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"He must be neutralized," Elizabeth said again.

"You've made your position clear, Director," Rice said. His voice bore an unspoken warning. Don't push it.

They waited for him to speak.

"This is intolerable," he said. "I expect war to start at any moment over there, and you're telling me it's all because of one man who wants revenge for a terrorist attack that killed his family?"

"Yes, Mister President," Elizabeth said. "Although he may not be acting alone. He seems to have extensive resources. I'm not sure where they come from, but it isn't from his government."

"A conspiracy, then?"

"It's possible."

As she said it, a thought occurred to her.

Could it be AEON? It can't be, not again.

AEON was a secret organization of wealthy men with roots going back to the time of the Templars. For AEON, the world existed to be exploited and controlled.

Elizabeth had thought them defeated. Even as she told herself it couldn't be, she knew it was possible. She kept the thought to herself.

"Sir, my team is in Kashmir as we speak. There may be an opportunity to intercept Rao and question him. But I need your permission."

"That's refreshing, Director. You usually don't ask."

Elizabeth flushed. "You usually don't want to know, sir."

Oh, oh, Hood thought. Rice won't like that.

Before the president could respond, Hood interrupted.

"Mister President, I think Director Harker's idea has merit. I'll do my best to convince Gupta that Rao has gone rogue, but there's no guarantee he'll believe me. Langley has a few assets in Kashmir. Director Harker and I can work out a joint operation to, ah, persuade Rao to talk with us. If you give us the okay, we can get on it right away. Things are moving quickly over there."

Rice gave Harker a calculating look. "We haven't gone after a high ranking intelligence officer since the Cold War," Rice said. "That was against an enemy. India is an ally."

"India may be, but Ashok Rao isn't," Elizabeth said. "Sir, this is what you hired me to do."

There were few people Rice trusted in the snake pit of Washington's intelligence community and few who would stand up to him. Harker and Hood were among those few.

Hell, I have to trust someone, he thought. She's right, I hired her to tell me the truth, even if I didn't like what she told me. If the Indians or the Pakis bring out those missiles…

"All right," he said. "But Director…"


"Under no circumstances are you to use severe methods of interrogation. You get what we need in a civilized manner or we'll turn him over to the Indians and let them deal with it. Is that clear?"

"Perfectly clear, Mister President."


After she'd left the White House, Elizabeth called Nick in Srinagar. He told her about the attack in Selena's room.

"Selena's all right?"

"She's fine. A little shook up. Knives are up close and personal. It's worse than being shot at from a distance. "

"No sign of Afridi?" she asked.

"None. It was always a long shot."

"We have to assume that he's gone."

"The cops are unhappy about the man Selena killed," Nick said. "They're treating it like a terrorist attack on a tourist but they're suspicious by nature. They told us not to leave the city while they investigate. They took our passports. What do you want us to do?"

"The Indians have temporarily closed the airport. The whole country is gearing up for war. You'd be stuck there anyway."

"What about Cobra?"

"That's what I'm calling about," Elizabeth said. "We found out who he is. He's an important officer in India's intelligence agency, the equivalent of our DCNS."

"That explains a lot," Nick said. "He could make it look like Pakistan was behind what happened in Manila. But it doesn't explain why."

"He's a fanatic," Elizabeth said, "a Hindu fundamentalist who hates Pakistan. It's personal with him. His family was killed during a terrorist attack by Afridi's group. Islamabad was behind it."


"I think he's responsible for the riot at the mosque. If his goal was to provoke a war between India and Pakistan, it looks like he's succeeded. Both sides are moving tanks and artillery to the border."

"If it's personal, that tells us why he's after Afridi," Nick said. He thought for a moment. "Afridi is a fanatic just like Cobra. Those Indian soldiers were after him. I think he's going to want payback. His credibility is at stake."

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't he the big cheese in the jihadist movement in Kashmir? He has to do something in retaliation for what happened at the mosque. We know where Afridi's compound is, don't we?"

"Yes. It's not that far from you, across the border in Pakistan. It's next to an airbase."

"Can you put surveillance on it?"

"I already have. Why?"

"Whatever Afridi does, I don't think Cobra is going to give up. If he comes after him again it could give us another chance at him."

"You'll be happy to hear that the president agrees with you. We've got a green light to go after Cobra."

"A sanction?"

"No, Nick. Interrogation only. Strictly by the rules. You can't hurt him. Rice was adamant."

"Damn it, Director, this isn't a time to play politics. This guy is responsible for the deaths of a lot of people. He put Ronnie in the hospital. He's trying to start a war. What's it going to take to get him out of the picture?"

Elizabeth heard the anger in Nick's voice.

"I understand, Nick. Cobra will get what's coming to him but you have to be patient."

In Srinagar, Nick took a deep breath. "What about Afridi?"

"He's a different story. If you have a chance to get him, take it."

"Cobra's a pro. If we do get him, it won't be easy to get him to talk."

"I'm sure you'll find a way. But I mean it, when I say you have to play by the rules. You'll have some help."

"What do you mean?" Nick asked.

"This is a joint op with Langley. Hood was there when I spoke with Rice."


"It's not debatable, Nick. Think about it. You say Cobra might go after Afridi. Afridi is in Pakistan. How do you intend to get there if Cobra shows up?"

Nick said nothing.

"That's what I thought. Take down this number. The asset's name is Jeb."


"That's what Clarence said." Elizabeth read off a twelve digit code. "Call it at 1400 your time."

"How do I know I'm talking to the right guy?" Nick said.

"Don't laugh," Harker said. "There's a recognition phrase."


"When he answers you say, the water in the river is not very good to drink."

"You're kidding."

"No. And then he says, that's because the women wash their clothes in it."

"I don't believe this."

"Hood's agent must have a sense of humor. Or he's just paranoid."

"Or maybe Langley thinks it's 1950." Nick paused. "How's Ronnie doing?"

"He's stable, his vitals are good. No real change."

"I'll tell the others."

"Set up a meeting with Langley's agent. Try and stay out of trouble. If Cobra makes a move, I'll let you know."


Nick called the number Harker had given him. Selena and Lamont waited with him. Nick had the phone on speaker.


The voice on the phone sounded like gravel.

Nick said, "The water in the river isn't very good to drink."

"No shit," the voice said. "They told you to use that old chestnut?"

Nick felt like an idiot. "You want to give me the response before I hang up?"