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“Is something wrong, Daddy?” Jo asked meekly, unable to see him and wondering why he hadn't pushed the awful thing into her.

“Nothing's the matter, kitten. Relax, now, and hold on.”

Placing the tip of the black nozzle against her rectal opening, Dan tenderly punched it through her sphincter, then gently eased it into her colon, feeling his way cautiously. Her puckered hole sucked inward as he wormed the hard plastic up her rectum.

“Oh, gosh, Dad,” she whined. “That's far enough, isn't it? Please don't hurt me. Ooohhh. Uuuhhh. Isn't that all of it?”

It had been a long time since her mother had given her her one and only enema, and she'd forgotten what it felt like. While it wasn't painful, it gave her a strange sensation that she wasn't used to, and it frightened her. Not only could she feel the hard thing in her intestines, but also in that private area where she peed and menstruated, and in what her mother told her to call her “boobies”.

“It's all the way in, hon,” Dan said soothingly, aware that his throbbing hard-on had stretched the elastic in his jock strap to the limit. “Now I'm going to let the water go.”

He released the clamp on the hose, hearing and feeling the gravity-forced water rush through tube and into Jo's ass. It made a gurgling sound as it poured into her, and while it hosed into the clogged colon, he let his finger slip down to the moist opening of her pussy.

Jo chewed on her lower lip while the warm liquid gushed into her anal canal, stretching and filling it. All apprehension left her as she felt the pleasant pressure against her ovaries and womb, and she squeezed her bung on the nozzle while letting the rest of her body relax. She wouldn't have admitted it to anyone, but she was getting a thrill out of having her father excite her in a way she had never experienced.

“That's enough, Dad,” she said. “I'm full, now.”

“All right, baby.” Dan clamped the hose to cut off the flow, then slithered the tip from her butt, angry with himself for getting hard and wishing he could prevent her from seeing it. “Sit down on the stool and let's see what happens.”

The girl clenched her sphincter and backed up to the toilet where she lowered her buttocks to the seat. When she looked up to ask him to step outside while she went, and saw the gigantic pole that was pushing the pouch away from his pelvis, she was so stunned that she let go abruptly.

“Daddy! Wha…?”

They both heard the stream of water splash into the bowl, then before either of them could say a word, Jo's face turned a beet red and she shivered violently. A large glob of fecal matter was forcing its way out of her ass hole, expanding the muscle painfully as it squeezed its escape.

“Dddaaaddddddyyy!” she screeched, her face a mask of torment. When he hurriedly stepped over in front of her, she threw her arms around him and hugged him to her, unmindful that her face was pressed against the

stiff protrusion angling up from his groin. Daddy! Aaarrrggghhh! Ooohhh, it hurts! Eeeyyyiii! Ooohhh!”

“Easy, honey, easy.” He could feel his daughter trembling with agony and patted her shoulders comfortingly, not knowing what else to do. “It'll be over in a minute, baby. Relax. I know it hurts, but it won't take long. Easy, now.”

Clutching at her father's naked ass and shoving her cheek against his hard penis, Jo sobbed wrackingly as the huge chunk of shit passed torturously through her bung. Just as she thought it would never stop, the last of the massive turd oozed out and her anus snapped shut with blissful relief.

“Oh, God, God, God!” she cried. “That was too much, Daddy! I don't think I can even get up!”

Dan loosened her grip on him and backed away to look down at her tear-stained face. In the short span of time of her torment he had been able to ignore his blood-gorged dick, but now the vivid memory of having had her youthful mouth so close to it made him more uncomfortable than ever.

He wanted to dash to his room and hide his distended pulsing erection and the look of unadulterated lust that he knew was engraved on his face, yet he couldn't leave her in the condition she was in.

“Honey,” he said gently, “I think we should do it again to make sure you're all cleaned out. It won't be nearly as bad this time.”

Jo brushed the tears away, then unrolled a length of tissue and wiped her ass, having lost all humility during the terrible episode. “I can't, Dad. I'm too sore back there. Maybe later on, huh?”

“It has to be done now, kitten. We have to get it all out. We'll use something as a lubricant so it won't be so painful.” He opened the large medicine chest behind the mirror and brought out a bottle of baby oil that the family used for sunburns. “This'll do it. I should have used it the first time. Want to get up and bend over, now?”

It took all the courage Jo could muster to bob her head in agreement, flush the commode, and get into position once more. She was thankful that the ache had eased in her belly, and she didn't care now whether her dad saw her behind or not, but she was still timid about getting another flushing out.

“This will take some of the sting out of it, Jo,” Dan said as he knelt and unscrewed the cap from the bottle. He wet his index finger with the oily liquid, then spread the girl's cheeks. There was no sign of blood, so he knew she hadn't been torn.

“Be real easy with me, will you?” the young blonde pleaded. “I really smart back there.”

“Of course I will, baby. I wouldn't hurt you for the world.”

He was in a position now to look directly into the crevice between her delectable buns and the coral mouth of her twat. His prick began to do a vibrant dance and his balls sucked up into his groin as he gawked at Jo's two tempting openings and imagined what it would be like to pierce them both with his straining piston.

Shaking his head, he directed his attention to what he was supposed to be doing and parted her taut rounded buttocks. First he greased the quivering orifice and the area around it, then he dipped his finger in the oil again and injected it through the puckered muscle. Once inside, he twirled his digit and rubbed it thoroughly around her tender rubbery colon.

“Oh, Jeez, Dad, that feels better already! Use a lot of it, will you? I don't want to hurt like that again!”

With her tummy ache almost completely alleviated, Jo had begun thinking about all that was happening. She had felt his finger on her other hole when he was giving her the enema, and had thought it was an accident, but now she wasn't so positive. The greasy finger that was reaming her butt was doing things to her that made her mind reel.

He had rewet his finger, and was touching spots inside her that sent jolting tingles up her spine and out to her nerve ends. A peculiar sort of tickle had started in that place between her legs, her boobies were bigger than they were, or they felt like it anyway, and she wasn't sure whether she liked it or not. Then there was that giant thing sticking out of her dad like a big salami. She'd seen baby boys when their mothers had brought them over to the house and changed their diapers, and she knew they were different than girls, but she couldn't conceive of anything so monstrous as the jiggling pole that had pushed out her father's pouch.

“Do you like that, baby?” he asked in a voice just above a whisper as he twisted and turned his digit in her rectum.

“I… I guess so. Am I supposed to?”

“No. I only wondered.” Dan was restraining a fervent urge to stab his thumb into Jo's virgin cunt and jack both of them off right then and there. His dick was swollen to the bursting point, and his cockhead was becoming tender from chafing against the jock strap. “I guess that'll be enough. I'll give you one more enema, then we'll quit.”

When he popped his finger from her butt, then wiped it and reached for the hose and nozzle, Jo peered back between her spread legs and sucked in her breath at the sight that greeted her. The nose of her father's thing had pushed the support out so far that a tremendous hairy sack was now hanging between his thighs. The cloth-covered tube aimed at her was jumping up and down with a steady rhythm, and there was a damp spot at the very end.