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The ancient obelisks in Rome are all real and, as described in the story, feature unique pieces that sit atop them.

Mount Nebo is a very real place, as is the church from the story. There are many well-preserved mosaics from ancient times still visible to visitors.

The giant rolling stone and serpent sculpture are also real, and it is speculated that the stone really is the one that covered the grave of Jesus.

The burial place of Moses is a fascinating issue and could be a quest all its own. No one is sure where he was buried. Based on Deuteronomy in the Bible, it gives a location, but then suggests his body was later moved. Then the transfiguration of Jesus on the Mount of Olives suggests Moses was resurrected by God.

We will never know for sure in this life, I suppose, but it’s fun to consider.

Of course, Excalibur being buried beneath the giant rolling stone is pure fiction on my part. Or is it…?


The Secret of the Stones

The Cleric's Vault

The Last Chamber

The Grecian Manifesto

The Norse Directive

Game of Shadows

The Jerusalem Creed

The Samurai Cipher

The Cairo Vendetta

The Uluru Code

War of Thieves Box Set (An Adriana Villa Adventure)


To my 1st-3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Hurt. Thank you for teaching me how to read and write. And thanks for your patience.


None of my stories would be possible without the great input I get from incredible readers all over the globe. My advance reader group is such an incredibly unselfish and supportive team. I couldn't do any of this without them.

My editors, Anne Storer and Jason Whited, must also be thanked for their amazing work and guidance in crafting these stories. They make everything so much better for the reader.

Last but not least, I need to give a big thank you to Elena at L1 Graphics for the incredible cover art she always delivers, along with beautiful social media artwork.

Photograph of Excalibur by Eduardo Otubo.