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“No, I don't see why you shouldn't. It might help you understand boys better, and you won't be shocked when you see another one.”

“Good.” Jo squirmed around onto her knees. “I've been dying to see it ever since this morning!”

For an instant, Dan wondered if she had observed him jacking off, then pushed the thought aside. She had been sound asleep when he'd pounded off, and was still that way when he left the room. He undid the sash around his waste, then opened his robe wide. His quivering cock was standing straight up.

The girl suddenly went weak, and she gripped his bare thighs for support. When the wooziness went away, she focused her eyes on the gigantic penis and inspected it carefully. Now she could see the smooth hood that had made such an odd outline in his cloth pouch. The jerking muscle was huge, corded with veins and tendons and covered up to the crown with dense dark hair. Hanging beneath it was the crinkled sack that she had seen in the bathroom.

“Oh gosh!” she gasped. “Why does it have to be so big?”

“So girls can really enjoy them, honey. Here. Feel it.” He took her by the wrist and placed her hand on his joint, then curled her fingers around it.

Jo reluctantly grasped it, feeling the heat exuding from the pulsing shaft against her palm. It terrified her, but at the same time she was enthralled. What he did with it she wasn't sure, but holding it that way provoked a thrill greater than anything she had ever experienced.

“God, Dad! It's so hard! What makes it jump like that?”

“It's full of blood, hon. It moves when my heart beats. Go ahead. Feel it all over. I don't mind.”

“Wow!” Her initial fear was replaced by wondrous awe as she let her tiny fist rove up and down the spectacular organ, feeling his legs twitch against her sides as she examined the tool by touch as well as sight. After fondling the hairy part, she lightly ran her fingertips over the silken bluish-purple head, marveling at the size and texture of it. “Doesn't it hurt when it swells up like that?”

“No, Jo. Not unless it's like that for a long time.” He was gripping the arms of the chair so hard his knuckles were white. Cum was boiling in his balls, and his thrumming poker was straining to be stabbed into a hot moist female opening. His guts were knotted up, and his chest felt as though a steel band was crushing it. “How would you like to kiss it, baby? Just for a few minutes. It would certainly make me happy if you did.”

She snapped wide smoky eyes up. “You mean put my mouth on it?”

“Uh huh. Just kiss it. All over. It won't bite, you know.”

She swallowed hard and looked back down at the distended rod that was throbbing wildly. “I don't know if I can, Dad! That's not a very nice thing to do, is it?”

“Of course it is. My penis is only another part of my body. You wouldn't mind kissing my hand or my back, would you?”

“Nnnooo, I guess not.”

“Well, then, it's the same thing. Please, honey. Daddy wants you to. Be a good girl and do what I ask.”

In a rush of recall, Jo remembered the wetness when he had rubbed himself on her bed. “You won't do anything if I do, will you?”

Dan didn't understand what she meant, but was too eager to get her mouth on his dick to pursue it. “No, baby. Just kiss it for me. C'mon, now. I'm waiting.”

Jo leaned forward cautiously and jerkily, her innocent young mind tortured almost beyond endurance. What he was asking her to do couldn't be right. He urinated out of his penis, and it wasn't nice for someone to put their mouth there. She had heard the term cocksucker used by some of the rougher kids at school, and she wondered if this was what that dirty word meant.

“That's my baby!” he groaned, placing a hand behind her head and drawing her lips down to his pecker. “Kiss it, honey, and lick it! Make daddy feel good! Oh, sweetheart! Hhhuuunnnggghhh!”

Resting her forearms on his sturdy thighs, Jo lowered her head under the pressure he was exerting and placed her soft lips on the tip of his penis. As she began kissing the bulbous knob, his strong masculine genital aroma wafted around her face, and she was forced to inhale deeply of it. After pecking at the tiny pee slit and circling the head, she moved her lips down the hairy shaft, the springy curls tickling her chin and nose.

It's not so bad, she thought. I can do this if that's all he wants. There's no taste to it at all!

“Uuuunnnggghhh! Ooohhh, Jo! Damn! Thatta girl! Baby! God! Uuuhhh! Uuuhhh! Aaaggghhh! Jesus! Go back up to the head now, darling! Hhhuuunnnggghhh! Ooohhh, Christ! Uuunnnggghhh!”

He was twisting and writhing in the chair as he watched her soft red lips glide over his joint. Caution was thrown to the winds. His carnal obsession now had full and complete control of all his senses, and nothing could ease his incestuous craving except the invasion of her tender girlish flesh.

She was panting heavily now, though unaware of it. She seemed to be pleasing her father tremendously, and doing so made her happy. Kissing his penis was no longer distasteful to her, because there was no pungent flavor to it as she had expected. Rather, it was just like kissing his hand, as he'd said.

“Uuunnnfff! Hhhuuunnnggghhh! Jo! Ooohhh, God! Baby! You're wonderful! Aaarrrggghhh! Honey! Uuuhhh! Uuuhhh! My God, you're making me feel good! Uuunnnggghhh!”

Her warm breath was blowing around his pelvis, dick and scrotum as she moved her mouth back to his cockknob, heightening his already flaming passion. When her lips were on the tip, he began worming it between them, holding her head tightly so she couldn't back away. The head touched her teeth, and he pushed harder. Slowly, her jaws opened, then he could feel her tongue as he forced his thrumming prick into her saliva-wet mouth.

“Jjjooo! Hhhuuunnnggghhh! Oh, baby! Please! Suck it! Oh, fuck! Suck on it,Jo! Pretend it's a popsicle and suck real hard! Uuunnnggghhh! Damn! Aaaggghhh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Uuuhhh!”

Stark terror gripped her when he made her take his hard penis into her mouth, begging her to suck it as he shoved it in. This wasn't kissing! He kept cramming it in, and she could feel the fiery head slide over her tongue and palate as the huge tip pushed in toward her tonsils. She was afraid he would never stop and would choke her with the massive muscle, so she whimpered with fear to get him to take it out.

“Uuummmfff! Uuummmfff! Hhhuuummm Uuummm! Hhhuuummm Uuummm! Uuummmfff! Uuummm! Hhhuuummm Uuummm!”

Dan stopped just short of her throat, then twined his fingers in her golden tresses and began hunching off the cushion, fucking her face deliberately with slow, even strokes. His face was contorted, his neck bulged, and there was a glassy sheen in his eyes. The temptation was great to make her blow him, to release the damned up jizz into her oral cavity and let her sample the ambrosia of male fuck juice, but even in his crazed lecherous state he couldn't bring himself to go that far.

“Ooohhh, honey, just a little bit more! Get it good and wet! Soak it with your spit! Make it real slippery! Hhhuuunnnggghhh! Ooohhh, fuck! Fuck! Aaaggghhh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Okay, that's enough! Take your mouth off now! Aaaggghhh!”

Jo was so confused, she was dazed. Pulling her mouth off his dancing piston, she looked up at him with total bafflement. Her deep blue eyes were clouded with wary anticipation about what was going to come next.

A quick glance showed Dan that his rigid prick was well coated with saliva, the spittle plastering down his cock hairs and glistening in the lamplight. He leaped to his feet and shrugged off his robe, then crouched down and began undoing the buttons running up the front of Jo's house coat.

“What are you going to do, Daddy?” she asked in a quavering voice. “Tell me! Please!”

“I'm going to give you something like an enema, baby!” he said, fumbling with the buttons with shaky fingers. “Only this time, I'm going to use my penis! Don't worry! It won't hurt like it did this morning!”