Walking didn't seem to diminish her sadly banked sexual smoldering, however, and eventually she couldn't think of anything except how hot and obscenely thick that man's penis had been. Oh God, how good it would feel thrusting up between her legs! All she could think about was getting back to her house in a hurry and then finger-fucking herself like crazy! Oh but cripes, her mom would kill her for leaving school early, sure as anything. What on earth could she do?
She closed her eyes and tried to control the churning turmoil in her loins, but it was no use. Merely pressing her thighs closely together was no help. She needed some distraction.
Maybe she should go by to visit her Aunt Betty, her father's older sister, who lived not far from their house. Despite the fact that she was older than Karen's mother by a good margin, it was often Aunt Betty to whom Karen turned to confide in when things were not going well. And Aunt Betty was "hip" and wore bell-bottom trousers. She was very youthful for her age, and was the sort of modern person a young girl could talk to without feeling put off by her age.
Not that she wasn't attractive. Aunt Betty had long, light brown hair which she kept streaked sexily down the center, and it was often rumored that she took lovers during her frequent trips to Miami, ostensibly business trips required by her job, but really probably just to get away from her fat unkempt business-man-husband.
Aunt Betty was understanding. She was modern. Karen always felt instinctively as if she could confide in her. No matter how old her Aunt Betty got, she always understood young people. Which was something she couldn't say for her own mother, who often seemed to have stuffy, old-fashioned ideas.
So Karen got up from her bench laboriously and set off to see her swinging aunt. Aunt Betty would show how to advise her about this terrible, all-consuming sexual problem.
Aunt Betty lived not far from their house in a small new bungalow hedged around by tiny shrubs. There was a long concrete path that led up to the house from Green Bay Road and Karen took it very slowly, measuring her steps.
But what would she say to her aunt? Look, I got caught masturbating in the girls' toilet at school? You know, playing with myself. That would sound very foolish.
But on the other hand, if she couldn't come right out with it, then how could she explain her problem and ask for specific advice?
It was a real quandary.
So that eventually Karen found herself standing at the door about to press the bell without any more clear idea of what she wanted to say to her aunt than she had had initially. But maybe a glass of Coke would soothe all that and help to pass the time while she got up her courage to go home.
She pressed the front bell.
But there was no reply.
After waiting several minutes at the front door, the pert platinum-tressed young thirteen year old began to get more nervous than she had been to start with. Perhaps she should go around to the back door. Maybe her aunt hadn't heard her.
Karen came around the house to the back patio, and was about to push the back door bell, when she noticed that the kitchen door was ajar. That certainly seemed curious, as Aunt Betty was generally security-conscious. But Karen shrugged and opened the door, stepping inside onto the cool square tiles of her aunt's kitchen floor. Only to detect giggling and muffled snickering coming from the floor above!
Puzzled beyond measure by the unearthly strangeness of the situation, the curious teenager stepped into the hall. The strange sounds continued from upstairs. Glancing towards the front door, Karen saw a loose wire hanging from the transformer above the door alarm, and a small, hand-lettered cardboard sign leaning against the stair: "BELL OUT OF ORDER".
There was every appearance that Aunt Betty had been just about to put the sign up outside when she was distracted by something. But what?
Cautiously, Karen made her way up the stairs, the peculiar sounds above becoming more prominent all the time, until she could make out distinct words in all of it.
"Oh, Rex, oh God! Don't! You mustn't lick Mama's pussy, you naughty dog. It feels too gooood!"
Karen's breath caught in her throat. What on earth was going on up there? Rex? Rex was the dog from next door, wasn't he? Had she heard right? She could hardly believe her ears. Oh God, what was Aunt Betty letting the dog do? Slowly, almost fearfully, the anxious teenager made her way up the stairs, her smoothly sheathed buttocks wiggling nervously under the tight mini-skirt.
"Oh, Rex! Oh, you naughty dog! You've got your tongue stuck up all the way into Mama's – urgggghh! Oh God! Rex, you're driving me crazy with your tongue! Fuck me with it! Oh God! Fuck my cunt with your tongue!"
Karen felt as if she had an orange stuck in her larynx. Rex! Rex was fucking her Aunt Betty with his tongue! This was ghastly!
But this feeling did not prevent Karen from moving swiftly across the landing toward Aunt Betty's bedroom, where she pushed her fingers against the partially opened door and watched it slide open wider to reveal the most incredibly lewd sight she had ever seen in her life!
For there, on the big four-poster double bed in the middle of her Aunt Betty's lavender bedroom, was her beautiful blonde aunt lying stretched back on the bed, her legs spread crab-like, her full firm breasts quivering tantalizingly and the nipples distended with her lust, as the next door neighbor's German shepherd Rex lapped his long red tongue over and back through her shining wet pussy, drawing her moist dark pubic curls after it with every obscene lick!
Karen gasped and fell back into the shadows against the door hinges, her fingers moving instinctively up under her skirt toward her pan ties, then inside through the snug elastic waistband to course down through her sparsely curling pubic hair. One finger found the swollen lips of her itching and burning young cunt, making a tiny, titillating little circle all around their hypersensitive outer edges. She bit down hard on her sultry, pouting lower lip, and began to move her finger around faster under her panties. This was altogether too much. She thought she was going to go out of her mind, unable to deny herself any longer. First, that handsome German shepherd had come to their door that morning, and there was her father's hug and Johnny's kiss at school, and then that obscene man in the park… and now her aunt was deep in the throes of a sexual adventure so lewd that Karen's tender young mind could scarcely grasp it.
Everywhere she looked, she was getting turned on. It seemed to be other people… and dogs who were having the most fun, and her hot little cunt couldn't stand the waiting any longer! Had her mother kept that strange dog-visitor? Was he – "Wolf" – fucking her right this very minute? How could she be sure? Today was a day wherein nothing seemed to be sacred.
Her mind aflame with desire, the pretty blonde teenager stuffed her middle finger up through the pleasantly drenched confines of her slippery vagina, working it around. Fierce enervating waves of pleasure seemed to inundate her virginal teenage flesh. Her loins felt as if they were boiling over. It would not have been so difficult to conceive of her worldly and beautiful Aunt Betty mixed up with a human lover – but this!
Suddenly she saw her beautiful Aunt Betty pull her knees all the way up so that they touched her breasts. In this position the slender crevice between her smooth milk-white buttocks was rolled upward and presented in obscene sacrifice to Rex's savagely licking tongue. Karen watched wide-eyed from the doorway as the big animal's gleaming tongue scrolled up to thrust madly in and out of her aunt's hair-fringed cuntal furrow in a lascivious imitation of intercourse, then spiraled its way wetly downward to flick without mercy at her aunt's wrinkled little anus.
Aunt Betty seemed to be choking on her own moans as Rex's tongue pointed and elongated, licking and flicking passionately at her exposed and vulnerable nether opening. She no longer delivered words of any clarity, but rather one long string of mumbled imprecations, all of them hopelessly incoherent with passion.