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Group of buffaloes in the National Museum. 546–548.


Habits of the bison, 415–426.

Hair of the buffalo, uses of the, 449.

Half-breeds of the Northwest Territories, 436, 474, 488, 504.

Hannaford, Mr. J. M., letter from, 507.

“Harper’s Magazine,” quotation from, 483.

Harris, Capt. Moses, 521.

Harris, Mr. Robert, courtesies extended by, 530.

Haskins, Mr. Edward, train-master, 544.

Hawley, Hon. J. R., 517.

Hazen, General W. B., on buffalo slaughter, 514, 516.

Hedley, Mr. George H., with expedition for bison 531.

Hennepin, Father, bison seen in Illinois by, 388.

Herds, list of captive bison, 458–464.

Hides, buffalo, 445, 505, 506, 507.

High Divide, 535, 536, 538, 542.

Hind, Prof. H. Y., 407, 476, 478.

Holman, Hon. W. S., 516.

Hornaday, W. T., group of bison by, 546–548.

Horns of the American bison, 405, 407.

Huguenot settlers, domestication of bison by, 379, 451.

Hunting the buffalo, method of

— decoying and driving, 483.

— horseback, 470.

— impounding, 478.

— on snow shoes, 484.

- “still-hunt,” 465.

- “surround,” 480.

Hunting on the Musselshell River, 539.

Hybrid, the buffalo-domestic, 454–457.


Idaho, 383.

Illinois, 385–388.

Impounding buffaloes, 478.

Indiana, 385.


— responsibility of, for buffalo slaughter, 506.

— robes marketed by northern, 505.

— share of the, in buffalo destruction, 478, 480, 483, 484, 489, 490, 500, 505, 506, 512.

— starving for lack of the buffalo, 526.

— who subsisted on the buffalo, 526.


Jones, Mr. C. J., breeding of buffaloes, by, 452, 454, 456.

— buffaloes captured by, 458, 523.

— buffalo herd owned by, 458.


Kansas, 391, 424, 496, 501.

Kasson, Hon. J. A., 517.

Kenaston, Prof. C. A., 505.

Kentucky, 388, 420.

Keogh, Fort, 509,

Kœleria cristata, 429.


Lewis and Clark, buffaloes seen by, 389, 483.

Lincoln Park, Chicago, buffaloes in, 462.

Loco weed not eaten by the buffalo, 429.

Louisiana, 380.


Macoun, Prof. John, 524, 526.

“Manitoba and the great Northwest,” 524, 526.

Maryland, 378.

McCormick, Hon. R. C., 514, 516, 518.

McGillycuddy, Dr. V. T., buffaloes owned by, 462.

McNaney, Mr. James, 421, 424, 467, 534, 537, 538, 540, 542.

Meat of the buffalo, 446, 448.

Mental capacity of the American bison, 429–434.

Merrill, Dr. J. C., 530, 545.

Mexico, 381.

Migrating habits of the buffalo, 389, 420, 424–425.

Miles City, Montana, 531, 534, 541.

Miller, Mr. Roswell, courtesies extended by, 530.

Minnesota, 385.

Mississippi, 380.

Monograph on “The American Bison,” 387.

Montana, 421, 508, 509, 510, 511.

“Mountain buffalo,” 407–412.

Mounted skins of buffaloes, 396, 412, 546–548.

Museum, National, 395, 527, 546.

Musselshell River, 535, 539.


National Museum, live buffaloes at the, 395, 463, 527.

— mounted buffaloes in the, 396, 397, 401, 402, 405, 406, 407, 546–548.

Nelson, Mr. E. W., 385.

New Mexico, 383.

New York, 385.

Northern herd, destruction of the, 502–513.

Northern Pacific Railway, 502, 507, 511, 513.

courtesies extended by, 530.

Northwest Territories (British), 384, 408, 489, 523.


Ohio, 385.

Omaha Indians, buffalo hunting by, 477.

Oregon, 389.

Oregon trail, 491.


Partello, Lieut. J. M. T., 509.

Peace River, buffaloes on the, 524.

Pelage of the American bison, 396, 414, 415, 442, 453.

Pemmican, 447.

Pennsylvania, the buffalo in, 386, 387, 420, 485.

Pennsylvania Railway, courtesies extended by, 530.

Phillips, Mr. Henry R., courtesies extended by, 531, 545.

“Plains of the Great West,” 389, 391, 409.

Poa tenuifolia, 429.

Porcupine Creek, buffaloes on, 512, 522, 532.

Products of the buffalo, 434–451.

Protection of American animals, 435, 520, 521.

— the bison possible, 435, 520.


Ranch, LU-bar, 532, 543.

the HV, 534, 544.

Railways, influence of the, in buffalo slaughter, 490–493, 507.

Rank of the American bison, 393.

Reasoning faculty of the bison, 429–430.

Recuperative power of the bison, 426.

Red Buttes, 531.

Red River half-breeds, 474, 488.

“Red River Settlement,” 436, 450, 474, 475.

Regan, the Hon. Mr., 518.

Robe of the American bison, 441–445, 453, 470.

— best season for taking, 442.

— preparation of the, 442, 443, 470.

— trade in, 513.

— utilization of, 411, 505.

— value of, 394, 444, 445.

— varieties and classification of, 443, 444.

Ross, Mr. Alexander (see “Red River Settlement.”)

“Running” buffaloes, 470.

Running power and habits of the buffalo, 422, 430, 431.

Russell, Mr. L. S., 534, 536, 537, 538.


Sage brush, 547.

Sand Creek, Montana, 534, 535, 538.

Schulz, Dr., on the buffalo in Athabasca, 523–524.

Secretary of War, favors extended by, 530–545.

Shufeldt, Dr. R. W., on mountain buffaloes, 411.

Sibley, Hon. H. H., 474.

“Sioux City Journal,” quotation from, 503.

Sioux Indiana, destruction of buffaloes by, 490, 497, 500, 505.

Slaughter of the buffalo, 486–513.

Smith, Mr. V., 510, 512.

Smithsonian Butte, 539.

Smithsonian Institution expedition for buffaloes, 522, 529–546.

Snow-shoes, hunting buffaloes on, 484.

Southern buffalo herd, destruction of, 492–502.

“Spike” bull buffalo, 401.

“Star, Washington,” description from the, 546–548.

Starin, Mr. J. H., buffaloes owned by, 463.

Statistics of the slaughter of the southern herd, 498–502.

buffaloes now living, 458–461, 525.

Stephenson, Dr. William, 522.

Still hunt, 465–510.

Stipa comata, 429.

— sparica, 428.

— viridula, 429.

Stub-horn bull, killed by author, 542.


Tepee, hides required for a, 505.

Temper of the bison, 434.

Tennessee, 388.

Texas, existence the bison in, 374, 381, 501, 502.

Thompson, Lieut. C. B., 545.

Thompson, Mr. Frank, courtesies extended by, 530.

“Times, Kansas City,” quotation from, 461.


Ullman, Mr. Joseph buffalo product handled by, 394.

Utah, 383.

Utilization of the buffalo, 437.


Value of the bison to man, 434–451, 526.

Value of a single bison on the range, 435, 436.

— buffalo to cattle-growers, 451, 458.

— buffalo-robe, 498.

— products handled by two firms, 439–440.

Varner, Mr. Allen, 491.

Virginia, the buffalo in, 376, 378, 379.


Wastefulness in buffalo slaughter, 494, 496–498, 510.