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He shook his head. The voice was computer programmed. A mere chip, not as big as his smallest fingernail, yet here he was, acting as if she had form and substance.

Earth had made him crazy. Correction: Rianna had made him crazy. Even now he could close his eyes and imagine her naked body pressed against his. Did she feel the same way? Did she need him as much as he needed her?

He suddenly sat straight up in his chair. That was it. She did need him. He knew it with every fiber of his being. She would miss him after he left. He would give her a taste of what it would be like without him around.

I don’t think that’s a good idea, Labrinon said. If you’re not around, she will forget about you.

I don’t think so, Kristor said.

Are you willing to take that chance?

Yes, I am. I have no other choice.

And if it doesn’t work?

I’ll throw her over my shoulder and force her to leave with me.

She won’t like that. What will you do then?

I will seduce her all over again. He grinned, liking his plan. It definitely had merit.

If you would have listened to me, you could have already done that and be home. I suspect if you go along with that plan it will hurt more than help. She is your lifemate.

He sobered. Yes, I know. For that very reason, I can’t leave without her.

But could he win her back if he used force? His bed might be cold for many passings of the moon before he could convince her that he hadn’t had a choice.

Chapter 23

Where was he? Ria’s mother said Kristor hadn’t been staying in her old room. They hadn’t seen him at all. Ria walked to her shop’s large plate-glass window that looked out onto the street.

The usual traffic drove down the two-lane road. There were the same people that she saw every day strolling down the sidewalk, as they went about their daily routine. Some just walked for the exercise, mostly older people. The park wasn’t far.

Then there were the ones who didn’t care as much about exercising anymore and sat on one of the benches. They watched the day slowly pass, or met up with others to talk about days gone by.

But as Ria scanned the area, she didn’t even catch a glimpse of Kristor. Two days had passed, and nothing. Had he decided she was a lost cause, and gone back to New Symtaria?

A shiver of fear ran down her spine. What if the rogue Symtarians found her? What if they came after her? She had no way of protecting herself.

The bell above her door jangled and Carly came inside.

“I waved, but it was as if you didn’t even see me. You must have been really lost in thought.”

“Unfamiliar territory?” She smiled at her attempt at humor, but knew it was weak at best.

“What’s the matter?” Worry creased Carly’s brow.

Ria glanced toward Jeanie, who was filing papers at her desk, and gave an imperceptible shake of her head. Carly glanced at her watch.

“It’s lunchtime. I dropped by to see if you wanted to get something to eat. Do you have any appointments?”

She shook her head. “And Katie is coming in to take care of the afternoon ones.”

“Then get your purse.”

“I don’t want to leave Katie alone again.”

“Is she any good?”

“She’s great.”

“Are you the boss?”

“Okay, okay. Let’s go.” She grabbed her purse out of her office and they walked to the Dairy Queen. Ria couldn’t deal with Donald today, so they passed by his restaurant.

After placing their order, they found a booth in the back, away from the crowded front.

“Now, tell me what’s going on? You look as if you’ve gotten some really bad news. Whatever it is, we can work through it.”

“It’s Kristor.”

“Did you two have a fight? Whatever it was about, you can work it out.”

Ria’s eyes widened. “I didn’t think you liked him. I would’ve thought it would make you happy if he left and never came back.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want you leaving with him, and I’m still not sure I trust him completely, but the other night when we went out, I saw how much you both care about each other.” She shrugged. “And he certainly didn’t act like a criminal.”

The waitress brought their drinks and burgers and set the tray down between them. They waited until she’d left before resuming their conversation.

“And there’s something else, too,” Carly said.


“Well, Neil likes him, and he’s a good judge of character. I trust his opinion.”


Carly picked the pickles off her burger, eating them one by one as she’d done for as long as Ria had known her.

“We’re going out again.” She sighed, a dreamy expression on her face. “He’s exactly what I’ve needed. He makes me feel so alive.” She blushed. “He thinks I’m beautiful.”

“You’ve always been beautiful.”

Carly shook her head. “Not before you took me shopping.” Her eyes narrowed. “Do you know my brothers thought it was just terrible that I’d changed the way I look?”

Ria didn’t doubt that for a second. “So what did you tell them?”

“That they were full of bull, and that when I see them dating frumpy women, I might go back to dressing like I used to. That shut them up quick enough.”

Ria chuckled. “Then the waxing was worth it?”

“Yeah, it was.”

They ate in silence for a while. Ria could tell there was something else on her friend’s mind. She clearly wanted to ask something, but it didn’t look like she would without a little prodding.

“Okay, what else do you want to know?”

Carly took a deep breath, setting her burger on the paper wrap. She opened her mouth, but then snapped it closed. “It’s nothing, really. Stupid, in fact.”

“What? Now you have to tell me.”

“Okay, but don’t get upset.”

“I promise. Now what?”

“Are you pregnant? Is that why Kristor left? It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me, but I want you to know that if you are, I’m here for you. Anything you need, just name it.”


Then Ria burst out laughing. She tried to smother it when people turned to stare. “Where in the world did you hear that?”

“My mother heard it from Wanda, who heard it from Becky. She heard it from Sandy, and I think she got it from Tilly, who said you admitted it in the ladies’ room at the mall when you were having morning sickness.”

“I’m not pregnant.”

Carly released a deep breath. “Good. Especially since Kristor skipped out—” Her face took on a rosy hue. “I mean, since he, uh. I’m sorry, Ria. I hoped to make you feel better, but I think I did the opposite.”

“You did make me feel better. You always do.” But she couldn’t help wondering about Kristor and where he was. What if his animal guide had been shot while soaring through the sky? No, she would not even go there. But where was he?

It doesn’t appear as if she’s too distraught that you’re not around, Labrinon said as he perched high on a building and watched Rianna and her friend, Carly, leave the eating establishment. Rianna smiles and laughs as if you were never in her life.

Kristor had to admit that Labrinon was right. He’d only thought Rianna cared about him. She would not suffer emotionally if he left. She would easily move on with her life.

He watched through the eyes of the hawk as she hugged her friend good-bye, then got in her car and drove toward her house without a care, without a worry.

Leave. Now. I don’t wish to watch her any longer, Kristor said.

What will you do?