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Buried under the two rampant, tempestuous pussies, Dan heard their pleas and gave them what they wanted. He pushed his tongue as far into Jo's vagina as he could and twirled it around while he heaved his ass off the floor to cram his throbbing joint into Peg's scorching tunnel. Blood-hot jizz was already pummeling its way towards his cock, and there was no way to hold it back.

“Dad, I'm… cccuuummmiiinnnggg!” Peggy shrieked. “OH, NOW!Now! Dddaaadddddyyyy! Now! Wwwaaahhh! Wwwaaahhh! Oh! Oh! I did it! I had a climax! Gggnnnuuuggghhh! Hhhhuuuuhhhh! Huh! Huh! Ooohhh! Ooohhh!”

Jo slumped forward to place her palms on the floor. Her nails bit into the carpet as she looked back between her hanging, swaying tits to watch her father's chin as she climaxed.

“Eeeyyyooowww! Hhhuuunnnggghhh! Daddy! Oh, Jesus! Don't stop!

" I'm cumming, but don't stop! Keep licking me! Ooohhh, God! I cant stand it, it's so wonderful! Uuuhhh! Uuuhhh! Uuuhhh! Fffuuuccckkk! Aaarrrggghhh! Aaahhh! Aaahhh! Uh! Uh! Uh! uh!”

The torrential eruption against her womb made Peggy's eyes bug out. As the boiling sperm splashed into her in jet after spewing jet, she couldn't believe she had taken such a spurting gusher in her mouth, as she had done in the shower. His prick jerked for several seconds with each squirt, then it settled down to a steady pulsation in time with his heartbeat.

The girls looked at each other senselessly for a few minutes, then they withdrew their wet cunts from the prone figure of their fattier and slumped over weakly onto the floor. He could hear their tortured breathing as he struggled to a sitting position and held his head in his hands.

“Christ!” he murmured. “Christ!”

“Is there anything wrong, Daddy?” Jo wheezed.

“No. I just never thought anything like that would ever happen to me. It's going to take me a while to learn to cope with it.”

He twisted around, got up, then reeled to his chair where he stood and lit a cigarette. He was just turning back to tell the girls to go clean up when the doorbell rang, loud and insistently.

“Stay where you are,” Dan said, picking up his robe. “They've got to have the wrong house.”


Dan held a finger to his lips as a signal for the girls to be quiet, then tied the sash around his waist and crossed to the door. The combined fuck juices that had drooled from Peg's cunt soaked his cock, balls and pelvis, and he was anxious to get rid of whoever it was so he could wash off.

He intended to open the door only a crack, but the minute he twisted the knob, a hand pushed it wide and Brenda charged in, brushing past him and bringing with her the unmistakable aroma of expensive Scotch. He slammed the door and whirled around.

“What the hell do you think you're doing?”

“I thought I'd stop by and see how you were doing with your lessons, dear.” She eyed the two naked lovelies sprawled on the floor. “Aha! Getting right with it, aren't you. And both of 'em, too. My, my. Don't tell me you're getting old. How did you like it, kids? Getting balled is a ball, isn't it?”

Dan had known her long enough to realize she wasn't drunk, but she'd had just enough to make her brave. There wasn't much he could do now that she had seen the girls except go along with her and try to get rid of her as soon as he could.

“Sit down, Brenda. I'll get you a drink. Girls, pick up your things and go clean up.”

“And don't bother getting dressed,” the brunette said, dropping her purse by a chair. “It's silly to cover up such terrifically developed bodies.”

Jo and Peg tried to get a hint of what to do from their dad, but he was already on the way to the kitchen with his empty glass. They rose, picked up their things, and started for the hall, both of them ashamed at having Brenda know what they'd been doing.

Dan mixed two drinks, his stiff and hers light, cursing the idiotic circumstances that put him in this position. Brenda was by no means mentally deficient, and now she had the very tools she needed to coerce him into marriage. It didn't set well with him, and he was trying to figure a way out when he went back and found her carefully draping her skirt over the back of a chair.

All she was wearing was nylons, high heels, and a flame-red garter belt around her waist with long straps that ran down to her hose. She turned to him and smiled, spreading her feet wide apart so he could see the black ringlets that hung down in her crotch. The puffy aureoles and hard nipples of her majestic tits were aimed directly at his chest, and her pink slit gleamed amongst the ebony bush that surrounded it.

“Would you mind telling me what the fuck you've got on your mind?” he asked stonily as he handed her a highball.

“Just that, darling. A fuck. I want to join the party, too. Don't you want me to have any fun at all?”

“For Christ's sake, Brenda, think of the girls!” he said angrily as he took a seat in his chair.

“Oh, I am! I am!” She sat down and crossed her stupendous legs. “I know you're doing the best you can, but you can only show them one side of sex. I thought I'd help out with the other part.”

“Not with them, you don't! If you're so hot for a cunt, go find yourself a dyke. Leave my girls alone.”

She pouted at him prettily. “Oh, Dan. I don't think you understand females at all. A lot of us are bisexual, you know.”

“That may be, but my kids are only going to go one way. I mean it, Brenda. Don't mess with them. I've got enough on my hands without having to worry about that.”

The woman pulled cigarettes from her purse and lit one casually as she looked at him. “You're not being fair to them, you know. You can't dictate how they should live. The least you could do is give them a chance to make up their own minds. After all, how can you stop them if they find out they like girls, too?”

“I don't know, but I'm sure as hell going to try. Lesbianism isn't normal, and you know it.”

Brenda smiled sarcastically. “Neither is fucking your own kids, but you don't seem to let that bother you.”

“Look, the books I read today said that…”

“Oh, fuck the books,” she said heatedly. “Sure, I know that quite often it's good for a father to guide his daughters into sex, but not everyone does it, do they? A good percentage, but not all of them. All right, it's the same with me. There are a lot of females like I am, but not all of them. The point is, everyone should have the chance to make up their minds what they want to do.”

The girls came back, still naked, and it dawned on Dan that he hadn't told them to put anything on. There didn't seem to be any sense in going through the motions of modesty now, especially with Brenda nearly naked. He motioned them to sit down. They were too young to hear this conversation, but he thought it would be a good idea to nip any notions in the bud while he could.

“Why don't you simply ask them, Brenda, if you're so damn sure of what you're saying. I'm sure of the answer you'll get.”

“Don't be.” The woman turned her sparkling coal black eyes on the girls. “Kids, I know this is all very new, but have you ever thought what it would be like to lick a girl's cunny like I'm sure your dad has done to you?”

Peggy shot a glance at her older sister, and it was apparent from their expressions that neither girl had ever considered such an act. Things were happening too fast for them, and the question, along with finding Brenda stripped in front of their father, left them more than a little bewildered.

“Gee, I don't know,” Jo said cautiously. “I don't believe we've ever thought about it. Is that something we're supposed to learn about too, Dad?”

“Not if you don't want to. Brenda's trying to make a point. Do either of you think you'd ever want to?”

“Wait a minute,” Brenda interjected, “let me say something before you answer. A girl's cunt is usually just as clean as a guy's cock, and she won't squirt a lot of cum in your mouth. One other thing. Imagine what it would be like to have a girl eat your cunny. She'd know exactly what you'd like, and could make you cum just as hard as a guy could.”