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Chapter 3

John was up against the problem of telling Carol about his screwing with his daughter Ursula. Since their marriage Carol had shown that she was by no means prudish about sex, but she might take a different view of John fucking a young girl — particularly an incestuous relationship with his daughter. He felt he had three courses open to him: to continue to deceive Carol and see Ursula surreptitiously; to tell Carol frankly what had happened and try to persuade her to understand his desire for Ursula's lovely girlish body; or to deliberately let Carol discover them together. This last might in some ways be the easier course — it would save the embarrassment of explaining everything, and present his wife with an accomplished fact.

He decided on the latter course.

Ursula was to come over one evening in the near future and John wanted to arrange things so that Carol would be out for an hour or two while he prepared things for her return. When Carol said that she'd like to go to the theater with a friend, John jumped at the opportunity and said he would ask Ursula over to keep him company 'till her return.

Father and daughter had dinner and afterwards retired to their room. Immediately John undressed and then helped Ursula to slip off her clothes. They stood there naked, a mounting excitement between them. John took the girl in his arms, pressed her body to him, and kissed her sensuously. The girl flung her arms around him and immediately felt his big prick erecting stiffly against her stomach. They moved back to the bed and in a minute the father was fucking his daughter.

She lay back on the bed, her legs apart. John sat up and parted her legs further and looked down at her almost virginal cunt. Her fine bush-hair ran down in an inverted triangle to the immature slit enclosing her clitoris and vulva. He parted the lips of her gash and looked at the girl's inviting moist cunt for the first time. Here was his daughter's pussy, open to his inspection and lust. He moved his finger up the slit to touch her small clitoris. Then he moved his finger over it delicately, and slowly the bud was roused and stiffened so he could take it between his thumb and forefinger. Ursula twisted on the bed as she felt the thrill of her father's fingers on her clitoris, her legs widening ever further in expectation. He moved his finger down her slit, pushing the cunt-lips aside until he came to the small entrance of her vagina, the vagina he had so cruelly ravaged a few weeks before. He thrust one finger into the entrance, forcing it as far as he could into the hot, wet membrane. Now he was roused to fever pitch, his cock throbbing against his body. He lay down at the girl's side, removed his finger, and with both hands now opened her slit as wide as he could. Then he brought his lips down onto her beautiful girlish cunt-lips.

His lips touched the soft warmth of her twat and then his tongue sought her clitoris. The girl jerked about and wriggled as the tip of his tongue played delicately on the small bud, and she moaned loudly as he brought his mouth down, his lips contacting her inner and outer lips and his tongue entering her most sacred cunt-hole. The girl wriggled in ecstasy as his lips worked on her pussy and his tongue probed her small vulva. Saliva poured from his mouth and mingled with her secretions and their slightly salty taste. The man was fully aroused now and he moved his legs over the girl's face so that his prick hovered above her young mouth. She seemed to understand what was required of her and in a minute she was moving his massive dick in and out of her lips. Meanwhile John was stroking his tongue from the top to the bottom of her slit, into the opening, out again and up her hot gash in long, sweeping movements. He held her legs apart as she jerked and wriggled at the excitement of it, then suddenly she knew that she had reached her climax as her cunt-juices bathed his mouth and lips, and as she forced her body upwards to press her twat as firmly as she could to his sensual mouth and tongue.

It was at this moment that Carol entered the room.

"Oh, my God, John, what are you doing?" Carol almost shouted.

She could see her husband's head buried between the parted legs of a girl, the rest of his body covering the object of his lust, except for the long blonde hair that was splayed out between her husband's legs. She guessed at once that it was Ursula he was cunt-lapping.

John raised his head, his mouth and lips covered with the girl's wet secretions, to reveal the parted vaginal slit of the young girl who moaned delightedly as she completed her orgasm.

"I'm teaching her about frigging Carol. I thought it was best that she should find out through me… and she has a lovely young body that I find I can hardly resist. Don't think it will make any difference to us."

