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As in other instances, Linda Gross has been the guiding spirit and force behind this book. Not only did she encourage me to develop the Hesse project, but she also did a superb job of advising me and editing the manuscript throughout its different phases. In addition I should like to express my gratitude to Janet Biehl, whose thorough copyediting improved the translation immensely, and to Carol Dines, my wife, who read through various drafts and added “magic” touches to the tales.

Minneapolis, 1995

About the Translator

Jack Zipes is professor of German at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, and has previously held professorships at New York University, the University of Munich, the Free University of Berlin, the University of Frankfurt, the University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee, and the University of Florida. In addition to his scholarly work, he is an active storyteller in public schools and has worked with children’s theaters in France, Germany, Canada, and the United States. His major publications include The Great Refusaclass="underline" Studies of the Romantic Hero in German and American Literature (1970), Political Plays for Children (1976), Breaking the Magic Spelclass="underline" Radical Theories of Folk and Fairy Tales (1979), Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion (1983), The Trials and Tribulations of Little Red Riding Hood (1983, 2nd rev. edition 1993), Don’t Bet on the Prince: Contemporary Feminist Fairy Tales in North America and England (1986), The Brothers Grimm: From Enchanted Forests to the Modern World (1988), Spells of Enchantment: The Wondrous Tales of the Western World (1991), The Outspoken Princess and The Gentle Knight (1994), and Fairy Tale as Myth /Myth as Fairy Tale (1994). He co-edits The Lion and the Unicorn, a journal dealing with children’s literature, and has written numerous articles for various publications in the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Canada, and France. In addition to this translation of Hesse’s fairy tales, he has translated and edited The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm (1987) for Bantam.