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"Sunny," her mother said, after gulping from her glass, "I want you to know that I – well, I thank you for doing what you did last night, for bringing Judd Lorimer in to – do it to me. I was very angry at first, and could have kicked you and Judd both, but then – it's been a long time for me, without a man. There are other ways a woman can gratify her sexual cravings, but I needed a man's love."

"I'm glad," Sunny said. "When I saw you start to fuck Judd back, then I knew I wasn't going to be in any big trouble for helping him rape you. And I do want you to be happy, Mom. I mean, when I found out how good it was, how wonderful Judd's prick could make me feel, then I wanted you to have that same enjoyment, too."

Her mother's face was red, and her voice fluttered a little when she answered, "And I did enjoy it. You – it didn't embarrass you, watching your mother take a man's – cock into her body like that?"

Sunny drank some Coke. "Me? No way, Mom. I got a real kick out of it. You're so beautiful, and when you got all hot, you wiggled and squirmed so, fucking Judd like you never meant to let him go. I was only sorry that I couldn't join you then, but I knew that might shake you up too much."

Teresa's eyes widened. "J-Join us? You mean – make it a threesome? I don't quite understand."

Shrugging, Sunny said, "I'm not all that sure, either. I just figure it can be done okay. I like to touch you when you're fucking him, and I like to play with him, too. It would be a lot of fun, mixing us together."

Her mother poured another drink. "You amaze me, Sunny. So young and yet somehow so knowledgeable. I – you take a wholly different approach to sex, I see. And you've been screwing Judd?"

"And going down on him, and having him go down on me. Mom, did he eat your pussy last night, after I left?"

The glass rattled against Teresa's teeth. "I – what a thing to say, Sunny! I – look…"

Grinning, Sunny pursued the subject. "Did you eat his cock? If you did, I bet it was the first time you ever went down on a man. I can't see you taking Daddy's prick into your mouth."

Teresa shook her head, drank thirstily from her glass. "Not your father, and as for last night – Judd made me do it to him. You know how strong and demanding he is."

"Yeah," Sunny giggled, "I know. He forced me to eat his cock the first time, too. I thought I'd strangle on his cum, but I didn't. Did you like it, too?"

Wordlessly, her mother nodded. "It was – very different. I never thought I could possibly stomach any act of perversion like that, but – since we're being honest with each other, I may as well admit that it excited me tremendously. But I've been upset ever since, a little frightened. What if Judd's wife and children find out what he's been doing to us? I just can't ever face Lenore Lorimer again."

"Sure you can, Mom. She doesn't have to know – not right away, anyhow. And maybe Judd can keep up with both of us, but if he can't – well, I might tell you that Betsy and I have been playing around some. So I don't think it would be all that hard to get Harry Lorimer in on the fun and games."

Teresa stared. "What do you mean, you and Betsy playing around? Have you been doing anything perverted with another girl?"

"Not really," Sunny said. "And what's 'perverted', anyhow? I don't think it's weird when Judd eats my cunt, and I dig eating his prick."

"But with another girl…"

"What's the difference – man, boy, girl? Or anything else, for that matter." For a fleeting second, Sunny was tempted to tell her mother about George, but she obviously wasn't ready for such information.

Teresa shook her head and finished her drink, sitting limply at the table. "I don't know anymore. Confused, that's what I am. And maybe a little bit snockered. But not too much to remember what you said about Harry Lorimer. He's a beautiful boy, and so young. What makes you think he'd be interested in screwing a woman old enough to be his mother? That is, if Judd can't keep up with both of us, and his wife, too."

Sunny got up and went around the table to put her hands on her mother's shoulders. "Any guy would be interested, Mom. Especially when you stop hiding all that sexy, beautiful body and start showing it off. Harry – I have an idea he'd screw anything, anywhere, anytime. But we'll start him out light – like with me and his sister."

Her mother leaned against Sunny's hands. "Now it's incest. I'm getting more mixed up. I should be saying no, and trying to do something about all this, but…"

Stroking her mom's neck, Sunny massaged the muscles gently. "But you had so much fun last night that you don't want to let go of it. And you're right. Your skin is so soft and lovely, and when your hair is loose like this, it's like a golden waterfall. I really dig touching you, Mom."

"I like it, too," Teresa admitted.

Sunny moved her hands down and around, and her fingers cupped her mother's boobs. Teresa flinched, but didn't move away, and Sunny pressed down tenderly upon the nipples, squeezed the big, soft jugs themselves.

She knew then what she was going to do next.


Her mother had two more drinks, so that when Sunny helped her upstairs, Teresa was wobbly. She wasn't smashed, Sunny thought, just completely relaxed and not giving a damn about morals or perversions or anything like that.

Teresa was hanging loose, laughing a lot at silly things, and if she was still mixed up about what was happening to her sex life, she didn't show it. She clung to her daughter as they mounted the steps, and Sunny hugged her mother back, a high, wild excitement rising within her body. But she remembered that she had to take a shower, that the dog's cum was still gunky in her snatch and dried upon her thighs.

At the bathroom door, she stopped. "Mom – will you take a shower with me?"

"Sure," Teresa said. "Anything you say, baby."

So they went in the bathroom together, stripping off their clothing, giggling while they did so; Teresa was high on liquor but Sunny was high on sex. Turning on the shower, Sunny climbed in and gave her mother a hand, then slid the curtain closed.

She fondled her mother's tits, those big, soft boobies that were so beautifully shaped, and with the water purling over them, their texture was even smoother, the nipples high and hard. Sunny said, "You have lovely tits, so round and high. I hope mine get to look just like yours someday."

Her mother smiled wetly. "They will, darling. But your boobies are beautiful just as they are – so nice and shapely, just beginning to turn ripe."

Sunny took a deep breath when her mom's hands closed over her tits, and for several long moments, they stood in the shower, playing with each other's boobs. Then Sunny let go and reached for the soap. "Just stand still, Mom. Let me wash you all over."

"If you want to."

"Oh. I do – I do!" Sunny's hands were busy, and the soap bubbles floated as she slid her frothing hands over her mom's skin. She began with the shoulders, then moved down to the tits with their cherry-pink nipples. Lingering there awhile, Sunny trailed her fingers down over her mother's rib cage, then to the planes of the smooth belly.

When she caressed the flaring of the slim hips, she heard her mom suck air in sharply, and dropped one hand quickly to cup the wet and dripping mound of the pussy. The honey-blonde hairs were so thick and curly, soaked now by water, and Sunny turned them slick by the soapsuds.

Moving her hand softly and tenderly between her mother's sleek thighs, she caressed, washed, laved that lovely twat while Teresa trembled like a slim willow caught in a storm wind. Sunny leaned her face close and kissed a wet tit, licked at a wet nipple and kept her fingers moving onto, and into, that sweet pussy.

"I can't stand it any longer," Sunny said huskily. Rinsing her mother's body quickly, soaping and cleansing her own flesh even more swiftly, she turned off the water and hopped out of the tub enclosure to give her mom a hand.