Carol looked stunned, but her eyes showed that she understood and that in some strange way she was excited by what she saw. "Well, we-ll, I don't know what to say, John. I suppose you ought to teach her… but her mother must never find out…" As she spoke John raised himself from the girl, sitting at the side of the bed with his enormously erect prick. Slowly he got up and went over to Carol. He took her hands in his, pulling her towards him. "Come on, darling, undress and get into bed with us. We can have a wonderful time together…"

Carol's face revealed her excitement at the thought of it, and she began to undress without saying anything. The girl got up from the bed and looked at her stepmother with apprehension.

"I hope you don't mind, Carol. Daddy wanted to do this with me, and I wanted it too. If you do it with us I shall be really happy." As Carol undressed the girl looked with wonder at the beautiful body of the mature girl with her lovely large breasts, her wide hips and thick black bush hair.

"Before we get into bed," John suddenly spoke, "before we get into bed, I want you to look at my cock and balls properly, Ursula. Look, take my prick in your hands." Ursula took his prick in her hands and fondled it with wonderment, running her small hand up and down its length, taking the massive shaft between her fingers. Then she ran her hand down the underside until she came to the hair-covered balls below. She took them gently in her hand. The spellbound Carol suddenly had a great urge to touch the young girl's body and she stepped forward and lightly touched the young girl's pink nipple, then took it between her finger and thumb. It excited the girl to have Carol touching her breast and she suddenly had the desire to be kissed by her. Carol then moved her fingers down over the girlish belly to feel for her slit. Ursula wriggled with a new excitement as she felt Carol's hand brushing her cunt and her fingers parting her moist cunt-lips.

"I think that we'll get into bed now," said John. "I'd like to lie back as you two frig me in the way you want to."

John got on the bed and the young girl looked questioningly at Carol.

"You can sit astride with you on his tummy and play with his cock, Ursula. Suck it for him if you wish." And with that she put the girl in position across John's stomach so that she could hold his prick in her hands. Then she placed her open thighs over John's mouth so that his tongue could work on her lovely sexy gash.

John lay back in complete ecstasy. The young girl was now moving the foreskin back and forth over the head of his prick in a gentle slow rhythm and as she did so Carol had brought her vaginal opening into contact with John's mouth. As Ursula moved her hand more rapidly up and down the length of his prick, John's tongue entered the hot vaginal entrance of his wife.

"Oh God, go on. Force your cunt into my mouth, Carol," he moaned. "Suck my prick, Ursula, suck my prick. I want to come!" The girl bent over and placed her mouth over the head of his enormous cock, shaking with excitement as she did so.

John moved his prick up to enter the girl's mouth and pulled Carol down so that his face was buried in her hairy cunt. His tongue probed the length of her cunt-lips and then reentered the hot vagina of his wife. Moving his cock more forcibly now, he found himself touching the back of his daughter's throat as his prick throbbed on the edge of orgasm. His face was covered now in Carol's cunt-juices; even his eyes were bathed in her juices and his own saliva. He bit his teeth into the soft membrane, tongued the clitoris, and at the same time began to move his cock rhythmically in and out of his daughter's lips and mouth. His lust knew no bounds; he would not be able to contain himself much longer. His whole body jerked and writhed as he reached the height of hump-excitement and approached the point when relief was inevitable. By now Carol was revolving her cunt over his mouth sensuously and he was having to swallow the secretions from her cunt as his face and mouth were saturated in the salty-tasting liquid. He managed to move his mouth away from her hairy cunt to speak, "I'm coming, don't take your mouth from my prick, Ursula. I've got to come in your mouth." And with that he arched his body up to force his jerking prick into the teenager's mouth. At the same time he buried his nose and mouth into the luscious warmth of his wife's sex organs. In a second his climax was on him and his scalding sperm entered the girl's mouth, jerking and spitting into her throat, almost choking her. He jerked his body time and again into the girl's mouth as he almost suffocated beneath his wife's dripping cunt. The sperm poured down the girl's throat in one final burst before the man lay back exhausted between his wife's legs.