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There are two theories in physics which are considerably deeper than all others. The first is the general theory of relativity, which as I have said is our best theory of space, time and gravity. The second, quantum theory, is even deeper. Between them, these two theories (and not any existing or currently envisaged theory of subatomic particles) provide the detailed explanatory and formal framework within which all other theories in modern physics are expressed, and they contain overarching physical principles to which all other theories conform. A unification of general relativity and quantum theory — to give a quantum theory of gravity — has been a major quest of theoretical physicists for several decades, and would have to form part of any theory of everything in either the narrow or the broad sense of the term. As we shall see in the next chapter, quantum theory, like relativity, provides a revolutionary new mode of explanation of physical reality. The reason why quantum theory is the deeper of the two lies more outside physics than within it, for its ramifications are very wide, extending far beyond physics — and even beyond science itself as it is normally conceived. Quantum theory is one of what I shall call the four main strands of which our current understanding of the fabric of reality is composed.

Before I say what the other three strands are, I must mention another way in which reductionism misrepresents the structure of scientific knowledge. Not only does it assume that explanation always consists of analysing a system into smaller, simpler systems, it also assumes that all explanation is of later events in terms of earlier events; in other words, that the only way of explaining something is to state its causes. And this implies that the earlier the events in terms of which we explain something, the better the explanation, so that ultimately the best explanations of all are in terms of the initial state of the universe.

A ‘theory of everything’ which excludes a specification of the initial state of the universe is not a complete description of physical reality because it provides only laws of motion; and laws of motion, by themselves, make only conditional predictions. That is, they never state categorically what happens, but only what will happen at one time given what was happening at another time. Only if a complete specification of the initial state is provided can a complete description of physical reality in principle be deduced. Current cosmological theories do not provide a complete specification of the initial state, even in principle, but they do say that the universe was initially very small, very hot and very uniform in structure. We also know that it cannot have been perfectly uniform because that would be incompatible, according to the theory, with the distribution of galaxies we observe across the sky today. The initial variations in density, ‘lumpiness’, would have been greatly enhanced by gravitational clumping (that is, relatively dense regions would have attracted more matter and become denser), so they need only have been very slight initially. But, slight though they were, they are of the greatest significance in any reductionist description of reality, because almost everything that we see happening around us, from the distribution of stars and galaxies in the sky to the appearance of bronze statues on planet Earth, is, from the point of view of fundamental physics, a consequence of those variations. If our reductionist description is to cover anything more than the grossest features of the observed universe, we need a theory specifying those all-important initial deviations from uniformity.

Let me try to restate this requirement without the reductionist bias. The laws of motion for any physical system make only conditional predictions, and are therefore compatible with many possible histories of that system. (This issue is independent of the limitations on predictability that are imposed by quantum theory, which I shall discuss in the next chapter.) For instance, the laws of motion governing a cannon-ball fired from a gun are compatible with many possible trajectories, one for every possible direction and elevation in which the gun could have been pointing when it was fired (Figure 1.2). Mathematically, the laws of motion can be expressed as a set of equations called the equations of motion. These have many different solutions, one describing each possible trajectory. To specify which solution describes the actual trajectory, we must provide supplementary data — some data about what actually happens. One way of doing that is to specify the initial state, in this case the direction in which the gun was pointing. But there are other ways too. For example, we could just as well specify the final state — the position and direction of motion of the cannon-ball at the moment it lands. Or we could specify the position of the highest point of the trajectory. It does not matter what supplementary data we give, so long as they pick out one particular solution of the equations of motion. The combination of any such supplementary data with the laws of motion amounts to a theory that describes everything that happens to the cannon-ball between firing and impact.

FIGURE 1.2. Some possible trajectories of a cannon-ball fired from a gun. Each trajectory is compatible with the laws of motion, but only one of them is the trajectory on a particular occasion.

Similarly, the laws of motion for physical reality as a whole would have many solutions, each corresponding to a distinct history. To complete the description, we should have to specify which history is the one that has actually occurred, by giving enough supplementary data to yield one of the many solutions of the equations of motion. In simple cosmological models at least, one way of giving such data is to specify the initial state of the universe. But alternatively we could specify the final state, or the state at any other time; or we could give some information about the initial state, some about the final state, and some about states in between. In general, the combination of enough supplementary data of any sort with the laws of motion would amount to a complete description, in principle, of physical reality.

For the cannon-ball, once we have specified, say, the final state it is straightforward to calculate the initial state, and vice versa, so there is no practical difference between different methods of specifying the supplementary data. But for the universe most such calculations are intractable. I have said that we infer the existence of ‘lumpiness’ in the initial conditions from observations of ‘lumpiness’ today. But that is exceptionaclass="underline" most of our knowledge of supplementary data — of what specifically happens — is in the form of high-level theories about emergent phenomena, and is therefore by definition not practically expressible in the form of statements about the initial state. For example, in most solutions of the equations of motion the initial state of the universe does not have the right properties for life to evolve from it. Therefore our knowledge that life has evolved is a significant piece of the supplementary data. We may never know what, specifically, this restriction implies about the detailed structure of the Big Bang, but we can draw conclusions from it directly. For example, the earliest accurate estimate of the age of the Earth was made on the basis of the biological theory of evolution, contradicting the best physics of the day. Only a reductionist prejudice could make us feel that this was somehow a less valid form of reasoning, or that in general it is more ‘fundamental’ to theorize about the initial state than about emergent features of reality.