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"I can do it," said Aldreya. "No one will see me."

Lannon nodded. "Just be careful. Vorden is really obsessed with that sword. If he catches you stealing it, who knows what he might do?"

Aldreya smiled. "I can protect myself, Lannon."

"That's true enough," said Lannon, remembering Aldreya was a talented Birlote sorceress. "I guess I don't have to worry about that."

"I'll get the sword," she said, smoothing her silver hair away from her pointed ears. She smiled devilishly, and for the first time, Lannon saw the Tree Dweller in her very strongly. He did not doubt she would complete her goal.

But Aldreya never got a chance to prove her words, for soon after their discussion, Vorden stepped into the Library. His color looked better, and he seemed like his normal self. "Talking about me?" he said, smiling.

The others said nothing, and exchanged glances. The tension was thick between them.

Vorden chuckled. "I got rid of that sword, you know-in case you were wondering. I tossed it down a well. I do think it was evil. I know I'm better off without it. I snuck outside late last night and dumped it. Hopefully, it sank deep into the mud and no one will ever find it down there."

Aldreya smiled "I'm glad you got rid of it. I was worried about you, Vorden. You have not seemed yourself, lately."

He shook his head in amusement. "Of course you were worried, Aldreya. You always worry about silly things, just like Lannon. But it's taken care of. The well swallowed it up…forever. It took a lot of strength to part with it, but I did it. Now I think everything's going to be okay."

The Squires glanced uncertainly at each other. Something about Vorden's expression seemed haunted and afraid for just an instant.

Then Vorden smiled, looking even more like his usual self. He smoothed his hair and adjusted his cloak. "Anyway, it's all done with. Believe me."

The Squires smiled back, and did believe.


Two days later, Lannon and his friends, including Jerret Dragonsbane, were summoned to the Temple to honor Caldrek. The smell of spring was in the air, and the snows were melting swiftly, as Taris came and led them to their destination. They were the only Squires called to attend-the rest of the people present were Knights. Taris explained that traditionally Squires were not allowed to participate in honoring ceremonies for Knights, but Cordus gave them special permission this time due to their recent heroics and because Caldrek had died protecting them. Lannon got up the nerve to question Taris, but the Tower Master refused to speak of anything concerning their war against the Goblins and the Blood Legion, saying that it would all be revealed at a feast that would take place a few days later.

Cordus, Furlus, and Taris were at the Temple, along with the rest of the High Council-save for Moten Goblinsbane. The broken lid of the altar had been replaced, and Caldrek's body lay atop it, bearing armor and sword. Cordus stood before the altar, and spoke to the crowd, telling of Caldrek's heroic deeds. Several others spoke as well, and by the time everyone was finished, Lannon and his friends were in awe of Caldrek and knew a great Knight had passed from the world. Caldrek was promoted to Green, with a unanimous vote from the High Council, and a sash bearing that Color was laid across his body.

Then the final ceremony began, in which Cordus took a bottle of white fluid and poured it over Caldrek's body. For a moment, nothing seemed to happen, but then the torches in the Temple all suddenly burned with white fire. A gasp of amazement arose from the Knights, and they bowed their heads as one.

Confused, the Squires did the same.

The torches changed back to their normal color, and Cordus once again stood before the altar and spoke. "Behold!" he cried. "The Divine Essence has called upon Caldrek and blessed him, in an act not seen in more than a hundred years! His body shall be preserved for time untold for others to look upon."

Upon the altar, Caldrek's body had become encased in crystal.


For the next three days, almost all activity in Dremlock ceased, and people stayed indoors. This was a further gesture to honor Caldrek-along with all the other Knights who had died fighting for Dremlock.

On the fourth night, most of Dremlock was called to a huge feast in the Great Hall. It had been a warm day, with a light spring rain falling, and everyone seemed in good spirits as they gathered at tables. Though its warmth was hardly needed on this night, the huge fireplace was ablaze. Cordus Landsaver, dressed in his silver cloak, alone spoke at this gathering, before the food was served and the great celebration began.

"I have things to inform you of, Squires," the Lord Knight said. "I know that by now all of you are wondering just what is taking place in our war against the Goblins. I also know that all of you must have learned through rumor much of what we once sought to keep secret. But now the truth shall be known, so that afterwards, you may all focus on your training and put everything else out of your minds.

"First of all, the city of Kalamede was successfully defended by our Knights, and the Goblins driven deep into the Bloodlands."

Cheers erupted among the crowd, and Cordus smiled. "Secondly," he continued, "the evil below Dremlock has fled deep into the mines, and new doors of Glaetherin have been forged to replace the old ones. These doors bear more complicated wheel locks that require two wheel masters to solve, so Dremlock should be well protected from below. Also, we have taken other means, which I shall not mention, to protect our kingdom from any threat that might exist beneath us.

"The rumors that Tenneth Bard is alive," said Cordus, "or was alive, have turned out to be completely false. The Blood Legion was led by a sorcerer named Arnin, who was not even pretending to be Tenneth Bard, as a member of the Blood Legion informed us. As far as we can tell, Arnin had no connection to that long-dead Black Knight whatsoever. Arnin was slain some time ago in the mines. While it is true that all we could find was a pool of blood where his corpse once lay, the signs indicated he was dragged off by a Cave Troll and undoubtedly devoured. We certainly have nothing more to fear from him.

"And I have one more thing to add, before we begin a special promotion ceremony. Moten Goblinsbane is no longer on the High Council, and he will not be returning. Shennen Silverarrow has been promoted to Green and will replace him." Cordus motioned to Shennen, who stood up and bowed. The Birlote now wore a green cloak rather than a blue one. "And I believe," Cordus added, "Shennen will bring much honor to the High Council.

"Now, before we eat, I want Lannon Sunshield, Aldreya Silverhawk, Timlin Woodmaster, Vorden Flameblade, and Jerret Dragonsbane to come forward and stand before me." The Lord Knight spoke sternly, and the Squires hurried over to him, their hearts pounding anxiously.

"I have called you up here, Squires," said Cordus, "to commend you for your bravery in the mines. You did Dremlock a great service, and now you will be appropriately rewarded." Cordus smiled and winked at them. "Your sashes are looking rather dirty, Squires. Why don't you give them to me?"

Confused, the Squires removed their sashes and handed them to Cordus, while the other Squires grinned and whispered amongst themselves. The younger ones looked baffled, while the older ones exchanged knowing looks. The Lord Knight carried the sashes to the fireplace and, one by one, tossed them into the flames, while Lannon and his friends glanced at each other in uncertainty. Was the Lord Knight being sarcastic? Were they actually here to be punished rather than praised?

Turning back to them, an amused smile on his lips, Cordus said, "Fear not, Squires. We call this the Burning of the Sashes-an ancient ritual here at Dremlock. I have new sashes for you. Better ones."

Cordus nodded to an Orange Squire, who brought him a wooden box containing five new sashes. He handed one to each of the five Squires, while the spectators applauded loudly and vigorously. Each new sash had a single silver ribbon stitched onto it, as well as the Silver Axe insignia.