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I felt, during those initial days, a clear and real sense of being in the hands of programming or engramming, from a very early period in my life, probably within the first four years of it; I was quite frightened, being unable to grasp what this indicated in terms of what it might cause me to do. However, it swiftly informed me via written material presented in dream after dream of the benign and reassuring quality of this Other which I had encountered deep within me—an Other which had been slumbering, inhibited by the GABA fluid until the proper signal released it to assume parity with me.

Now we function smoothly in synchronization, but at first I had to yield to it; rapidly it handled my problems in ways I never would have thought of. Resourceful and wise—and concerned always with the general good, not mine alone. Looking always clearly at the future.



Letter to Claudia Bush, November 26, 1974


Dear Claudia,

The other day I lay down and at once saw a hypnagogic vision of a great tall man with white thatched hair; he stood smiling, holding an enormous book. He wore white shining robes and sandals. At the same time a fragment of Greek flitted through my mind. At once I woke up and had Tessa research the Greek. This time it was for sure from the Pauline Texts; with her various reference books she was able to establish that it was from Hebrews 7:26,16 that that particular sequence of words appears nowhere else in the New Testament. What is interesting is that I had just been reading a book of excerpts of Jung in which he discussed—at the part I’d been reading—a passage from Hebrews 7:17,17 just a few lines previous. I’ve never read Hebrews and certainly not in Greek. After reading the Jung I fell asleep and saw the person described in that section of Hebrews: an ancient Hebrew priest considered by the Christian theologians to have been a Logos incarnation prefiguring that of Christ. I’ve believed for some time that the snatches of Greek I hear at night are from the Pauline Texts, but couldn’t prove it before.

This is all a feedback system, where I’m given information I couldn’t possibly have on my own; best of all is like this when he or they can complete a sequence, especially in the original tongue. I read in Jung a quote from Hebrews 7:17; ten minutes later I dream from Hebrews 7:26 in Paul’s own Greek. If you study theories of information transfer and communication, especially between different cultures (as for example in our attempts to get in touch with extraterrestrial entities, the CETI program, etc.) this is what would be theoretically striven for; this is ideal. We start a logical or math sequence and they complete it and return to us the missing integers. You can see that this is precisely what has been happening in my head. That I am in direct mind-to-mind touch with extraterrestrial intelligence systems has been obvious to me for some time, but what this means is not in any way obvious.

By the way—I’ve now found the section in Virgil’s Aeneid which so many of my early “dreams” pointed to: it is Book Six. Also I’ve found that a number of my dreams are visions of Canto XXVIII of Dante’s “Purgatorio” from the Comedy. This is linked directly to Virgil, of course, who has been Dante’s guide up to this Canto. I learn much from all this, much which is specific (you would not believe the research I’ve been doing).

It’s not all that meaningful to talk about being in contact with extraterrestrial intelligences; these are new words to describe ancient experiences. Virgil in Book Six says:

. . . for immanent Mind, flowing through all its parts and leaving its mass, Makes the universe work.

Obviously “Immanent Mind” could be called “extraterrestrial intelligence.”* So there is nothing new in what I’ve experienced, just new terms. Basically this is a religious experience, but also it is more because we are no longer a religious world; I am a secular person in a secular society and must understand my experiences in this context. Otherwise even if I understand them I can’t communicate them.

Well, Claudia, I will tell you what I think They are telling me via graphic visions and written and audio material. Enclosed you will find three pages I already wrote (I hope I didn’t send them to you already), but recently I came across this “Fourth Eclogue” of Virgiclass="underline"

Now comes the final age announced in the Cumaean Sibyl’s chant; The great succession of epochs is born anew. >Now the Virgin returns; the reign of Saturn returns; Now a new race descends from heaven on high. O chaste Lucina (goddess of births)! smile upon the boy just born. In whose time the race of iron shall first cease, And a race of gold shall arrive throughout the world. Thine own Apollo is now King.

When I was possessed back in March it was justice which I first sought out everywhere, which was most important to me. I think that the Cumaean sibyl’s prophecy has not been fulfilled. (Virgil’s Eclogue is based on an actual prophesy which she made slightly before the Christian Era.) My “dreams” have led me to this Eclogue intentionally; the information is here. When you read the enclosed three pages you will see how close to realizing this I already was (I wrote them about 45 days or more ago). I believe that after an absence of between 2,000 and 2,600 years the immortals are now beginning to return, with Justice first.

The actual esoteric purpose of early Christianity was for the worshippers to be possessed by their god, as with other mystery cults and religions.* That which possessed them then in the First Century A.D. possessed me back in March, but I identify Him more as Apollo than as the Holy Spirit described by Paul. I think He appears to different cultures under different names; to the Greeks one, to the Hebrews as Elijah, and so forth. He is plasmatic, immortal, and the great civilizing influence of Greece and Egypt and Persia. He can divide himself, being plasmatic. To me he brought reason, so I see him as Apollo . . . but interestingly, this fits what the Sibyl predicted. It is a Greek god-possession experience I went through, not Jewish. Assuming that what Virgil calls Immanent Mind transcends each individual possession, then there is no problem in drawing them all together into an integration. These are specific agencies of an overall sentient, living entity.