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While Carol went to fetch a small cigar tube the father worked his finger up and down the girl's rectum, stretching and dilating it as gently as he could. The girl so far felt no particular pain, apart from the unpleasantness as the contracting muscle forced out his finger each time he withdrew it. In fact she was getting a certain pleasure from having her father's finger up her asshole.

Very soon Carol returned with one of the small aluminum tubes used for the small size corona cigar. It was about half an inch in diameter and perhaps six inches long.

John covered it with the greasy jelly and slowly forced it into the child's anus. This time she writhed at the pain but it was by no means as excruciating as she'd expected. Little did she realize that much worse was to come. John smiled as he thought of his own prick, one and a half inches in diameter and eight or nine inches long, going into his daughter's rectum.

He worked for some time with the slimmer tube and then reached for the larger size. He worked this in without too much difficulty until it reached to the top of her rectum. Now as the time for him to begin.

He tried for a moment to force two fingers into her asshole but she writhed in agony as he did this.

In the end he decided he would force home his prick whatever the consequences. He was too much roused to stop now; he simply had to bugger the girl even if he did hurt her agonizingly.

He rubbed his prick in the lubricant and placed it at the entrance to her rectum. Carefully he guided it in the entrance and he didn't have much difficulty in getting the tip of his cock into perhaps half an inch. He decided that if he got the right direction he would suddenly force it in as cruelly and mercilessly as possible; she would experience terrible pain for a few minutes, but then the worst would be over.

The man now got ready to violate the girl, to force up her anus his enlarged prick that would necessarily cause her excruciating pain.

Carol knew this but her eyes were bright with lust at the thought of his huge prick entering the girl's asshole. The evening had produced in her an overpowering horniness and now she had lost all sense of proportion to satisfy her sexual desire and lustfulness. She almost wanted the girl to be hurt.

So the moment had come for the father to bugger his daughter, and there was no turning back.

He let his weight go down to press the head of his big dick against the anal entrance and then guiding it with his right hand he suddenly lunged forward with tremendous force and rammed his prick into the girl.

The girl screamed out in agony, but the damage was done and her father's prick was home. She screamed and screamed as the frightful agony filled her being; the pain became even more excruciating, but finally she lay still, sobbing into the pillow.

"Look, I did my best to make it easy for you. But it was bound to hurt, at first. Now lie still for a while and I won't move 'til some of the pain is gone," her father spoke to her consolingly.

After a while the pain did ease a little and John began to move his prick an inch or so down her clinging rectum. It was a unique experience to feel the tight clinging membrane gripping his cock-head and rubbing against the foreskin. He moved it back an inch more then pressed it in again to the hilt.

The girl was silent and hardly moved as her father began the motion that would soon lead him to fuck her properly.

His rhythm slowly gathered momentum and his prick began to rake her burning asshole. She writhed in agony as he did so, but she knew that somehow she had to go through with it and decided to keep as still as possible 'til the pain subsided a little.

Now he was truly buggering his daughter.

He began to ram his prick, iron-hard, into her rectum, slamming it home as he bumped down on her asscheeks. Out to the sphincter and then back again like a piston. Without mercy he now began to frig it home with increased speed and force.

Carol looked on, her face showing her pleasure at seeing the girl's violation. She was so carried away that she began to urge him on. "Go on, John, fuck her. Bugger her. Don't spare her, my darling. Ram your cock home. She'll soon get used to it and begin to enjoy it. Go on, bugger away at her!"

John was now grinding his cock up and down with immensely powerful strokes and each time his prick raked the wriggling girl's anal membranes. He slammed it home without mercy, cruelly, ravagingly, conscious of the fact that he was buggering his daughter. He thought to himself that very few men had had this experience — it was just as well because if they did no young girl would be safe!

He was coming to a climax now and felt the hot urge in his balls as they banged against Ursula's cunt. The moment had come when he would splash his spunk into his daughter's rectum and finally complete the violation that had begun when he fucked her a week or two before.

The spunk began to spurt and John rammed his cock into her with one tremendous heave. It spurted and splashed into her asshole as his cock throbbed and jerked, and soon he was lying inert — his cock bathed in his hot seminal fluid deep inside the girl's anus.

He did not move for a time, then slowly withdrew his diminishing prick. Turning the girl over he kissed her on the lips. She clung to him and then said quietly, "It was terrible, but I see now that I had to go through with it one day. It was better with you than with anyone else, I'm sure."

"I'm glad you see it like that. Now you'll be able to have Carol's brother David in your asshole as I fuck you in the cunt. Would you like that?"

"Yes, I think I'll love that now. When is he coming?"

"Next weekend isn't it Carol?" John asked his wife.

"Yes, that's the idea. I've no doubt he'll enjoy it or any hump he can get, but he'll certainly be a bit surprised to screw a girl of fourteen. He's coming down from Oxford in the afternoon, so I suggest that you plan to come up here after supper that night."

Chapter 5

David, Carol's elder brother, duly arrived on the following Saturday.

He was a powerfully built young man of twenty-one or so, and when she saw him Ursula was at once attracted to him. But she began to wonder as she looked at him shyly how big his prick would be. She knew that she would have to undergo that terrible experience again, and prayed that at least his prick would not be in proportion to his size.

After supper, during which John told David about the happy week-ends they spent together, the four of them went to the large bedroom. David looked around wonderingly, scarcely believing that he might soon be having sexual relations with a teenage girl.

"I think we'd better begin by drawing lots. If we could separate into two pairs for the time being we could all come together later. In any case we've definitely agreed that David and I shall fuck Ursula at the same time."

"Well," said David, "there's hardly any question of pairs, it'll have to be Ursula and me, and you and Carol."

"Well, we'll just see what the luck of the draw brings." And with that he took four numbered tickets from a drawer, placed them in a box face downwards, and asked them to draw one in turn. The two even numbers go together and the two odd numbers. The men take a yellow slip and the girls a red one…"

With that he walked over to the box, placed it on the table and said, "Go ahead, David."

David reached for one of the yellow slips and turned it over. It was 3.

"Now I'll take mine," said John. "It must of course be an even number." And with that he drew the 4. "Now your turn, Ursula."

Ursula put her hand in the box, drew a red slip and then turned it over. "It's the 6," she said.

David looked in astonishment at John.

"Well that settles it," John said. "It's me and Ursula, David and Carol…"

"But…" David began, "Carol's my sister. I can't screw my own sister…"

"Yes you can, and you're going to," said John firmly. "Anyway, Ursula and I have plenty of chances to fuck each other, it'll be quite a change to see you fucking Carol."