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“Good. Let's take it off, now. I'll put it back on just before you leave.”

She stood there passively with her arms raised while he unwound the strip, then lowered her arms and waited until he had rolled it up and set it on the dresser. The next part was going to be the hardest, but she had reconciled herself that it had to be done, and had no intention of chickening out.

“I guess these will have to do for cutting your hair,” he said, picking up the scissors. “I don't know where any other ones are, and I sure don't want to use a razor on you.”

“I wouldn't want you to, either. Where are we going to do it?”

“The bed, I suppose. Take your clothes off, and I'll get a towel to put under you.”

He returned to find her standing stark naked by the bed with a pink flush tinting her face and neck. When he glanced down at the apex of her shapely legs, he could understand why Mrs. Knox had been concerned. Peggy had much more pubic fur than Jo. Her pelvis was covered with a thick forest of light brown curls, and long strands became stringy locks in her crotch, damp with natural moisture and sweat.

“How should I get?” she asked timidly.

“On your back facing this way, and spread your legs as wide as you can.” While she laid down, Dan switched on the bed lamp and took a long swig of his drink. This wasn't going to be the easiest thing he had ever done. Kneeling, he spread the towel and pushed it under her rump, getting a catch in his throat when he saw the delightfully pink furrow of her pussy, the moist opening of her vagina, and the coral protective nodules just inside that all young girls had.

Peggy swallowed hard and kept her gaze riveted on the ceiling, not wanting to see the expression on his face nor watch the operation that he was about to perform. This was the first time she could ever remember anyone ever looking at her down there. She had never taken a peek herself, though she had wanted to many times, especially when she began that incomprehensible female function of menstruation.

“I'm going to have to touch you quite a bit when I do this, baby, so don't get excited. For God's sake, don't jump. I don't want to clip your skin by accident. Just lay very still, okay?”

“Yes, Daddy. I understand. I'll try not to move.”

Dan began by snipping the hair on her thighs. A tic started in her leg muscles, but it wasn't enough to impede him. Ringlets fell away as he worked methodically into her damp crotch, then up and over her pelvis, saving the fringe around her slit for last. His hard prick was dancing in his support, but he tried to dismiss the ache in favor of his task.

“Everything still okay, honey?”

“Uh huh.” She wasn't sure they were or not. His fingers and the scissors moving all over her fluffy nest were causing eerie contractions in that region, similar to what she felt at times during her period, except that these were much more pleasing, and made her breath come a little faster. Her nipples felt odd, too, and when she peered at them, they were sticking straight up like the eraser end of pencils. “Will it be much longer?”

“Not much. I'm going to clip around your, uhh, crevice now, so don't get shook up.”

Taking a deep breath, Dan flattened out one pussy lip and started snipping the hair close to the skin. The soft flesh quivered under his fingertips, making it all the more difficult to concentrate on what he was doing. He snipped down close to her ass hole, men let the lip flop back into place. When it did, he saw that Peg's cuntal orifice had dilated considerably, and a white mucous was seeping out.

Oh, Christ, she's hot! he thought. What the fuck am I supposed to do now!

The pink inner lips were flowered out, lying against the walls of her canyon, and the tiny clit had poked out of its sheath to stand erect like a miniature penis. His hands were trembling as he lapped the other outer lip over the dewy valley and resumed his cutting with shaky hands.

“Daddy,” Peg whimpered, “why does that make me feel so weird? It's almost like I have to go to the bathroom or something!”

“It's normal, sweetheart, when someone else touches you this way. You're very sensitive there, like all females.”

“But it's not like that when I wash and things,” she argued.

“It's not meant to be. Well, that is… look, we'll talk about it some other time. I want to get through.”

Dan's pulse was racing and his cock was thumping harder than ever as he brushed her pelvis and crotch and clipped off the few stray hairs that he'd missed. Peg's flat abdomen was palpitating wildly, and her gaping cunt hole was puckering and pooching as though it was a mouth chewing something.

“Don't move now,” he said gratingly as he put the scissors aside and got up. “I'll get a wash cloth and clean you up.”

“Okay.” She raised her head to peer between her majestic tits at him, and saw a flash of the gigantic hump in the front of his slacks before he turned toward the bathroom. Having never seen him that way before, her face creased into a thoughtful frown as she laid back, trying to reason what it could be and what had caused it.

“All right, here we go.” He sank to his knees and wiped the warm wet wash cloth over her, picking up the tiny clippings, then turned it over to cleanse the delicate cleft of her twat. After drying her off with a corner of the towel, he rolled everything up in a ball and put it on the floor. “I don't think anything will show now.”

She remained immobile. Something about the way he had used the cloth and towel had turned on a searing flame deep within her. She felt curiously vacant and void, as though some unknown thing was supposed to be there, but wasn't. The contractions were still warping her insides, and there was a sense of emptiness and unfulfillment.

Dan's Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he tried to ease the tightness in his throat while he gawked at the impelling maw of her pussy. Then something snapped inside his head, and with a deep guttural groan, he pushed himself forward almost without volition and buried his face in the honey-sweet slash of her cunt.

“Uuummmfff! Uuuunnnggghhh! Uuummm! Uuummmfff! Uuummm!”


“Daddy! What are you doing! Nnnooo!” She lifted herself up on her elbows. All she could see was his forehead and his rich mop of wavy brown hair. His hands were gripping the tops of her bare thighs as he nuzzled deep into her tender slit. “No, daddy! Oh, no! You shouldn't do that! Stop! Ooohhh! Ooohhh!”

He faintly heard her frantic pleas, but couldn't stop himself. He had been teased by virgin cunts too much that day, and the mounting obsession had grown unendurable. There was a ringing in his ears and a pounding of blood in his brain, canceling out all hope of restraining his passionate compulsions.

“Uuummmfff! Uumm uuuummmm! Uuunnnggghhh! Uuummm! Uuummmfff!”

First sloshing his tongue all over the slick cleft and silken folds, he lapped up the fragrant dew exuding from her vagina, then went to work teasing and sucking on her diminutive clit, making it wobble back and forth. The tantalizing aroma of her pussy added to his headiness as he moved his open mouth down her gash, licked her vaginal opening, then slipped his tongue down to her ass hole and rimmed it.

“No,daddy! Oh, God, please! You don't know what you're doing to me!It's not nice!Ooohhh, Dad! Don't! I'm begging you to stop! Hhhuuuhhh! Hhhuuuhhh! Ooohhh! Ooohhh!”

Realizing that her plaintive cries were futile, Peggy dropped back on the mattress and covered her face with her hands. It was bad enough to feel his hot lips and tongue on her cunny and butt, but she couldn't bear to watch. Tears were streaming from her eyes and trickling across her temples into her hair before she gradually became aware that his mouthing of her wasn't so bad after all.

“Uuummm! Uuummm! Uuunnnggghhh! Uuummmfff! Uuummmfff!”