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Interference is not a special property of photons alone. Quantum theory predicts, and experiment confirms, that it occurs for every sort of particle. So there must be hosts of shadow neutrons accompanying every tangible neutron, hosts of shadow electrons accompanying every electron, and so on. Each of these shadow particles is detectable only indirectly, through its interference with the motion of its tangible counterpart.

It follows that reality is a much bigger thing than it seems, and most of it is invisible. The objects and events that we and our instruments can directly observe are the merest tip of the iceberg.

Now, tangible particles have a property that entitles us to call them, collectively, a universe. This is simply their defining property of being tangible, that is, of interacting with each other, and hence of being directly detectable by instruments and sense organs made of other tangible particles. Because of the phenomenon of interference, they are not wholly partitioned off from the rest of reality (that is, from the shadow particles). If they were, we should never have discovered that there is more to reality than tangible particles. But to a good approximation they do resemble the universe that we see around us in everyday life, and the universe referred to in classical (pre-quantum) physics.

For similar reasons, we might think of calling the shadow particles, collectively, a parallel universe, for they too are affected by tangible particles only through interference phenomena. But we can do better than that. For it turns out that shadow particles are partitioned among themselves in exactly the same way as the universe of tangible particles is partitioned from them. In other words, they do not form a single, homogeneous parallel universe vastly larger than the tangible one, but rather a huge number of parallel universes, each similar in composition to the tangible one, and each obeying the same laws of physics, but differing in that the particles are in different positions in each universe.

A remark about terminology. The word ‘universe’ has traditionally been used to mean ‘the whole of physical reality’. In that sense there can be at most one universe. We could stick to that definition, and say that the entity we have been accustomed to calling ‘the universe’ — namely, all the directly perceptible matter and energy around us, and the surrounding space — is not the whole universe after all, but only a small portion of it. Then we should have to invent a new name for that small, tangible portion. But most physicists prefer to carry on using the word ‘universe’ to denote the same entity that it has always denoted, even though that entity now turns out to be only a small part of physical reality. A new word, multiverse, has been coined to denote physical reality as a whole.

Single-particle interference experiments such as I have been describing show us that the multiverse exists and that it contains many counterparts of each particle in the tangible universe. To reach the further conclusion that the multiverse is roughly partitioned into parallel universes, we must consider interference phenomena involving more than one tangible particle. The simplest way of doing this is to ask, by way of a ‘thought experiment’, what must be happening at the microscopic level when shadow photons strike an opaque object. They are stopped, of course: we know that because interference ceases when an opaque barrier is placed in the paths of shadow photons. But why? What stops them? We can rule out the straightforward answer — that they are absorbed, like tangible photons would be, by the tangible atoms in the barrier. For one thing, we know that shadow photons do not interact with tangible atoms. For another, we can verify by measuring the atoms in the barrier (or more precisely, by replacing the barrier by a detector) that they neither absorb energy nor change their state in any way unless they are struck by tangible photons. Shadow photons have no effect.

To put that another way, shadow photons and tangible photons are affected in identical ways when they reach a given barrier, but the barrier itself is not identically affected by the two types of photon. In fact, as far as we can tell, it is not affected by shadow photons at all. That is indeed the defining property of shadow photons, for if any material were observably affected by them, that material could be used as a shadow-photon detector and the entire phenomenon of shadows and interference would not be as I have described it.

Hence there is some sort of shadow barrier at the same location as the tangible barrier. It takes no great leap of imagination to conclude that this shadow barrier is made up of the shadow atoms that we already know must be present as counterparts of the tangible atoms in the barrier. There are very many of them present for each tangible atom. Indeed, the total density of shadow atoms in even the lightest fog would be more than sufficient to stop a tank, let alone a photon, if they could all affect it. Since we find that partially transparent barriers have the same degree of transparency for shadow photons as for tangible ones, it follows that not all the shadow atoms in the path of a particular shadow photon can be involved in blocking its passage. Each shadow photon encounters much the same sort of barrier as its tangible counterpart does, a barrier consisting of only a tiny proportion of all the shadow atoms that are present.

For the same reason, each shadow atom in the barrier can be interacting with only a small proportion of the other shadow atoms in its vicinity, and the ones it does interact with form a barrier much like the tangible one. And so on. All matter, and all physical processes, have this structure. If the tangible barrier is the frog’s retina, then there must be many shadow retinas, each capable of stopping only one of the shadow-counterparts of each photon. Each shadow retina only interacts strongly with the corresponding shadow photons, and with the corresponding shadow frog, and so on. In other words, particles are grouped into parallel universes. They are ‘parallel’ in the sense that within each universe particles interact with each other just as they do in the tangible universe, but each universe affects the others only weakly, through interference phenomena.

Thus we have reached the conclusion of the chain of reasoning that begins with strangely shaped shadows and ends with parallel universes. Each step takes the form of noting that the behaviour of objects that we observe can be explained only if there are unobserved objects present, and if those unobserved objects have certain properties. The heart of the argument is that single-particle interference phenomena unequivocally rule out the possibility that the tangible universe around us is all that exists. There is no disputing the fact that such interference phenomena occur. Yet the existence of the multiverse is still a minority view among physicists. Why?

The answer, I regret to say, does not reflect well upon the majority. I shall have more to say about this in Chapter 13, but for the moment let me point out that the arguments I have presented in this chapter are compelling only to those who seek explanations. Those who are satisfied with mere prediction, and who have no strong desire to understand how the predicted outcomes of experiments come about, may if they wish simply deny the existence of anything other than what I have been calling ‘tangible’ entities. Some people, such as instrumentalists and positivists, take this line as a matter of philosophical principle. I have already said what I think of such principles, and why. Other people just don’t want to think about it. After all, it is such a large conclusion, and such a disturbing one on first hearing. But I think that those people are making a mistake. As I hope to persuade readers who bear with me, understanding the multiverse is a precondition for understanding reality as best we can. Nor is this said in a spirit of grim determination to seek the truth no matter how unpalatable it may be (though I hope I would take that attitude if it came to it). It is, on the contrary, because the resulting world-view is so much more integrated, and makes more sense in so many ways, than any previous world-view, and certainly more than the cynical pragmatism which too often nowadays serves as a surrogate for a world-view among scientists.