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Judd Lorimer had been there, peeping at her when she screwed George. How awful of him, how terrible! But what she thought didn't change anything; he'd watched her, seen her take the dog's big cock into her pussy, saw her fuck the Great Dane. And now Judd Lorimer had her by the arm with her robe hanging open, and she was just too damned scared to scream.

"Yeah, baby," he said hoarsely, his hot eyes flicking over her exposed tits and the curly golden triangle of her pussy. As she tried to cross her legs in some weak gesture of self-protection, he said, "I see you got the idea. You try to yell rape or any of that bullshit, I tell your mom about that dog sticking his meat into you, and about you hugging him and moaning and screwing him back. That the first time you ever fucked him, kid?"

Helplessly, terrified, she nodded agreement. "The-the only time, Mr. Lorimer. Oh, please let me go!"

"No way," he said, and swung her so that she had to run tippytoe or fall. He was so strong, it scared her more. "The couch'll do," he grunted, "and you don't have to try and hide that pretty little ass under a towel."

"But I don't want to. I-I – please!"

Sunny's heart was beating crazily and her tummy jerked around inside. No one could know about the dog, because now she felt ashamed about being fucked by George.

Lorimer let go her aching wrist, but caught her robe and spun her face down upon the couch, her legs flailing. When she rolled over and tried to cover her pussy with her hands, he was standing with her robe dangling from his fingers. He dropped it like a pale leaf upon the floor and her breath hung in her throat, blocked by the pulse hammering madly there.

As he unbuckled his belt, Judd said, "You're a beautiful little bitch. I've been sweating you out for a year or more, but I never figured I'd really get the chance to fuck you, because you're so young – only a kid." He laughed abruptly. "But a kid with a hot little ass, a kid that gets fucked by a big dog."

"I didn't mean to – let George do it to me," she breathed. "It just kind of happened."

Judd stripped off his shirt; she saw the matted black hair sprouting thickly everywhere, and the two brown nipples poking through the fur. Her eyes followed his hands when he unzipped his pants and kicked off his sneakers.

She saw the size of his boner before he took off his shorts, but thought it was impossible.

Then the real thing leaped out before her startled gaze, and Sunny wanted to scream, to run, to be anywhere on earth except where she was at that moment. The man's prick was a monster – fully as long as George's, but so much bigger around, so much thicker that it seemed swollen completely out of shape.

The cockhead was huge, expanded out of proportion, gleaming a dark lavender and with a sticky-looking drop of clear liquid trembling upon its blunt tip. Its shaft was heavy, encircled with bulging dark veins, and the balls below were puffed beyond reasonable size, overgrown bushily with his crotch hair.

He saw her terror and said, "You took that dog's cock, you can take mine, baby. The main thing is not to fight it, because then you can hurt yourself, and I sure don't want that beautiful little cunt torn up. Just relax as much as you can, and once I get my prick into your sweet little pussy, you can do whatever you want – shake it and grind it, like you did when you screwed your big dog."

Sunny tried to calm herself, to get over being afraid, because no matter what she did or said, this big and hairy man meant to fuck her, even if he had had to hold her down and rape her. It would be very easy for him, she realized; he could slap her and shove his massive cock into her snatch before her head stopped spinning.

And he still had the upper hand, because he could always tell her mother. A jarring thought flashed through her mind then: Maybe her mom would flip out and do something completely crazy – like sending George out and having the vet destroy him!

"D-Don't hurt me," she whispered up at Lorimer.

His smile was wet and wide, and he moved to the couch. "Spread those fine legs, baby. You're such a dainty little bitch."

He sat on the couch, taking her legs and placing them across his lap. Sunny flinched when she felt the hot rigidity of his erect shaft, felt the spongy yet hard-cored head of his heavy prick. He bent it down, slid it up and between the calves of her legs, then pressed her legs together so that his cock was held prisoner between them.

"Beautiful young legs," he said, moving his stiff cock between them, "lovely kid's legs – so smooth and fine. Delicate calves and sleek knees, tiny feet and thighs like polished bronze. Man, oh man – it feels so damned good to slide my prick up and down them, baby. I always wanted to fuck a real young kid, a sweet little kid like you, with a hot ass and a tight pussy."

He was managing to turn her on with his voice, his passionate words and the longing in them – and he thought she was beautiful and sexy. But Sunny was still scared of the size of his cock.

Lifting one leg up, Lorimer turned his body so that the bulbous head of his hungry prick was facing her, aimed in between her thighs. Sunny shuddered and clenched her hands. But he didn't crawl right over on top of her, as George would have done.

Instead, he rubbed the head of his cock softly and teasingly over the skin of her knee, over the softness of her thigh, and Sunny found herself going all tickly, turning warm inside. When he took one of her hands in his, she didn't struggle, but she didn't open her eyes, either.

"Here," he said. "Feel it, baby. It won't bite you."

Her fingers were placed on his prick, right on the throbbing head, and she could feel the pulse beat there! Trembling, she balanced her fingertips there for a long and breathless moment, then dared enough to feel over the shape of his prick, the giving yet sturdy strength of it.

Sunny's fingers slipped in something oily, in a warm and slippery liquid. Come, she thought – then wondered if a man could come before he actually screwed. Hypnotized, she peeked through her eyelashes and watched her hand follow the outlines of the massive prick, saw and felt the heft and size of it, the huge trunk, and then she explored the heavily forested sac which held his balls.

Everything he had was so much larger than the Great Dane's, nice and long, nice and thick. Her cunt softened, loosened itself as her inner lubrication began to flow. He wasn't rushing her, wasn't raping her, even though he'd given her no choice and told her that she must fuck him.

Her hand worked its way back up the shaft of his cock, and she felt him gently touching the hairs of her pussy, felt him caressing her mound with amazingly tender fingers.

"A marvelous young cunt," he said softly. "Perfectly shaped, and just lightly dusted with these golden curls. The lips of your pussy are works of art, baby, and your trim ass is a masterpiece of its own."

Judd was really being very nice, she thought, and she rolled her ass to show him she was pleased. He worked a finger into her gash then, and she shivered some, but didn't try to back off it. Especially since he was being so careful and feeling around, making her oils run more freely. Then he began teasing her clit, rubbing it cautiously but tantalizingly, seemingly halfway afraid that it would break, but also excited about touching it.

When he pulled his finger out, Sunny was genuinely sorry; it was thrilling to have a different finger inside her pussy, rather than just her own. Then he said, "Let go my prick now, baby. Keep your legs open and that sweet cunt tilted up. And first…"

He loomed over her like a hairy teddy bear, wide and dark, but she was fast losing her fear of the man as she gained confidence in the power of her own cunt.

He came down upon her, his mouth covering hers, his woolly chest against her hardened nipples, and the pulsing length of his prick against her belly. It was the first time she had ever been kissed by a grown man, and as his tongue pushed demandingly into her lips, she thought that he must be supporting his weight on hands and knees, that he wasn't crushing her as she'd figured he might.