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Even though they were speaking softly, their voices echoed faintly in the hall. Merlin took a few steps forward, cautiously. “Everyone keeps forgetting this was once your castle. You oversaw the construction, didn’t you?”

“Mm-hmm. Arthur will never make this place completely his.”

“I think he’s beginning to understand that, though not in the way you mean.”

“I hate it when you’re smug, Merlin.”

“I know, I know. Everyone does. What can I say?”

“Is there any food left?”

“I imagine so. If you scavenge about the hall I’m sure you’ll find some good meat and some of those honey cakes Arthur can’t resist.”

Pellenore began moving from table to table, piling plates with what he could find and munching as he went. Merlin watched him, outlined dimly in the light from the corridors. “Sooner or later he’ll catch you, you know. You can’t live in the walls forever.”

“I can until he realizes I’m not the one who killed his sons.”

“You know they were his sons?”

“You’d be amazed how well voices carry here. I’ve been eavesdropping on him every chance I get. You’re a fool to think you can trap anyone with this stunt you’re going to pull.”

“Let me worry about that, will you? What else have you heard? Has Mark said anything incriminating? Or Morgan, or Guenevere?”

“They’re royals-they’re politicians. Scheming is what they do. Everything they say is incriminating.” He bit into a joint of beef he’d found. “I’m happier living in the walls than I ever was outside.”

“Will you stay there, then? Even after we’ve found out the culprit? Will you live in the walls of the castle like a phantom?”

“I’ve been a phantom ever since Arthur took it from me, Merlin. And you know it.”

“I could sound the alarm. Call the guards. End this now.”

“Where do you think you could imprison me that I couldn’t escape from?”

Merlin shrugged. “Arthur has other castles.”

“Leave me to my own devices, will you, Merlin? I’m happier.”

“Tomorrow night. I shall unmask the twins’ killer tomorrow night. After that, you will have no reason to remain in hiding.”

“Suppose I tell you the beasts can’t find me when I’m behind the walls?”

“Suppose I remind you that you told me once you are only mad in one direction? And that direction is not into the walls.”

“Besides, Merlin, I prefer dragons to Arthur and his family and his courtiers. I could kill them all, you know. I could emerge from the castle walls while they’re asleep and do them in.”

“You make my mouth water, Pellenore. But you mustn’t do that. It’s taken all my powers of persuasion to keep them from tearing open the walls to find you as things stand. If you were to do a thing like that…” He spread his hands wide apart in a gesture of helplessness.

Arms laden with plates of food, Pellenore moved back to the door he’d entered through. “I could do it. You know it. I could kill them all and never be caught.”

“Them? If you’re going to kill anyone at all, why not go for the ones who’ve been plotting treason?”

“Good night, Merlin.”

“Good night. Sleep well, Pellenore, if you can. And drop any idea you may have of regicide, will you?”

The old king pulled the door shut behind him.

Merlin moved to the spot and ran his fingers along the wall. There was nothing detectable, not the least seam or crack. A moment later, from behind the wall, he heard the sound of stumbling and plates clattering to the floor, and Pellenore’s voice cursing.

First thing in the morning, Merlin was up and about. Nimue joined him. “I’m nervous, Merlin. The more I think about this, the more dangerous it seems.”

“It is dangerous for both of us. But I can’t see that we have any choice, not if we want to restore order here.”

“Even so. I’m having second thoughts, more and more of them.”

“Everything will be all right. Arthur will be armed, and he will have guards posted. We’ll be safe.”

“How many guards?”

“As many as can be, without arousing suspicion.”

“Suppose that isn’t enough?”

“Suppose fire rains down from the sky and kills us all?”

“Point taken. But Merlin-”

“Come on. The refectory should be crowded enough. Let us begin.”

Glumly, reluctantly, she followed him to the dining hall. It was full of people, many of them plainly feeling the effects of the previous night’s drinking. Merlin was pleased at this. “We don’t want anyone too terribly attentive or thoughtful-certainly not any of our suspects.”

Off in a corner of the refectory were two men, dressed in dingy clothes, clearly not nobles or even servants; these were laborers and it was unmistakable. Merlin approached them and shook their hands, and they all sat down together.

Their conversation was loud, uncharacteristically so, and people all around eavesdropped, most of them not trying to hide the fact.

“You understand what you’re to do?”

“Yes, sir,” said one of the men. “But-”

“Good. And you know which one I want, right?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Excellent. The other one was mutilated beyond hope. He would hardly be an apt subject.”

“But, sir, we’ve never done this before. It’s ugly; it’s not right.”

“It is for a good purpose. You may rest assured of that.”

“No good can come of a thing like this.”

“It will.”

This exchange had piqued the curiosity of everyone within easy earshot, which was precisely what Merlin wanted. “Have you had a good breakfast?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. Then go, now,” he told them. “The ground is frozen. It will be hard work, and it may take a good part of the day. I will see that the king rewards you amply.”

“Thank you, sir.” The two men rose and left.

Guenevere and Lancelot had been eating a few tables away. The queen could not restrain her curiosity. She got up and crossed to Merlin. “Fraternizing with the lower orders, Merlin?”

“They are good men, and I am no snob.”

She bristled at the implied criticism. “What was that all about?”

“Nothing, Guenevere. I was just taking care of some preliminaries for tonight.”


“Necessary steps. These things cannot be done haphazardly, you know. Everything must be arranged properly.”

Lancelot joined them. “What things? Who were those men?”

“Why, I thought you would recognize them. You’ve seen them before. And you’ve given them enough work.”

Guenevere snapped, “Don’t be coy with us, Merlin. Who were they?”

He smiled. “Why, the royal gravediggers, of course.”


“I don’t believe I’m hungry, after all.” He smiled at them. “I’ll just be going. Enjoy your meal, Guenevere.” Walking away, he added, as if it were an afterthought, “You too, Lancelot.”

For the rest of the day the castle was abuzz with gossip about Merlin, Arthur, the gravediggers and anything else that could support more than cursory speculation. Everywhere either Merlin or Nimue went, people plied them with questions, all of which went tactfully unanswered.

Merlin noticed that Morgan and Mordred remained in their rooms all day, having meals brought to them instead of dining with everyone else. “I don’t know whether to find it suspicious.”

He decided to pay them a visit. Beaming, overflowing with hearty good will, he went to Morgan’s chambers.

She was in a foul mood. “These rooms are drafty. I’m freezing.”

“This is a castle, Morgan. What do you expect?”

“If you’re going to work miracles with that damned crystal skull, why don’t you bring on spring?”

He was smug. “In time, Morgan.”

“In time spring will arrive on its own.”

“Such skepticism from the high priestess. I am shocked.”

“What do you want here, Merlin?”

“Why, no one’s seen you all day. I only wanted to make certain you are all right. And where is that handsome son of yours?”