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The athletic supporter was digging into the base of his scrotum as Dan braced his elbows at her sides and began pumping his pecker in and out of her slippery tube. The fistlike canal caressed his joint delightfully and made squishy sounds as he plumbed the depths of her vagina. He was counting on Jo's naturally innate sexual response to blossom when she felt his stroking peter.

“Jo, baby! Ooohhh, Jo! God! Hhhuuunnnggghhh! That's the way to fuck! Aaarrrggghhh! Squeeze it now, honey! Clamp on it real hard! Move your hips, too! Let yourself go, darling! Don't try to hold back! Hhhuuunnnggghhh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!”

She fought to ignore the bloated poker that was plummeting into her belly, but as it hammered against her womb and his balls slapped against her anus, she began to feel the same sensation she'd had when he lapped her crotch. Her arms came up slowly and wrapped around him, then she pulled her knees up and pressed them against his sides. His lunging muscle was causing her to feel flushed, and that private place between her thighs seemed to be on fire.

“Daddy, I'm feeling real strange! Don't do that any more! It's really weird! Please, take it out! I don't mind the other, but this scares me! I've never felt like this! Jeez! Oh, don't! My insides are going round and round! Gggaaahhh! Hhhhuuuuhhh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Ooohhh!”

A faint smile flickered on Dan's face as he kissed her ear and tongued the shell-like protuberance. She was coming around, now, just as he knew she would. His invading prick was stirring and stimulating her, and it wouldn't be long before her volcanic passion came to the surface. He was bringing her along tenderly, and there was no chance that she could resist.

“Darling! Uuuhhh! Uuuhhh! Ooohhh, honey! This is the way it's meant to be! Lord, what a terrific cunt! Uuunnnggghhh! Let yourself go! Fuck me, Jo, and let daddy fuck you! Push your cunt on it! Like that! Aaaggghhh! Aaaggghhh! Don't stop now! Ooohhh, baby! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

The frenzied turbulence in her groin was increasing at a raging pace, and Jo was so wrought up her mind reeled. Furious tremors fluttered through her, and she was so tremulant she was almost hysterical. For some reason she felt that she and her father were one, irrevocably connected by his cock, and that they were joined forever.

“Dddaaadddddyyy! — ooohhh! Ooohhh! Jeepers, I'm blowing my mind! I think I'm gonna do what you said! I'm gonna climax! Oh, God! You're so far up inside me! I can feel every bit of it! Oh, dad! Dad! Dad!”

Dan kissed her soft warm mouth and stroked her hair as he slammed his dick into her again and again with increasing ferocity. It filled him with intense rapture to be the first to embed his prick in her magnificent snatch, and he was positive she would never be able to forget it.

“Honey! Damn! Ooohhh, fuck! I'm going to cum! Fuck, baby! Buck on it! Uuunnnggghhh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Climax, sweet! Cum! Cum! Cccuuummm! Hhhhuuuunnnngggghhhh! Feel it, Jo! I'm shooting off in you! Feel it! Uuuhhh! Uuuhhh! Uuuhhh!”

Jo did feel the pulsing jets spew into her cunt. They sprayed the opening of her uterus with unbelievable pressure, and filled her vagina so full the viscous liquid seeped out past his cock and oozed down over her bung. The squirting gusher triggered a heated flare in her pelvis that stormed out to her nerve ends in a galvanic rush that left her quivering and vibrating beneath her dad.

She clutched at him with both arms and twined her legs around his waist to wait for the furor and convulsions to abate.


“We'd better break this up now,” Dan said quietly.

He grunted when she unwound her limbs from around him and he pushed himself to his feet. A vaginal fart hissed from her cunt when the head of his joint vacated the tunnel, and when he looked down, he saw that a thick river of their combined fuck juices flecked with blood was flowing out of her twat and forming a puddle on the bedspread between her ripe buns.

Jo mewed and rubbed her still palpitating abdomen. “I sure feel strange, Dad. Like I'm all weak and beat, you know? Is it supposed to be like that?”

“Sometimes, when it's been particularly good.” Even now, with his balls drained dry, her magnificent torso, her rose-tipped cones and curl-ringed pussy excited carnal lust. Her sweetness, purity, and heart-tugging innocence sent his senses swimming, and it aggravated him to know that she would have the same effect on him for years to come. “You'll have to change your bed linen, too. Let's clean up and get dressed before Peg gets back.”

Tearing his eyes from her bewitchingly seductive figure, Dan headed for the hallway and his room, upset and fatigued. After stripping off his pants and jock strap, he stuffed them in the hamper and washed himself before donning clean clothes. A quick swipe with the hair brush made him ready. Picking up his billfold, car keys and other pocket items, he started for the front door, meeting Jo coming out of the hall bath on the way.

“Are you going some place, Dad?”

“Yes. Listen. When Peggy comes home, I want you to tell her exactly what I told you about this sex thing. She's interested too, but I'm just not up to going through it again. Can you handle it?”

She nodded, frowning thoughtfully. “I think so. You don't want me to say anything about us, do you?”

“God, no! And don't mention it to anyone else, either. I'm going downtown, and I don't have any idea when I'll be back. Try and keep a lid on things, will you? If Brenda calls, tell her… tell her I'll try and see her later.”

“All right. I'll do my best.”

He kissed her, feeling the heat from her bare flesh penetrate his clothing, and the pressure of her stiff nipples against his chest. Without looking down at her luscious body, he spun away and walked rapidly to his car. The one problem that troubled him most was the impelling reflex action toward the girls that was getting totally out of hand, and he was resolutely determined to find the answer to it, either on his own or through the help of a psychiatrist.

The main library was a block long edifice that should contain what he sought. Depositing the car in a lot, he walked in, nodded to the smiling elderly woman behind the counter, then struck out for the non-fiction area.

It took him a while to locate the books he wanted, tomes that covered sexual aberrations and unnatural acts, written by or co-authored with medical doctors, shrinks, and behavioral scientists. Carrying the volumes to a table in the far corner, he sat down and began pouring over the texts, selecting from the index only those pages that dealt with his particular situation.

The words seemed to leap out at him, boggling his mind as he read about confessions and family histories that duplicated his own. Though the girls involved were generally older than his daughters, the acts performed were nearly the same, and the father's attitudes coincided with the way he felt.

One authority after another said almost the same thing; that many men harbored incestuous thoughts toward their offspring, much more in fact than the average person suspected. The majority of the fathers described indulged in everything from casual petting to out and out vaginal fucking of their girls along with all other acts in between.

What astounded Dan most was that the authors looked upon this supposed deviation with respect and understanding, provided the men guided the girls lovingly and not with vicious intent. One and all, they seemed to agree that a young lady suffered no ill effects from sexual attentions given by her father, and several stated that some eight out of ten girls actually benefited, and that the acts did cement family relations.

He turned to stare out the high grimy window and ponder what Brenda had told him about her own experience. Perhaps there was something to all this after all, and maybe he wasn't the vile ogre he pictured himself to be.