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"Maybe we should go back," said Lannon.

"Let's go just a little farther," said Vorden.

"I think the others are dead," said Timlin, shivering.

"I feel that way now, too," said Aldreya.

"It has something to do with this area," said Vorden. "It's like the Bloodlands, making us feel as if things are hopeless."

"I feel like everything is crazy," said Aldreya "What are we doing here? What's happening to Dremlock? I never thought it would be this way."

"I didn't either," said Lannon. "It seems like ever since we snuck into Old Keep, things have gotten strange. Now someone wants me dead."

"I know what you mean," said Vorden, stopping and turning to them. "I always imagined the life of a Squire would be somewhat exciting-but nothing like this. I wanted adventure, but not necessarily this much, this soon."

"When I first came to Dremlock," said Aldreya, "I had no idea things were this bad here. I grew up in Borenthia, the great Birlote tree city to the west, and all my life all I ever heard was how wonderful Dremlock was. I dreamt of being a Knight from the time I was a little girl." She giggled, and then sighed. "I finally got my wish, for my parents had it planned for me all along. It is a tradition among my family."

Aldreya bowed her head. "I've worked really hard, but lately I've been starting to wonder what it's all worth. Is Dremlock just going to fall apart soon? I miss Borenthia very much, and lately Dremlock leaves me feeling empty inside."

The others had nothing to say. They wondered the same thing. Would all their training end up being for nothing, if the Goblins prevailed?

Vorden put his hand on Aldreya's shoulder. "It's not really that bad. Somehow, the Divine Essence will make things right. I know it will."

Aldreya blushed. "I hope so."

They started off again. Soon afterward, the tunnel narrowed into a crawl space. The rocks bruised their knees. This didn't last long, and they soon emerged onto a ledge. They stood up, choking on the foul stench, striving to see beyond the lantern light. The ledge was narrow, and a sheer cliff dropped away into the darkness, spider-webbed with black Iracus roots. Down below they could hear hideous sucking and feasting noises, along with swaying and creaking sounds, and an occasional hiss or screech that sounded like Goblins.

Timlin huddled close to Vorden and Lannon.

"What's down there?" whispered Lannon.

"Probably Iracus Trees," said Vorden. "Look at all those roots on the side of the cliff. There must be a lot of those trees down there!"

Suddenly it dawned on Lannon. "That must be the Mother Nest that Furlus mentioned. The Goblins must be feeding. Who knows how many are down there? Vorden, let's get out of here now!"

"Let's just see where this ledge leads," Vorden said. "Then we'll turn back."

"Not this again!" whispered Lannon. Grim memories of Old Keep flooded back, and he silently cursed Vorden. Why did Vorden have to be like this?

"Turn back!" Timlin begged.

"Vorden-you are not putting me through this again," said Aldreya. "This time, we will just leave you behind. I swear we will."

But onward Vorden went, ignoring their pleas. Unwilling to abandon him at this point, the others followed. The ledge ended at another tunnel.

"Come on," he said. " I think I hear water."

They listened carefully, faintly hearing what sounded like a river up ahead. Yet it was hard to tell from this distance exactly what the noise was.

"Let's see if the others are by that river," said Vorden. "When we get close enough, you can use the Eye to help find them."

"I guess we can go a little farther," said Lannon, "now that we're past those Iracus Trees. But I'm starting to feel wretched."

"I feel so bad inside," said Aldreya, "and that smell…"

They could walk upright in the next tunnel, and it led them along for a short distance and then into a large chamber. They walked around the edge of this room and saw many tunnels, all of which looked the same.

Finally Vorden paused, fear in his eyes. For several moments no one said a word, while Lannon, Timlin, and Aldreya waited in dread for him to tell them what was wrong. Finally he said, "I made a big mistake. I'm not sure which tunnel is the one we came in here through. Have any of you kept count?"

They shook their heads.

"It looks like we'll have to go back and try them all," said Vorden. "I have no idea which way we should go, and the river sounds like it's coming from all around us now, only still far away. This isn't going to work. I've come to realize we need to go back to Dremlock and get help."

"Good idea!" the others quickly agreed.

"A little late in coming, though," Aldreya grumbled.

Yet before they got a chance to start back, the lantern suddenly died, plunging the chamber into utter blackness. In an instinctive panic, Lannon tried to flee in any direction he could, but cold fingers suddenly gripped his throat, and the whispers of flame burned into his soul, paralyzing him. A quiet laugh reached his ears from mere inches away, and hot breath was on his cheek. Two insane eyes burned in the dark.

"Tenneth Bard!" Lannon thought, his legs going weak.

"Greetings, Squires of Dremlock," came a quiet voice. "Are you surprised to meet me here? Did you think I would be hiding away somewhere, protected by my Goblins? Well, if you want something done right… Anyway, so here I am. We've found each other. Now what do you intend to do?"

"Nnn…nothing," Timlin stammered. "We just want to leave."

"I'm afraid that won't be possible," said the Black Knight. "You came here seeking me. And we must see this through."

"What do you want?" Vorden said. "Why are you doing this?"

Tenneth Bard sighed. "My boy, it's not about what I want. I simply desire the downfall of Dremlock, and if I my wish were to come true, I would be content to live out my life in peace. But my master has greater plans, and I owe him so much. Now before you die, I shall allow you to look upon your slayer."

The lantern suddenly began to shine again, only now it was blue-a cold and bitter glow. Tenneth Bard wore a ragged black cloak that seemed to merge with the darkness beyond the lantern light. His face was a mask of shifting shadows. Yet his violet eyes remained the same-crazed and inhuman.

"See how I planned everything out?" said the Black Knight. "Soon Dremlock will be invaded from below-yet not in the manner you might believe. I've created a diversion in these mines. Cordus shall send his Knights down here to battle a few sorry Goblins, while the bulk of my forces emerge from another point-a hidden one. And this army is made up mostly of Knights of the Blood Legion rather than Goblins. Victory will come easily.

"And now I will choke the life from you, boy. Go ahead-try to summon your powers. I assure you that your efforts will be in vain. Beneath my touch, your Eye of Divinity is rendered useless. Goodbye, Lannon Sunshield!"

"Wait!" said Vorden, his voice surprisingly calm. "While you're killing Lannon, I'll flee and tell Cordus what you said. Your plans will be ruined."

"Flee if you wish," said the Black Knight. "You won't even escape this chamber before you're destroyed."

"Then maybe we can make a bargain," said Vorden.

"I like you," said Tenneth Bard. "You're a thinker, I can tell-much like I was in my youth. But there will be no deals this night, only death."

"Don't do this!" Aldreya cried. "Let us help you somehow. If you're cursed by the Deep Shadow, the Knights can cure you. I know it is possible."

"I don't need your help," said Tenneth Bard. "Nor do I desire it. I have everything I need. Perhaps if that help had come long ago, it might have saved me. But now I'm quite set in my ways. And now I must finish my task."