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Not long afterwards, the room fell silent as Cordus Landsaver entered the Hall, accompanied by two Knights. One of them had long white hair and beard, his face covered in many lines and wrinkles. He wore a plain, pale robe. He walked slowly, using a cane to help him along. The other, wearing a blue cloak, was bald and had a short black beard and stern eyes. The bald man and Cordus walked with deliberately slow steps to keep pace with the elderly man. Cordus positioned himself before the fireplace, and the other two took a seat with the Green Knights.

"I know everyone is hungry," Cordus said, "and so you'll be happy to learn that I haven't come to make a speech. However, we cannot begin the feast until my Tower Masters arrive. They should be along shortly." With that, he sat down with the High Council, in a special chair reserved in his honor.

A man dressed in a crimson robe and a feathered hat of the same color came in and stood before the fireplace. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with long black hair pulled back in a ponytail. His blue eyes twinkled with amusement, and his square jaw with bushy sideburns was set in a good-natured grin. "Greetings, new Squires of Dremlock Kingdom. I am Crestin Lightwielder-magician and general entertainer of Dremlock. It appears we have time for a song or two, while we wait for the Tower Masters. I'm sure they'll be here very soon, my young friends!"

Everyone waited patiently while Crestin played a haunting melody, which he called The Fall of Serenlock Castle, on a flute. Lannon was reminded of the crumbling ruins in the Northern Hills, and for a moment a deep sadness washed over him that he didn't quite understand. Then he remembered the statue of Tenneth Bard-the Black Knight and the founder of the Blood Legion-and his sadness turned into a shudder as he envisioned the statue's insane eyes staring down upon him.

The song was rather long, and afterwards, when the Tower Masters still failed to appear, the Green Knights exchanged irritated looks. They kept glancing at a Dragon Clock on the wall, which indicated-with some of its scales changing from red to silver-that it was around 2:30 in the afternoon. They began muttering quietly to each other and shaking their heads.

Finally Crestin began a speech about Knightly virtues and how fortunate the Squires were to have been chosen. Then he rambled on about glory, honor, and the wonderful deeds of Kuran Darkender and some other great Knights. Lannon listened for a while and then his attention began to wander. Suddenly Crestin pulled a shining object from his cloak. He flicked his wrist and tossed a green fireball into the air, where it hung for a moment. Then, as the Squires watched in awe, it exploded into shafts of red and white flame that zigzagged around the room, just barely missing everyone and everything.

Chaos ensued for a moment, as Squires and Council members ducked their heads and shielded their faces. This was followed by laughter and cheers when they realized no one was being harmed. The flaming shafts fizzled out.

The Squires applauded loudly.

Crestin smiled. "Nothing to be amazed at, Squires. Just run-of-the-mill fireworks that any sorcerer worth his salt could produce." Unconvinced by Crestin's humble words, the Squires begged for more.

"Well," said Crestin. "It appears that I have time for a bit more entertainment. Let's see now…who can I make disappear? Feager Stoutheart? Gorain Gloryfinder? Zender Knightsblood? Let me think about this…. "

Before he got a chance to perform any more tricks, the tower's front door opened and in walked Taris and Furlus. Apparently they were arguing about something, as a few last insults were exchanged.

"And I won't see it done," growled Furlus, "because I've had enough of your idiotic ideas. And that's the end of it!"

"So then we're late for nothing," Taris grumbled back. "And in this case, I refuse to take the blame. Now be quiet and try to act respectable."

They spoke in low voices, but not low enough-as everyone in the Hall could hear what was said. Some of the Green Knights scowled with displeasure. Crestin Lightwielder struggled to contain his laughter.

Furlus straightened his armor and grinned, nodding. Taris bowed. Politely, the Green Knights rose and nodded back. The Tower Masters sat down, and the feast began. Orange Squires brought platters of food from the kitchen, and soon the tables were covered in them. Once Lannon caught scent of the food, his anxiety vanished and he ate heartily the juicy meats, soups, vegetables, puddings, and breads-all the while wondering if they would always feast this well. He washed it down with a mug of milk and then sat back, his belly hurting from too much food, which certainly was not the best way to head into the Color Trials.

After the meal, the two Tower Masters walked to the stone fireplace and stood with their backs to it. They greatly contrasted each other-one being tall, lean, and cloaked in shadow and the other being short, bearded, and enormously stocky. Furlus cleared his throat, then turned and whispered something to Taris. The sorcerer shook his head and motioned towards the Squires.

"Uh…hello, good Squires," Furlus said loudly, clearing his throat. "First let me say that you're a fine looking bunch and I hope you do well. Now to get right to the point, the Color Trials are made of five tests-the Blackstone, the Wall of Fire, the Wood, the Flaming Blade, and the Toadstool. I shall oversee the Blackstone, and Taris shall stage the Wall of Fire and the Flaming Blade. Vesselin Hopebringer, Lord of the White Knights, shall stage the Toadstool, and Carn Pureheart, Lord of the Blue Knights, shall stage the Wood."

"Remember," Taris said, "these tests alone will determine your class of Knight. Also bear in mind that sometimes success in a Trial is judged by effort and attitude. But regardless, just give everything you have and be satisfied with the results. These Color Trials are centuries old and have been perfected so there is little margin for error. We can determine precisely what class of Knight you should be, if any. You were chosen as Squires either because of Knightly Essence or natural talent, and in order to be picked for a class other than Orange, you must participate in each of the Trials. Boys and girls, weak and strong-there are no exceptions. When all is said and done, just accept your fate graciously and count your blessings. And may the Divine Essence warm you all. Now, if you'll follow us in an orderly fashion, we can get this task underway."


The Trial Grounds consisted of a round pavilion in a clearing behind the tower. The pavilion had a peaked roof, with a black and silver flag standing atop it that bore the Crest of Dremlock. Eight pillars held up that roof, and in between the pillars were rows of seats for spectators, except for one open space that marked the entrance. Most of the High Council was present. Cordus Landsaver sat with the Council members, cloaked in silver and sipping at a huge mug of something, with an Orange servant at his side. Three Brown Knights were also there, including Cartlan, along with several Orange Squires who stood ready to serve. Yet many of the seats were empty, adding to the eerie feeling that Dremlock Kingdom was practically deserted.

It was a bright and warm summer day, yet a strange feeling lurked in the air. The Knights' faces were tense and humorless. It was not the festive scene Lannon had always imagined, to say the least. It was quiet, rigid, and hurried. The Squires were brought close to the pavilion's edge, at the entrance, but were not allowed to go up the steps. They were expected to wait on the ground-sixty-three Squires in all-until called upon to enter. The two Tower Masters stood off to one side in the pavilion, conversing with each other, while two Orange Squires carried forth a large black rock and a pair of silver gauntlets and laid them near the center of the floor.

Furlus stepped to edge of the pavilion, looking down upon the Squires, and spoke. "You will be called upon one by one. You must try to lift the Blackstone off the floor. If you fail on your first attempt, you will be allowed to use the silver gauntlets, which possess magic that can increase your strength. Once you've made your second attempt, for better or worse, you must leave the pavilion and another Squire will be summoned to take your place."