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It seemed incredible to her that he could speak in so matter-of-fact a tone, to ask such a question at a time like the present. He seemed so much in control of himself, while she was befuddled and eager with aroused lust. She was panting like a long-distance runner as she muttered her reply, "I've only been up here once before. That was with my husband. We've been married nearly three years."

Pale-face nodded; he seemed pleased with her answers. She looked down at his naked skinny loins, his crimson-headed monstrosity of a cock reared from its nest of black lush-hair… she knew, however much the man disgusted her, she had to have pleasure that big cock could give her. She resolved however that this would be the last time, the very last time that she would come to the club. She knew what would happen and she had been excited and pleased to accept the invitation, but she had to consider Tim, she had to think of her marriage. She would turn into a cheap cock-loving loose woman if she kept coming up here, and letting strange men screw to her. This would have to be the last time… the very last time. "UuuUWURRRGGGHHHHAAAA!!!!!" The lean man was aiming his over-thick penis into her moist cunthole. She gasped and then groaned although she would have been sent out of her mind if she had been denied this pleasure at the stage her lust had now reached. She had fallen back across the bed, and he was on top of her. She managed to lift her knees to cross her calves over his lean, strangely cold back, and now he was commencing to frig her, using a strange swiveling type of sideways and inwards probing all the time, as if he were alive well up inside her cunt, and was moving all around. She had been ashamed afterwards at her abandonment and pleasure when Silas had taken her body in the darkened film-room, and now she was feeling very much more ashamed at the way in which she was responding to this vile white-skinned man. She felt she wanted him to take out of her cunt the thick, hot prong that he was using so cleverly and bizarrely so deep in her belly. Tim never used this sort of action, his sort of fucking was inwards and back. This lean angular man seemed like a strange, naked white creature clamped to her belly, his stiff gouging into depths where no man had probed with his cock before.

Before morning, four of the five men at this select party had availed themselves of the sweet sexual charm of the cunt between Brenda's lovely thighs. It was the first time in her life that she had performed the fuck-act so many times in quick order. Never had she known the experience of being made to come more than once at any one lay, and although each cock only made her have the one peak or orgasm, she nevertheless had the four lovely "comes" during the space of a few hours.

It was that understanding kindly girl, Alice Marlow, who once again helped her to cleanse her semen-full twat afterwards; and it was the same Alice who accompanied the tired and fully-satiated young Mrs. Brenda Miller back to her suburban home, and made sure she arrived safely. She was too valuable a property for the great Marko to be allowed to go astray on her way home to Reigate, or to turn up in a way that would give rise to comment by the neighbors.

Marko Hynes smiled as he listened to Alice. "So our charming Mrs. Miller does not think she will visit us any more, eh?" he muttered, after Alice had relayed to him some of the conversation she had had with Brenda on the way home.

"That seems to be the way she wants it, Marko," Alice replied. "She loved the hot cock alright, but she is afraid of her marriage breaking up, afraid her husband will find out she is being made to fuck. She wants to keep herself for him and play the good and loving wife. You know how it is."

"I certainly do," he muttered. "I think perhaps the worthy but prudish Mrs. Miller deserves a visit, my dear?" He went to a cupboard and brought out a roll of film and a small portable projector. "This only came back a few minutes ago from the developing room, my dear," he said, tapping the film roll. "I'll make a call on the Miller residence tomorrow afternoon, and perhaps we can give Brenda a little preview of our latest in erotic films, eh?"

It was almost four in the afternoon when a startled Brenda Miller allowed Marko and Silas to push her back from her own front door and go into her lounge. She protested and watched as Silas set up the projector on the sideboard, and ran the cord to the wall socket where the television set was connected, Marko was pulling back the curtains meanwhile, and he muttered over his shoulder, "I heard that you weren't too keen on visiting my club again, my dear. Just see if this little film can help you change your mind."

The room in darkness, the camera was focused on the drawn curtains, which were pale in shade and made a good substitute for a screen. The film began to flicker. It showed the naked grinning white-skinned man sitting on a bed, a shapely woman using her mouth greedily on his long, thick prick… Brenda wanted to be sick, she wanted to vanish through the floor and never return… the film showed all too clearly that the woman who was cock-sucking the man so avidly was none other than herself… When the film had run its course, in silence from the three, it had shown her with various men at that vile party last night, doing all sorts of lewd fucking willingly and with energy. Marko turned off the projector while Silas returned the curtains to the open position.

"Now my dear woman," Marko was gripping her arm, "I think you will visit the club whenever I send for you, unless, of course, you want me to take some choice still from that film and have them sent to your husband, and perhaps one or two to your parents. Do you think your husband would like to get a full-size glossy photograph of his wife with another man's cock stuffed up her cunt to the hilt, and another photo showing her face and the expression she adopted when she enjoyed being frigged? Does your husband like that sort of photography, eh? Does he my dear… tell me, does he?"

Brenda had been quite unaware of the hidden cameras that had been doing their vile work while she had been screwing with such abandon for the pale-skinned man and then the other three men. Now her obscene acts were on film, her deeds of animal-like frigging were on record, and in the possession of a man she knew would not hesitate to use such power over her. She knew she was trapped.

One of the reason why the Gregley Club had been the location for the dinner-dance at which Brenda and Tim Miller first went there, was because the firm's top man, a certain Andrew Dimmock, was not only a regular visitor to the gambling tables but also a very good spender with the girls. In his sixties, he had a wife many years his junior. She was, in fact, his second wife. His first had divorced him for what the divorce court judge had described as the filthiest bedroom habits he had ever heard about between man and wife. A few nights after the dinner-dance, Andrew Dimmock was back in the club not for a dinner or a dance, not to enjoy Marko's girls — of whom Alice Marlow was his favorite — but escorting his own wife. She was a pretty woman who was gradually getting accustomed to her husband's bizarre habits and strange way of life. In one of the many small bedrooms at the club, Mrs. Dimmock had got on a bed with Silas. Seated on a chair just a few yards away, her excited and horny husband was watching greedily. He liked the spectacle of seeing his wife being undressed by a man like Silas, he liked the kinky kick he experienced when he saw the large hands of this brute of a man taking the intimate clothing of the woman from her, and holding it to his face in order to inhale obscenely at the perfume from her cunt.

Andrew Dimmock had purposely kept his wife starved for cock for the last week so that she would welcome the advances of this big man, even if she was afraid of him and disgusted that her own husband should bring her here for fucking and then sit and watch.

Dimmock watched the large mouth of Silas worshipping Mrs. Dimmock's breasts. Few things made any impression on a man such as Silas, even to the way this quite attractive wife was made to degrade herself. But he could not help feeling somewhat antagonistic to the rich old man who was so horny and selfish that he could force his young wife to fuck with another man in front of himself. Listen to the poor bitch, Silas thought to himself. Mrs. Dimmock was only doing and saying what she knew was expected of her. While Silas suckled her tits and fingered her hot wet pussy, she was looking at her perverted husband and saying in a sweetly sickly voice, "There, honey, do you like seeing your wife enjoy herself fucking with another man?"