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Georgia gurgled like a baby, out of her mind with ecstasy. "Aaaarrrrgggggmur fffgggghhhh…" This was unlike any other feeling in the world. She wanted to burn up in it! Pressing her fingers into his soft furry crown, she goaded him on as his lewdly lapping tongue assaulted her most secretive inner recesses. Again and again the handsome brute repeated his burning lingual caress, dragging gasps of pure lasciviousness from the sex-intoxicated housewife. His obscenely stroking tongue splayed through the widespread crevice of her shivering white thighs, singeing her exposed and vulnerable loins which were humping so lewdly up into his face, her soft, sparse-curled pubic mound seething with primitive sexual debauchery.

By now Wolf's erotic lapping of her blazing vagina had left Georgia no better than a gibbering, whimpering idiot, wild to feel every last stroke of that long artful tongue of his, crazy-mad to know every last thrilling, mind-bending sensation that flowed from its electrified tip. Wolf's furry head was pursuing her pussy with an adoration she had never known from her own husband.

As for the German shepherd he was going wild with desire himself. His enormous cock, red and angry-looking, was now fully exposed and bobbing gently with lewd intent. And if he hadn't been well trained by someone long gone to work his mistresses up to fever pitch, he would have done as he wished and sunk the entire bone-hard rod of his cock deep into her, right to the hilt.

But he knew from vast experience what to do, and he did it ruttishly, his long wet tongue slavering through her red-curling pussy hair, then up in scroll-form through her eagerly responding cuntal flesh to flick artfully at her ecstasy-drenched clitoris as Georgia's cream-white thighs shivered with longing.

The lustful scent of her loins made the dog's sensitive nostrils flare, and he lapped at her loins with increasing urgency, drawing up all of the tender hair-fringed folds and then letting them slap back again like liquid rubber. The moist pink flanges quivered with expectancy, tremulous with desire for him, as the German shepherd's heart beat frantically and his penis felt as if it were bursting.

"You darling…" she hissed mindlessly, lost in a lust-drugged fit. "That's it, lap my cunt… oh… oh… you darling… that's it…" She murmured endearments through passion-clenched teeth, her slender white neck straining, her hips pumping upward into his face, and her long legs thrashing. Her eyes were tightly shut, and her beautiful head lolled from side to side on the pillow, rolling all of her long red hair back and forth over her milky smooth shoulders. A tiny blue vein throbbed ardently in her temple as all of her mature lust-ridden body gave itself over to pure sensuality. The sheer exquisite joy of having her loins ransacked by this handsome animal was incomparable.

"Darling! Oooohhhhhh… love me to death! Lick me… oh God I'm dying… God… don't stop… oh… oh… oh… Georgia will cum in a minute lover… don't stop… faster… faster… lick… oh God… you're… ohhhhhhooooohhhhhh… BABEEEEEEE!"

All the nerve-endings in her sex-taut body seemed to be shrieking out for completion… but only… only the most wonderful blinding orgasm would… oooh… oh… ohhhhh…

Georgia had never known the equal of this lewd, feverish sensation which had made such a furnace of her belly. The fluid cuntal channel between her legs had become a raging river at floodtide. The full, sensually swollen mounds of her breasts felt as if they were bursting with milk. Each time he lapped through her hair-fringed pussy slit, her belly convulsed with new lust.

Her groans deepened with each long, drawn-out lap of her cunt, mingling with the lewd liquid noises of his tongue between her legs, and filling the bedroom in a crescendo of carnal release. With one elbow, the wildly groaning redhead raised herself up to momentarily watch her animal-lover, then fell backward again with a happy sigh. Her feverish brain had become a blank to everything except his tongue, and her breathing now came in ragged, sharply punctuated gasps. She was trapped by an obscene emotion that had no name. Then there was a swift, whooshing intake of her breath, as Wolf's irresistibly searching tongue splurged out between her widely spread buttocks to worm its way up between her tingling ass-cheeks to her snug little anal mouth, where it lewdly burrowed in as deep as it could!

The voluptuously proportioned redhead was wracked with agony as she twisted and turned on the double bed, her molten hot breasts heaving sensuously from side to side. Blissfully the dog's tongue continued splaying open the hotly welcoming flesh – then lunging in a maddening invading curl all the way up into the primitively clutching heat of her craving vagina!


Georgia moaned with anguish, a moan that seemed not to have any ending. Her entire vaginal region spasmed with burning energy like an exploding sun, and opening her sex-drugged eyes to feed lustfully on the obscene spectacle of Wolf's tongue lapping so madly between her shivering white thighs only served to increase the maddening quiver of her belly. She groaned giddily, everything inside her struggling for the climax that was just out of reach. Her hotly smoldering flesh seemed to be burning up in its own juices with each maddening lick and flick of the strange German shepherd's well-trained tongue!

Wolf licked deliriously, whining the whole time, his tongue lashing her naked flesh like a whip, penetrating deeply through the warm, moist hair-fringed folds between her obscenely bucking thighs. He slavered thirstily in her ever-flowing cuntal secretions, adoring her melodious sighs and moans and groans as they broke about his head in a tidal wave of encouragement. And yet his ruttish instincts clamored for still more! Consequently he abruptly discontinued his lapping of her steaming loins and backed away from her on his hairy haunches. Georgia wailed with anguish, gasped and drew herself up on her elbows, her long red hair trailing out in back of her on the pillows, her eyes humid and smoky with lust. Her abandoned pussy folds clutched hungrily after the swiftly departing tongue, but it was no use. He was gone.

"Wolf! Darling, what have I done? Where are you going? Please don't stop!"

But the big German shepherd didn't appear to be listening to the lust-fired young housewife's ardent love words. His eyes blazing with animal desire, he continued backing away on the bed… until she saw it! His huge, upraised red animal penis, completely exposed and glistening lewdly in its blood-filled rigidity!


Breathless with wonder, her jaw hanging slack, Georgia gaped at the gleaming red penis that had emerged from its long fury cocoon beneath the big dog's belly, thick and wet, it's tapered end swaying tantalizingly as it left the protective sheath in an ever expanding length of hardness.

It was bigger than Howard's! Georgia panted wordlessly, her eyes glazed over as she confronted this marvelously formed canine cock sliding with such agonizing slowness from its soft brown sleeve. Her mouth flooded with saliva. She had never been so turned on in her life and ready to explode! She was thrilled beyond all measure that it was her beauty which had aroused this powerful good-looking animal to such a fever pitch of lascivious illicit desire that transcended all bounds of known propriety.

She realized it now – he wanted to get between her legs and fuck her, just as she had been secretly afraid all along. And why shouldn't he want to? Wasn't she beautiful? Could only a man appreciate a woman's body? And hadn't Wolf proved that he knew all the little feelings and nuances required of an ardent lover? Hadn't he proven his adoration? So why shouldn't he fuck her, ram his thickly bloated animal-cock high up into her slippery passion-drenched cunt?