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Cordus cleared his throat, looking a bit sheepish. "So to get back to my tale, Kuran Darkender served as Lord Knight for thirty-seven years, and during that time Dremlock prospered. All three towers were completed, the Goblins were beaten back nearly to extinction, and business in Silverland was faring well. But then the evils that dwell in the Olrog mines rose against us, and a battle was fought below Dremlock Kingdom. As difficult as it is to believe, and as sorrowful, Kuran Darkender fell in combat with something of dastardly powers. His body, however, was never found-just his sword and his breastplate, left in a pool of blood. The sword was notched and the breastplate sheared through. Whatever killed him, Squires, was powerful enough to cleave magical Dwarven armor forged of Glaetherin-and it was powerful enough to take the life of the most talented and blessed Knight in our history.

"Now if this tale doesn't keep some of you Squires from trying to venture where you shouldn't go-you must certainly wish for death. For make no mistake, young ones, death lurks below Dremlock even as I speak!

"But that is enough talk of such things. I shall now read the Five Sacred Laws of Dremlock, as they apply to Squires." He motioned to the Orange Squires, and one by one, each came forward and handed him a scroll, which he read aloud.

"Squires shall never reveal the secrets of Dremlock to outsiders.

"Squires shall never enter a forbidden area.

"Squires shall not partake in relationships of any kind relating to marriage.

Squires shall never have dealings of any sort with the Deep Shadow or its children.

"Squires shall never use their powers for unjust purposes."

When finished, Cordus stood in silence for a time, as if giving the Squires a chance to think about what he had said. Then he continued. "Anyone who breaks one or more of the Five Sacred Laws can-and probably will-be instantly cast from the order. There are many other rules as well, which need no list. These are common-sense rules, such as never disobeying a Master without proper cause, and never sneaking out past bedtime or skipping training sessions. Take heart in knowing the Laws also apply to Knights and even myself-the Lord Knight.

"Some of you may wonder why you cannot marry when you get a little older. Well, the purity of Dremlock demands a sacrifice. We are Divine Knights-Holy Knights if you will. We cannot allow for distractions. However difficult it may seem at times, such thoughts and yearnings must be vanquished from our minds. Yet when we turn in our Books and retire, we are free of that one Law, and may then marry. The Sacred Laws were created by the Divine Essence and must be obeyed!

"That is all for now, Squires. You should now return to your quarters for the evening. Tomorrow you begin your training."

Garrin Daggerblood turned to the three Blue Squires. "Go to the East Tower for now. I have other business I must attend to. If you wish, you can visit the Library and read some books. There are lots of fascinating ones in there. Some even tell of Kuran Darkender's exploits."

"Can't we just wander around a bit?" asked Vorden.

"I'm afraid not," said Garrin. "New Squires are not allowed to just roam the kingdom at will. Always one of your trainers must know where you are."

"We'll see about that," Vorden whispered, believing only Lannon-who was standing closest to him-could make out what he'd said.

Garrin raised his eyebrows. "What did you say, Vorden?"

"I said that's probably for the better, Master Garrin."

Garrin frowned and nodded. "I'll see you a bit later then." With that, he left the Temple, giving a backwards glance at Vorden as he departed.

"That Garrin fellow has good hearing," said Vorden. "Still, we could linger a bit if we wanted to-you know, sneak around some. But I suppose it wouldn't be wise to risk getting in trouble before our training even begins. Come on, then. I guess we'll just head to the East Tower like the man said." He moved off towards the door, with Lannon and Timlin exchanging a relieved glance before following.

Chapter 8: The Passage of Days

The training was rigorous. The Squires were awakened at the first light of dawn by Garrin Daggerblood and sent to the Great Hall in Furlus' tower, where they were allowed a quick breakfast with the other Squires. Cartlan then led them out to where the pavilion stood, but their lessons took place under open sky. For the first three hours they did nothing but work on physical strength-lifting heavy weights and wielding weapons some of them could barely even lift, such as hammers, axes, and broadswords.

Furlus Goblincrusher was on hand to give advice on technique, but Cartlan oversaw the actual exercises. Cartlan was in a serious mood (perhaps because Furlus was present), lacking his usual smirk and malicious attitude. Some of the Squires, like Vorden, excelled at this training, while others, like Lannon and Timlin, did poorly and grew sore and weary much sooner than the rest.

After that, for the next three hours they were taught battle skills like swordplay, shield use, and bow practice. Timlin mastered the bow more quickly than all the others, with Vorden and Lannon faring among the best as well. Vorden struggled fiercely to beat Timlin out, but Timlin effortlessly maintained an edge over him with the bow. Timlin grew ever more enthusiastic and delighted, while Vorden kept muttering, shaking his head, and cursing himself.

During the training, the Squires began to falter. They had been provided with light chain mail, but it seemed to grow very heavy as the hours wore on and it chafed their flesh. It was a hot day, and sweat poured off of them, burning their eyes. Lannon often found himself wondering how much more his body could take, yet surprisingly Timlin, in spite of his struggles with any task involving physical strength, never lost his eagerness and never once voiced a word of complaint. Lannon drew strength from Timlin's spirit.

Finally, following Cartlan's instructions, the Squires gathered in the pavilion's seats, wondering what was next and hoping it was nothing physically demanding. They sat with grim, weary faces-some rubbing strained muscles and other sore spots. Taris Warhawk stood on the pavilion floor, a relaxed, shadowy form who seemed incapable of feeling their doubts and physical pains.

"Greetings, Squires," Taris began. "I know you have been pushed very hard this day. Even though it is not even lunchtime yet, many of you already stand at the breaking point and wonder how you can possibly go on. You may also wonder how you could ever get up tomorrow morning and do this again. Yet tomorrow you will be allowed to rest for the entire day."

Like all the Squires, Lannon's body grew used to such strenuous activities over time. He found his second training session a little easier than the first. After the battle training, they were sent to the Temple for two hours of history and educational lessons. Lannon was surprised to find that some of the Squires didn't even know how to read or write, and some knew virtually nothing of Goblins and were horrified to discover what they were truly like. Lannon loved these two hours of schooling. It gave him a chance to sit and relax after his rigid training, and he learned many things about the history of Dremlock and the surrounding lands.

After the educational lessons, the Squires retired to their quarters for rest and healing meditation, and they were given the following day off from training as well. This pattern of training, resting, and study lessons ran on for two months, and during that time, the Squires all got stronger and more skilled at weapons. But still they learned no sorcery and received no special training. They were provided with clothing and other basic necessities, but they were given no money-as only Knights and Orange Squires received payment for their services.