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Furlus shone his lantern through the doorway. Then he muttered a curse and stepped within. The others followed. Twelve rectangular stone coffins lay side by side in the chamber beyond, each one bearing the symbol of the crimson axe. The lids had been smashed or tossed aside, and bones and skulls now lay scattered here and there. A couple of the skulls had been smashed into pieces, as if from being stomped on by a heavy foot. If there had been any treasure in the coffins, it was undoubtedly missing. Tracks in the dust led around the room and then to another stone door.

"Who would dare commit such an outrage?" growled Furlus.

"It was done long ago," said Saranna. "For the dust lies undisturbed for the most part. Whoever recently came through here simply examined the coffins, and then exited the room. They did not commit this act of vandalism."

"Lannon," said Taris, "I need you to search for the scroll again."

"It isn't in this room," said Lannon. He felt that it lay beyond the door-along with the creeping darkness. He pointed. "I think it's in there."

As they approached the door, Furlus motioned everyone to halt. He pointed to some yellow, odd-looking bones beside the door. A silver pike lay amid the bones. "A trap in the wall did that," he said. "Let me make sure it is disarmed."

Furlus poked at the wall on both sides of the chamber with a dagger, before grunting in satisfaction. "The trap has already been disarmed," he said. "And that, at least, is a good sign for us. It might mean any other traps-and I'll guarantee you these tombs will be full of them-are disarmed as well."

"But by whom or what?" said Taris.

No one had an answer.

The Grey Dwarf pulled open the door. Like the entrance door, this one bore a shattered lock. The lantern light revealed a much larger chamber, the edges of which were lost in darkness. The coffins in here were bigger and engraved with elaborate runes, and they were positioned around an altar at the center of the room. Barrels, crates, and rusted mining tools lay scattered everywhere, as well as bones strewn around from the coffins. It seemed that everything the Olrog miners had possessed had been dragged into this chamber. They had made their final stand amid their dead, protecting the tombs with their last breaths.

Stone steps led up to the altar, where stood a large statue of a horned, man-like beast holding a crimson battle axe. The beast's skin was scaly, and it had claws, a tail, and a fanged snout. Its body was massively muscled, and something in the way it stood spoke of a confidence and sturdiness of will that matched its physical might. Despite its savage appearance, its eyes were calm and wise, and it held its head high with pride.

"Graylius, our ancient god," whispered Furlus, nodding towards the statue. "The Olrogs of Grayforge Kingdom still worship him to this day, while all other Grey Dwarves have sought to sever any connection to Tharnin and the Deep Shadow."

"Lannon," whispered Taris, "locate the scroll and any dangers that might be lurking in the shadows close by."

Lannon hesitated, his throat tightening. He felt there was no way he could bear the burden of what the Eye would show him in this chamber. The glimpse from above had been bad enough, but now that he was right in it….

"What's wrong?" said Taris.

"I'm afraid," Lannon admitted, "of what I might see."

"I understand," said Taris. "And so what you must do is stay focused on your tasks. Ignore anything not related to the two objectives I have laid out for you. Do not let your curiosity dictate your will. You command the Eye. Bear that in mind."

Lannon nodded. Slowly he reached out with the Eye, commanding it to find the scroll. It instantly located it, on the other side of the altar. A dead body lay there as well, which Lannon did not examine. The Eye seemed to act on its own, seeking to read the scroll as if it were curious, but Lannon shifted it away, searching for any nearby danger. Frightful images sought to draw the Eye's attention, but Lannon did as Taris had instructed and ignored them, staying focused on his task. He discovered no dangers, but he knew something evil lurked down here. Somehow the thing was hiding from his gaze.

"The scroll is beyond the altar," Lannon whispered. "I didn't sense any danger, but I know something is down here. Something very powerful."

"You have done well," said Taris.

"Allow me to go," said Shennen. "I can sneak through the shadows and retrieve the scroll. The rest of you can stay and protect the Squires. I will move swiftly and silently, that we may exit this chamber without incident."

Taris nodded. "Good luck, my friend."

"Can I go with him?" Timlin said.

Everyone stared at Timlin in surprise. Furlus patted the boy on the shoulder, and nodded approvingly. The scrawny lad was clearly shaking from head to toe, but he held a determined look in his eyes. And he gazed at Shennen with deep admiration.

"Timlin, are you crazy?" whispered Vorden. "I cannot figure you out!"

Shennen smiled. "I admire your courage, Timlin. But I must do this task alone. Your time will come. For now, wait and keep watch for danger."

With that, the Blue Knight vanished into the shadows.

Several moments passed, while the others waited impatiently, but still Shennen did not return. Furlus began to mumble under his breath.

Several more moments went by, and then the Olrog muttered, "Shouldn't take this long to grab a scroll, now should it?"

"No, it should not," said Taris. "Yet we will wait a bit longer."

When, after another period of waiting, Shennen still did not show, Taris sighed. "Furlus, guard the Squires. I'm going to find out what became of Shennen."

"If anyone goes over there," said Furlus, "it should be me. You need to stay with Lannon and the other young ones."

"My power will be needed to defeat this foe," said Taris.

"Then we all go," said Furlus. "We can't turn back now and leave Shennen to his fate. I think we have made a mistake. We should have stayed on the trail of the assassin, and returned later-with more numbers-for the scroll."

"It is too late to dwell on that," said Taris. "Squires, huddle close to each other. Sneaking will not avail us here, for this enemy already knows of our presence." Taris made his stone dagger burn with a white-hot glow that extended beyond the lantern light, yet their enemy had many places to hide amid the coffins, crates, barrels, buckets, and mining equipment that filled the room. And the altar still blocked their vision. In the new light, another stone door was revealed. This one stood partially open.

As they cautiously moved around the altar, Furlus, who was in the lead, let out a gasp. "What in Tharnin is this evil?" he said.

Two human-shaped figures were encased in some slimy, green substance and stuck to the stone wall. Just the edge of a blue cloak was visible, poking out of the slime near one figure's feet. Neither figure was moving. Lying on the floor near them was a golden cylinder.

"Shennen!" cried Caldrek, his eyes narrowing. "What could have done this?" Caldrek raced over to the figure whose blue cloak was partially visible. He pulled away handfuls of slime that sought to stick to his skin. Meanwhile, Furlus swiped up the golden cylinder and stuck it in his backpack.

Saranna rushed to Caldrek's side to help. They managed to free Shennen's face, but his eyes were closed and his head hung limp. He did not appear to be breathing. Timlin let out a snarl, his face twisting with disbelief and anger. He held forth his flayer, turning about, seeking the enemy.