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“What now?” Peg asked as she hung up her towel.

“Nothing, right now. Why don't we put our robes on and watch TV for a while till Jo gets home?”

“Sounds okay. She started out of the room with her trim buns bobbling saucily, then stopped at the door and turned. “Daddy, are we going to do stuff like that all the time, now?”

“I hadn't really thought about it, but there's no reason why we shouldn't. I read some books today about that very thing that I'll tell you about later. What I say might get rid of any doubts you still might have.”

“Oh, I don't have any doubts. Heck, I'm just learning. I was only wondering, is all.”

He was still swiveling his head in amazement as he went into the bedroom for his robe. Peg, in all her youthful naiveness, had put it in a nutshell. There was no cause for doubts now. There was only room for happiness and jubilation. He recovered his glass from the bathroom and proceeded down the hall.

The phone was ringing when he reached the living room, and he crossed over to the desk to answer it.

“Good evening, master,” Brenda said, mocking Bela Lagosi. “I was wondering what your plans were for this evening. My fangs are sharp, and I believe I could suck a little blood from your prick.”

Dan chuckled into the receiver. “Think so, huh? Sorry, doll. Jo's out, and I have to stick around to make sure she gets home okay. Besides, I just got out of the shower.”

“Damnit, damnit! It's always something! How do you expect a girl to exist without a little male fuck juice to survive on?”

“You'll manage. Incidentally, I went to the library this afternoon to check on what you said. Turns out you were right. Frankly, I was amazed.”

“I see.” Her tone was subdued now. “I'm beginning to get the picture. What you mean is that you're experimenting with those two overdeveloped youngsters of yours. That's it, isn't it? You're showing them all the tiny delights so you can grow your own harem.”

“Brenda, that's enough. Even if I am, it was your idea. I was only admitting that you knew what you were talking about. You don't have to read anything into that.”

“I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid. They're two nifty little twists. Who wouldn't want to dick them? I'm not blaming you, I just want to get at the truth. You sure seem to be avoiding me, and I want to know why.”

“Don't talk nonsense. You know I'm crazy about your cunt, and the rest of you, too. We'll get together. What's the hurry?”

“My pussy, that's what's the hurry! Tomorrow or not? Last chance.”

Dan was hoping to have a few days alone with the girls to try out all the things he had dreamed up since leaving the library, but he also yearned for Brenda's expert attentions.

“All right. Tomorrow. I'll call you at home or the office.”

“You'd better. Goodnight, lover. Give them a fuck for me.”

When he hung up and turned around, he found Peggy standing only a few feet behind him, staring at him with disbelief.


Not knowing how much of the conversation the girl had heard, Dan tried to pass it off lightly. “That's a very pretty nightie. I don't think I've seen it before, have I?”

Her gown was a red, knee length gauzy affair with a ruffled flounce around the bottom, and thin straps that ran over her shoulders to hold it up. Her immense breasts pushed it out away from her body, and through the flimsy material he could see the dark shadows of her nipples and pubic thatch.

She ignored his question. “That was Brenda, wasn't it?”

“Uh huh.” He stepped over to pull the drapes across the big front windows, then strode casually to his chair. When he sat down, she moved around in front of him.

“Why did you say you liked her cunt?” Tears were brimming in her dark blue eyes. “Are you having sex with her, too?”

He put his glass on the table next to him and rubbed his jaw. “Honey, adults do things sometimes that seem stupid to children, but there's usually a reason for it. You know that your mother and I haven't been getting along too well for some time.”

She compressed her lips and wiped the tears away. “I know, but you didn't answer me. What about Brenda? Is she your… girl friend?”

“I guess you might say that. We're very close. It shouldn't upset you, though. I thought you and Jo were nuts about her.”

“We are, but just as a friend. I didn't know you were, like, doing things with her. Are you going to divorce mom and marry her?”

“We haven't decided yet. It's possible. Would-you object very much if I did?”

“Oh, Daddy!” she said chokingly. She crawled up in the chair, straddling his hips with her knees, threw her arms around him, and buried her face in the hollow of his neck. “I'm scared you'll love her more than you do us! She's so darn beautiful!”

“Hey, now.” He put his arms around her and rubbed her back from her shoulders to her firm, rounded rump. “It wouldn't be like that at all. You and Jo are my girls, and nobody will ever take your place. I'd love her, sure, but I'd love you just as much, only a little bit differently.”

Dan continued to stroke her soothingly until she calmed down, feeling the warmth of her body and the pressure of her tremendous globes against his chest. His prick was rising, shoving the robe away and poking out. He had thought that the blow job in the shower would satisfy his all-consuming sexual appetite for a while, but the nearness of her ripe pussy to his extended cock kindled his avaricious lust once again.

Peggy's gown was bunched up around her hips, and her crotch was bare. When she relaxed and let her leg muscles go limp, she sagged down into his lap and felt his erect piston poke her in the cunt. Startled, she pulled her torso back to look at him.

“Dad! You're hard again! How come?”

He grinned at her wryly. “That's what you do to me, kitten. There's nothing I can do about it. I guess you're just too damn pretty.”

The compliment made her smile and her eyes shine. “Oh, Daddy. You're just saying that.”

“Not at all. Let me show you how you effect me.”

Pushing a hand under her nightie, Dan circled the root of his dick with his fingers and thumb, then began rubbing his cockknob against the soft bush that covered the puffy lips of her twat. He squirmed the tip around in her crotch, moved it out to her ass hole, then drew it toward him through the slick crevice of her pussy.

“Gosh, Dad, that makes me tingle! You know, just like you did when you licked me! Wow! It sure is hot!”

Dan was twitching as he sloshed the head of his joint around in her tender canyon, spreading her labia and teasing her tiny clit. His groin was inflamed, his eyes were becoming glassy, and his rod was pulsing in his hand. He was so intent on manipulating his dick in her slit he wasn't aware she was leaking lubricating mucous till it began trickling down his shaft.

“Is that exciting you?” he rasped.

“I don't know. I think so. I feel kinda weird down there.”

“Do you want me to stop, honey?”

“No. Not yet. It's kinda nice.”

He arched his neck down and bent forward to burrow his face into her soft tits, kissing them through the filmy gown. She mewed softly, then he felt her pulling his face into her lush cones and shoving them against him. Sliding the bulbous end of his pecker down to her vaginal opening, he began twirling it around the rim, not putting it in, but wetting it thoroughly with her liquid.

“Ooohhh, Daddy,” she simpered. “Ooohhh! Wow! That's making me so hot I'm starting to sweat! Jeez! Ooohhh! My heart's going a mile a minute. Hhhuuuhhh! Hhhuuuhhh! Dad! Aaahhh! Aaahhh!”

She couldn't control the fluttering vibrations that shook her as he wiggled the stiff flaming pole around that most sensitive spot in her crotch. It made her skin prickle, and she was panting in small gasps. Glancing down, she saw that her long nipples were again sticking out proudly, making points in her nightie. She felt giddy, and it was difficult to think of anything else except the delirious pleasure he was giving her.