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"Now you've got my panties off," she teased him. "Play with me some darling, I love you playing with me, you are so masterful with a woman, darling. Play some more with me… please."

The poor old fool was quite taken in by her apparent wish to have him toy further with her and that she thought him a superman at this womanizing. His own sex-life with his wife was a slow and boring affair, he always had the feeling that his wife Martha wouldn't worry if he never touched her again, yet here was this lovely young woman asking him to thrill her with his fingers and his kisses. He was already imagining what it was going to be like having these lovely nylon-sheathed legs wrapping themselves around his waist, what it was going to be like to sink his aching rampant prick hard up into her welcoming nest. Alice was lying back on his bed, letting him kiss her breasts while he gently frigged her between her open thighs with his hands. She knew from the way in which he kept easing away from her, how he slowed up his kissing and fingering, that he was afraid of coming-off. She knew she would have to let him fuck her very soon, or he would be angry with her for teasing him along too far. By mutual consent, by unspoken agreement, he was levering himself over to come on top of her. She held his cock in both hands as she carefully felt and guided his hard throbby prick.

"Lovely… lovely… uuurrrgggg…" he seemed to be in a private world of his own delirium as he sank his pole of aching cock into her hot wet cunt between her welcoming thighs. Her hands groped under the jacket of her lover's pajamas, her fingers clawed at the flesh of his over-fat back. She managed to ease the jacket more open so that she could raise her head and sink her teeth into the softness of his shoulder flesh. She bit hard at the flesh, making sure she broke the skin as she urged him on with frantic jerkings of her body and with the frenzied pleadings amid the biting to, "Fuck me darling… fuck me hard… ohaa… harder… fuck me harder, darling."

John Graham was in his paradise. Never before had he driven a woman so insane with lust as to make her give him this sort of love-bite. Her teeth hurt him but he loved the hurt… her crude obscene words forced and urged him to frig her harder than he had ever fucked in his life. He wanted to show this young woman that despite his age he was every bit the satisfying lover that she thought he was.

She lifted her mouth from his shoulder. The trickle of blood from several skin breaks told her she had marked him just as she had intended. He would have her teeth marks on his shoulder for many months, marks that could be used in the artful game of successful and persuasive blackmail if it became necessary. "You lovely man… you wild stallion, you," she urged him on, determined to make him have the most glorious humping of his life. "You wonderful man… you're beginning to make me… make me want… want to come darling. Your wonderful cock is making me want to come darling."

The moment she stopped talking and tried to encourage him with more obscene ecstatic contortions of her impaled body, she noticed he slowed down. He was clearly one of those men who respond to the dirty-talk routine… he would not find her lacking in that sort of filth encouragement, with her mouth close to his ear she used all the dirty slang words she could to him, words that she knew he would never dare to use to his wife, phrases she was sure his wife would rather drop dead than use to him and then it was over… he was filling her with his hot sperm… he was draining himself into her and she hadn't come up here to get her own gratification, had she?… she had made this man realize her luscious cunt could be his to enjoy, she had let him really sample it she was sure that he would be back at the club to find her again…

Once he stopped back into the Gregley and started to gamble back his winnings, she would get her payment for this little interlude… she felt ashamed she had not got used to this sort of deceitful use of her womanly beauty… but Marko would pay her well… very well.

"The boss wants to see you in an hour."

The phone slammed down and Alice still had the heavy jangling tone in her ear several minutes after she too put the phone back on its hook. She had been resting in her small apartment for the afternoon, getting her strength up for the long evening and night of promenading, coaxing, encouraging and encouraging and enticing that her hours of duty in the Gregley Club entailed. She had not spoken to the big boss man since her very successful venture with John Graham. The poor slob had been back to the club to look for her, had finished up gambling for the next three evenings, and was in debt to the club for far more than he was able to pay in ready cash. Marko hoped his check would be an honest one, if it wasn't then poor old Graham would live to regret the day he tried to pass a bouncer to a smart-alec of the West End. That was over a week ago. Now at three in the afternoon, in the middle of her rest period, the gruff voice of Silas, Marko's right-hand henchman, had summoned her to the big man's office at the club. Alice had her small two-room apartment in a grim old-fashioned house almost next door to the club, and she knew that the 'invitation' had been for an hour's time, so that she could get dressed and make herself pretty for the boss-man.

She felt she wanted to be sick at the thought of being at the beck and call of a man like Marko Hymes, and yet that was just what she was… at his beck and call. She had a quick bath, then chose her latest articles of underwear, her black and white spotted panties, the matching garter-belly the smoky-toned nylon hose and the shoes she knew Marko loved her to wear, the ones with the ridiculously high spiked heels. Marko had a sort of fetish about the high-heeled shoes his girls wore. It would have been a virtual impossibility to wear these shoes a11 the time she was at the club, but now she had to visit the private office of the boss she knew she had to wear them, even if it made walking a penance, even if they caused her ankles to ache and her calves to swell if she kept them on very long.

She was not in the least surprised when she was told to go straight through his office into the private apartment that Marko had at the rear. When she entered the plush room she saw that he was in his gaudy silken dressing robe, she knew from past experience that he was naked, quite naked, underneath it. He was a horrid man, balding with thick eyebrows that made a mockery of his glistening pate. His eyes were deep set, but too close together to give his face anything but an evil expression at all times. He was in his late fifties, she supposed, and she felt squeamish and sick again when she saw how he ogled her legs as soon as she came into his room.

"Nice to see you, honey," he greeted her as if she had called on him of her own accord, and not that she had been ordered to attend. "Have a drink, let me see, if I remember correctly you're a gin girl eh?"

She nodded. He closed the door behind her, and went to the cocktail bar that was built into a corner of the room. He poured the drink, a long gin with a slice of sliced lemon and a dash of bitters. He handed the glass to her. His other hand roamed over her ass as he stood close to her. She sipped at the potent drink and tried not to show her displeasure of the way his hand had moved down to caress over her rounded firm ass-cheeks. He nodded towards the very comfortable and expensive sofa. Alice moved across to it and settled herself down. He brought a footstool and couched down in front of her.

"You did really good work with that John Graham character, he said softly. "I was very pleased with you. I've got your little reward in an envelope over there." He nodded towards an envelope that stood on the table propped up by a cup. Alice guessed her payment in the envelope might be one hundred dollars. Might be more… she hoped it would be as much as two hundred, for after all, the Graham man had lost all his winnings and more besides. She deserved to be treated well.