I had washed, being of thin fabric, had dried in the night, so I folded them and packed them into my knapsack. I dressed in the clean clothes I had laid out and drew the coffer away from the door, hoping that no one would hear the noise I made. Before eating the previous night I had checked that the ostler had fed Hector, but I thought I would visit the stables before breaking my fast. It was still quite early, so it might be possible to call on Ettore Añez before he was too much caught up in the business of the day.

Hector seemed comfortable and well fed, so as soon as I had eaten I set off again on foot for Reiger Straat. There had been no further snow during the night, so what had already fallen was churned up and dirty with the passage of feet and stained with horse droppings. Perhaps because I knew the way, the house seemed nearer this time. The hoists and the barges were not yet as busy as they had been the day before, and only one man emerged from the door of the house at the sign of the Leaping Gazelle, so I decided to make my way up the shallow steps and knock.

The door was opened immediately by a smartly dressed servant who asked me something in Dutch. I replied in English.

‘Is this the home of Mijnheer Ettore Añez?’

‘Certainly, sir,’ he replied in faultless English, with no trace of accent. ‘Who shall I say is calling?’

‘Dr Christoval Alvarez,’ I said, ‘a friend of his cousin Sara Lopez from London.’

‘If you will wait here a moment, sir.’ He bowed and climbed the stairs to the next floor, where I heard the knock on a door and the murmur of voices. I might have been in a gentleman’s house in London, received by one of his upper servants.

The man came quickly downstairs again.

‘If you would follow me, Dr Alvarez?’

On the first floor he knocked at a door, then opened it without waiting for an answer, and I stepped inside. A large window faced the canal, filling the room with reflected light dancing off the water. As I entered, a tall man, thin and elegantly dressed, came towards me with both hands outstretched, beaming at me with genuine pleasure.

‘Dr Alvarez! My cousin has told me much about you and your father in her letters. I am delighted to meet you and to welcome you to Amsterdam.’ He turned to the servant who was just closing the door. ‘Alfred, bring us some refreshments.’

He indicated two comfortable chairs pulled close to the fire. ‘Please, please, sit down. You will take a little wine? You must tell me all the news of Sara and the children.’

It was not much more than an hour since I had eaten at the inn, but in courtesy I could not refuse. As I gave Ettore the latest news of Sara’s family, including the prospects for Anne’s marriage, the servant returned bearing a tray which he unloaded on to a table conveniently placed between the two chairs. A crystal and silver flagon of pale gold wine, two Venetian goblets, two fine linen table napkins, two silver gilt plates and another one loaded with a selection of sweetmeats, tiny sugared pastries, and marchpane shapes. It appeared that Ettore Añez lived every bit as well as the Earl of Leicester.

‘And are you in Amsterdam for long, Dr Alvarez?’ he asked. He was far too discreet to ask what my business here was.

‘Perhaps another week or ten days,’ I said. ‘I am awaiting the return of a colleague who had business elsewhere in the United Provinces.’ I had decided that Ettore Añez seemed a trustworthy man. He was, after all, the cousin of my oldest friend. I would not tell him everything, but I could see no harm in telling him what was common knowledge.

‘We have come from Sir Francis Walsingham, carrying despatches and letters for the Earl of Leicester.’

‘You have seen the Earl?’

‘Aye, the evening we arrived. The day before yesterday.’ I paused, then thought I would venture a question. ‘When we saw the Earl, there were two men dining with him: Sir John Worthington, one of his cavalry captains, and a Dutchman, Mijnheer van Leyden. I wondered whether you knew anything about them.’