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Jack realized his wife must be drugged to be behaving like that, and yet, even so, to see one's loving and devoted wife pleading with a wretched Oriental to do it harder to her while his thick cock is frigging up her rectum, was enough to send a man out of his mind.

Tse Ling grabbed her hair and jerked her face upwards so that she was forced to look towards the door where her husband was being held by the two men. Tse Ling had his other hand round and under her loins, the talon fingers frigging at her until she knew she would die if she was not given the sweet much-needed release of her orgasm — husband or no husband watching her, she had to get the gratification every fiber in her drugged body was screaming out for. A demented Jack Bowing watched his wife twisting and jerking at the evil Chinaman as she tried to screw herself down on to those lust-provoking fingers that were frigging her towards either madness or her much needed orgasm. Susan was crying out all the filthiest words Jack had ever heard a woman use. She was being milked of her cunt-juice and at the same time the jerking prick of the man was sending its hot wet scum deep into her bowels.

Tse Ling looked up in amazement. Just behind the lithe Orientals who were holding the heaving, sobbing Jack Bowing were two of the largest London policemen he had ever seen.

Lost for words for once, Tse Ling rose up, detaching himself gradually from Susan who screamed the foulest abuse at him, at them and at everybody else… As the glowing aftermath of her glorious come wore off, the pain in her rampaged anus grew worse. She lay there limp and exhausted, while the Chinamen released her husband who ran over to try to assist her, at least to cleanse her, or to bring her round to some state of normality.

The policemen, taking in the situation, were quick to arrest Tse Ling. They telephoned for reinforcements and took away all the employees of the Ling-Tan Agency. Speedily seeing the chances of promotion in their agility at unmasking one of the wiliest brothel supply rackets in the country, long sought by the English and Continental police, the larger of the policemen carefully tore up the piece of paper he had in his pocket. It would never do if anyone knew that their suspicions had not been aroused by anything Tse Ling had done. They had followed Jack Bowing into the building to present him with a ticket for having fed the meter five times and being still parked in the same position!