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But it is not a full explanation. There is an explanatory gap, and this time we already know much more about how the other strands could fill it. We have seen that the very fact that physical variable can store information, that they can interact with one another to transfer and replicate it, and that such processes are stable, all depend on the details of quantum theory. Furthermore, we have seen that the existence of highly adapted replicators depends on the physical feasibility of virtual-reality generation and universality, which in turn can be understood as consequences of a deep principle, the Turing principle, that links physics and the theory of computation and makes no explicit reference to replicators, evolution or biology at all.

An analogous gap exists in Popperian epistemology. Its critics wonder why the scientific method works, or what justifies our reliance on the best scientific theories. This leads them to hanker after a principle of induction or something of the sort (though, as crypto-inductivists, they usually realize that such a principle would not explain or justify anything either). For Popperians to reply that there is no such thing as justification, or that it is never rational to rely on theories, is to provide no explanation. Popper even said that ‘no theory of knowledge should attempt to explain why we are successful in our attempts to explain things’ (Objective Knowledge p. 23). But, once we understand that the growth of human knowledge is a physical process, we see that it cannot be illegitimate to try to explain how and why it occurs. Epistemology is a theory of (emergent) physics. It is a factual theory about the circumstances under which a certain physical quantity (knowledge) will or will not grow. The bare assertions of this theory are largely accepted. But we cannot possibly find an explanation of why they are true solely within the theory of knowledge per se. In that narrow sense, Popper was right. The explanation must involve quantum physics, the Turing principle and, as Popper himself stressed, the theory of evolution.

The proponents of the prevailing theory, in each of the four cases, are put permanently on the defensive by their critics’ harping on these explanatory gaps. This often forces them to retreat into the core of their own strand. ‘Here I stand, I can do no other’ is their ultimate response, as they rely on the self-evident irrationality of abandoning the unrivalled fundamental theory of their own particular field. This only makes them seem even more narrow to the critics, and it tends to engender pessimism about the very prospect of further fundamental explanation.

Despite all the excuses I have been making for the critics of the central theories, the history of all four strands shows that something very unpleasant happened to fundamental science and philosophy for most of the twentieth century. The popularity of positivism and of an instrumentalist view of science was connected with an apathy, loss of self-confidence and pessimism about genuine explanations at a time when the prestige, usefulness and, indeed, funding for fundamental research were all at an all-time high. Of course there were many individual exceptions, including the four heroes of this chapter. But the unprecedented manner in which their theories were simultaneously adopted and ignored speaks for itself. I do not claim to have a full explanation for this phenomenon, but whatever caused it, we seem to be coming out of it now.

I have pointed out one possible contributory cause, namely that individually, all four theories have explanatory gaps that can make them seem narrow, inhuman and pessimistic. But I suggest that when they are taken together as a unified explanation of the fabric of reality, this unfortunate property is reversed. Far from denying free will, far from placing human values in a context where they are trivial and insignificant, far from being pessimistic, it is a fundamentally optimistic world-view that places human minds at the centre of the physical universe, and explanation and understanding at the centre of human purposes. I hope we shall not have to spend too long looking backwards to defend this unified view against non-existent competitors. There will be no lack of competitors when, having taken the unified theory of the fabric of reality seriously, we begin to develop it further. It is time to move on.


paradigm The set of ideas through which those who hold it observe and explain everything in their experience. According to Thomas Kuhn, holding a paradigm blinds one to the merits of another paradigm and prevents one from switching paradigms. One cannot comprehend two paradigms at the same time.

Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics An idea for making it easier to evade the implications of quantum theory for the nature of reality. At moments of observation, the outcome in one of the universes supposedly becomes real, and all the other universes — even those that contributed to that outcome — are deemed never to have existed. Under this view, one is not permitted to ask about what happens in reality between conscious observations.


The intellectual histories of the fundamental theories of the four strands contain remarkable parallels. All four have been simultaneously accepted (for use in practice) and ignored (as explanations of reality). One reason for this is that, taken individually, each of the four theories has explanatory gaps, and seems cold and pessimistic. To base a world-view on any of them individually is, in a generalized sense, reductionist. But when they are taken together as a unified explanation of the fabric of reality, this is no longer so.

Whatever next?


The Ends of the Universe

Although history has no meaning, we can give it a meaning.

Karl Popper (The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. 2, p. 278)

When, in the course of my research on the foundations of quantum theory, I was first becoming aware of the links between quantum physics, computation and epistemology, I regarded these links as evidence of the historical tendency for physics to swallow up subjects that had previously seemed unrelated to it. Astronomy, for example, was linked with terrestrial physics by Newton’s laws, and over the next few centuries much of it was absorbed and became astrophysics. Chemistry began to be subsumed into physics by Faraday’s discoveries in electrochemistry, and quantum theory has made a remarkable proportion of basic chemistry directly predictable from the laws of physics alone. Einstein’s general relativity swallowed geometry, and rescued both cosmology and the theory of time from their former purely philosophical status, making them into fully integrated branches of physics. Recently, as I have discussed, the theory of time travel has been integrated as well.

Thus, the further prospect of quantum physics absorbing not only the theory of computation but also, of all things, proof theory (which has the alternative name ‘meta-mathematics’) seemed to me to be evidence of two trends. First, that human knowledge as a whole was continuing to take on the unified structure that it would have to have if it was comprehensible in the strong sense I hoped for. And second, that the unified structure itself was going to consist of an ever deepening and broadening theory of fundamental physics.

The reader will know that I have changed my mind about the second point. The character of the fabric of reality that I am now proposing is not that of fundamental physics alone. For example, the quantum theory of computation has not been constructed by deriving principles of computation from quantum physics alone. It includes the Turing principle, which was already, under the name of the Church-Turing conjecture, the basis of the theory of computation. It had never been used in physics, but I have argued that it is only as a principle of physics that it can be properly understood. It is on a par with the principle of the conservation of energy and the other laws of thermodynamics: that is, it is a constraint that, to the best of our knowledge, all other theories conform to. But, unlike existing laws of physics, it has an emergent character, referring directly to the properties of complex machines and only consequentially to subatomic objects and processes. (Arguably, the second law of thermodynamics — the principle of increasing entropy — is also of that form.)