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“Daddy, what's that thing that's…?” She didn't finish. It didn't seem right to ask him about something that he had always kept intentionally hidden from sight.

“Huh? What did you say, baby?” He had been concentrating on getting the hose ready, and hadn't heard her clearly.

“Nothing. It wasn't anything. Can we get it over with? I'm not very comfortable this way.”

“Sure. I'm all set.”

This time the nozzle slipped in so easily that Dan almost lost control of it, and by the time he had it stopped, his thumb and finger were resting on the rim of her bung. “That's not too far in, is it?”

“Huh uh. It's okay.” She nearly said that it didn't feel nearly as good as his finger, but bit off the remark before it came out.

Dan was tense and suffering when he opened the clamp on the hose to fill her colon with water. His balls were on fire, and it was all he could do to keep from grabbing his jumping cock and pounding off while he stared at Jo's alluring ass and pussy. Even more, he wished he had the guts to have her stroke the jizz from his flaming joint, but that was something he couldn't bring himself to do.

“It's a lot nicer this time,” Jo said softly, trying to keep the quaver of delight from her voice, but not quite succeeding. “I don't mind it at all.”

“Good. Let me know when you've had enough.”

The pressure was there again, thrilling and exciting her as she stared back between her boobies and spread thighs at the huge projection that was leaping in her father's lap. For the first time in her young life her curiosity was aroused to a frantic pitch, and she wanted desperately to see what it was that her father had that he had so religiously concealed from her.

“That's enough, Daddy. I don't think I can take any more.”

Dan patted her velvety rump as he extracted the phallus object from her ass. “That's a good girl. You'll be just fine when this is all over with. Be careful getting to the toilet.”

Once again Jo backed up and plopped down on the commode seat, only this time she held the water inside while she watched her dad take down the rubber bag and move to the sink where he emptied it and washed off the nozzle.

She caught a quick glimpse of the base of the hairy shaft that jutted out from his pelvis and that increased her interest but now, as he stood with his back to her at the sink and she could see his bare ass and the funny crinkled sack hanging between his legs, she had a crazy notion that she wanted to touch them and see what they felt like. There was a vague recollection of digging her fingers into his butt and pressing her face against something hard when she was in blinding pain, but there wasn't enough there to satisfy her.

“About through, honey?” he asked, replacing the enema equipment under the sink.

“Uh huh. Just about.” When he turned to face her and she again saw that mysterious bulge in his front, she released her bowels in a sudden inspiration of awe and a thunderous cascade of water and excrement splashed into the bowl, the sound echoing resoundingly in the small room. The discharge eased her distress so much that she was able to smile at her father when she wiped, flushed, and stood up.

“Do you want to take a shower?” Dan asked, pointedly acting unabashed about the fact that they were both almost totally naked and that he was hard.

“No.” She picked up her panties and blouse. “I want to go lay down for a while. My tummy's still a little tender.”

“That's a good idea. C'mon, I'll go with you.”

In her bedroom, Jo carelessly threw her things on a chair and reached back to undo her bra. She kept her eyes averted as she let the straps slide down her arms, then tossed the flimsy undergarment aside and climbed onto her double bed. When her long golden hair was fanned out on the pillow and her legs primly clamped together, she turned her innocent azure gaze on him.

“Would you lay down with me for a while, Daddy? I'd like you to be close to me till this darn thing goes away.”

Dan hesitated. Seeing her large fully rounded tits with their hard tiny nipples had added fuel to the fire already blazing in his groin. Though her aureoles were small, her globes were nearly as maturely formed as Brenda's, and even laying on her back they didn't sag or droop. She was the ideal picture of feminine desirability, and he was losing his constraint rapidly.

“I don't think we should, hon. This isn't a proper situation for a father to be in with his daughter. You may not know why now, but you will as you get older.”

She ignored his protests, ignorant of his point. Her main interest now was to satisfy the nagging wonder about the incredible thing that poked in front of him. Plaintively, she said, “Please? Just for a few minutes? It can't hurt anything.”

“All right,” he said grudgingly, telling himself that she had gone through misery and probably needed some solace, even though his own immediate demands were much more crucial than hers. He got on his back beside her, mentally closing his eyes to the beguiling figure so alluringly displayed within easy reach.

Jo turned on her side toward him and tilted her head slightly, then closed her lids to the merest slit and inspected what she could see of the puzzling mound that moved and wiggled under the weird contraption he was wearing. There was a peculiar outline at the tip of the thing that was bigger than what she could see of the base, and she couldn't imagine what it was.

They laid there in silence for over half an hour, neither of them moving, Dan uncomfortable because of his erection and Jo staring at his organ, trying to recall all she had heard about a male penis, which was practically nothing. When he whispered her name, she kept quiet, feigning sleep and hoping he would stay with her long enough to let her fathom the bewildering marvel.

Getting no reply, and listening to her steady breathing, Dan assumed she had dozed off. He twisted his neck to make sure her eyes were closed, then feasted his gaze on the provocative curves and swells of her mouthwatering body as he curled his fingers around his thrumming cock and began to stroke it slowly and fondly, picturing his dick in his daughter's captivating pussy.

The girl suppressed a shiver of excitement when she saw him close his fist around the cloth-covered pole and begin massaging it. She had no idea what he was doing, but something told her it had something to do with what happened in the bathroom and their laying there unclothed. Whatever it was, she felt deliciously wicked watching, certain for some reason that she wasn't supposed to see.

“Uuuhhh!” Dan moaned almost undiscernibly. “Uuuhhh! Aaahhh! Hhhuuu! Uuunnnfff!”

Oh, Christ! he thought. I want you so damn bad, Jo! I want to shove this prick way up into your tight little virgin cunt and screw the piss out of you! God, you're so fucking desirable! So goddamn pure! I want to fuck you, honey!


Dan's pounding fist picked up speed as his eyes flicked back and forth between Jo's conical rose-tipped globes and the blonde triangle of fleece that covered her pelvis, and the hard edge of his hand hammered on his groin. Her thighs were pressed tightly together, squeezing out the puffy lips of her twat and making them look as though they were begging for a kiss.

“Uuuhhh! Uuuhhh! Ooohhh, fuck! Goddamn! Uuuhhh!”

Listening to his barely audible moans of ecstasy and seeing his hand fly up and down the giant shaft sent chills up Jo's spine. She knew he was giving himself pleasure, but the why of it simply escaped her. It seemed silly for him to fondle his own body that way, but she also sensed that there was some underlying reason for it that she didn't understand.