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"Ssshhhh," he murmured, "Sh-sh-shit!" Vicky could tell by the emotion attached to his exclamation that Kevin was enjoying himself immensely. And it occurred to her that maybe she was teaching the poor sweet thing how to talk! Wasn't that worth a little incest with a cousin? She felt like Florence Nightingale and Mae West all rolled into one.

Her fingers strayed to his balls. They felt so slippery in their tight little bag, so vulnerable. She played with them as gently as if they'd been real eggs. Kevin moved his hips in a slow circle as she turned and squeezed. His cock rode in and out of her mouth in a way that mimicked fucking. He was fucking her mouth… her head. She moaned with the pleasure she felt and used one of her hands to rub her own aching pussy. It opened to her finger and devoured part of the silken crotchband. Daintily, she picked it out and stretched it to one side. Then she dove in again, using her middle finger to gouge the sensitive nubbin from its hood. As soon as it was tingling nicely, she stroked her dripping juices to spread them to her outer lips and eased that same middle finger into the small break she'd managed to make in her cherry. Inside her body it was like a fever. She fanned her tongue against Kevin's cockhead as she fucked herself to the last knuckle.

She was frantic to have him fuck her. But didn't want to shake the boat, didn't want to spoil her dream guy's pleasure. She would gladly drink his jizz if it meant she'd have him deeper in her love trap. She just prayed that it wouldn't make her gag or throw up or anything so gross as that.

There was pregnancy to worry about too. She couldn't just let him spurt her full of babies. And knowing Kevin like she thought she did, he wasn't carrying anything they could use. But damn it, she wanted to get rid of what was left of her cherry. A finger just wasn't getting it anymore. And was there a more beautiful way than having Kevin's lovely white prick spear her to the hilt?

She eased her mouth away from the bulging head and looked up into his eyes.

"Kevin, fuck me! Fuck me right here on the sand! I'm begging!" She didn't have to say any more. With a groan, Kevin pushed her shoulders back and fell against her heaving belly, his skivvies slipped further down on his thighs. He had his cock in one hand, his other hooked around Vicky's narrow back. She could tell he was having a hard time finding her hole. Maybe because there wasn't much of one down there yet.

"You're the first, darling!" she gasped, putting her own hand around his prick too. "Let me help."

She guided the feverish head against her cherry and then pushed her mouth close to Kevin's ear. "That's it… push… Ohhh do it to me Kevin! Fuck me!"

Kevin grunted again and thrust forward. There was a shooting pain that almost made Vicky scream out. But she bit her lip, stifling everything. The lower part of her body seemed to be splitting apart as the thick crown eased past the wound it had just made. And then she felt other things. A subtle friction against her inner walls. Those parts of her had never been touched before. She gasped and tilted her hips, feeling the male barb gouge along the velvety lining.

"Ohhh God! God damn that's good… Ohhh darling! Ohhh Kevin! Put it all the way inside me! Oh do it… do it hard!"

She didn't care about the pain. It was like a minor irritation around the outer edges of her hole. But her clit was jutting up from the messy wetness, begging to be touched. Kevin's body touched it as he went to the hilt with a groan.

"Good," he breathed. "Fuck… good! Feel good!" His voice was soft, sensual.

Vicky clutched the back of his head. "Oh yes, my darling. You're talking too. Oh this is fantastic!" She humped her trim hips up to make the angle easy for him. He managed to get even more of his rigid prick inside her. She was surprised that her immature body could handle so much hot, hard penis. She loved penis. She loved prick. She loved cock!

The sand burrowed out from her plunging hips. Her little bikini bottom had been stretched to the side and it rubbed against Kevin's cockshaft as he fucked her. The feel of the elastic cutting into her ass cheeks excited her even more. It was nice getting her first loving like this. But Kevin wasn't trying to get to her tits at all.

"Kiss me, Kevin! Do it here!" She pushed his mouth down towards her chest and arched her back to make her small breasts stand up. Kevin licked against the silken cups and then pinched one in his teeth and pulled it down to expose the untanned flesh underneath. Her pink nipple exploded with feeling as his tongue lapped it.

Growling like a hungry cat, Vicky pulled his head down hard, grinding her chest up to make his teeth cut into the tender flesh. Kevin was catching on fast. When his teeth cut into one pink bump, she gave a shuddering cry and hooked her heels behind his thighs.

"Ohhh… Huuuhnnnn… Ohhh Kevin… Ohhhh God!"

"Vick… eee," he mumbled, frowning to get the words right. It thrilled her to hear her own name on the lips of a boy who supposedly couldn't speak. She dug her small nails deeper into the flesh of his buttocks and made circles in the sand with her arms. The sucking slick sound of their bodies grew louder.

"Now listen to me Kevin!" She had her lips against his ear, holding on to his head again. "When you come, you don't do it inside me! It would get me in terrible trouble."

"Uhhnnnn," the boy groaned, working his hips all the faster. The slide of his hardness in and out of her tight pussy was the most delicious thing Vicky had ever felt. She fought to keep her mind clear.

"Listen Kevin, it's important!"

"Vicky… fuck… good… feel good fucking Vicky."

"Ohhh Kevin, you're not listening."

"Vicky moves so fast." He held her dancing bottom with his own strong hands and pressed the head of his cock even deeper. She could feel her virgin insides stretching out around him until she thought she would scream with the joy of it.

"Ohhh you darling," she sighed, fighting to keep her emotions from running away.

"I… I…" Kevin licked his lips and tried to make a word, "We love you."

That was when Vicky recognized the glazed look in his eyes. She'd seen the same look in Carl's eyes when he'd had his sister Mona bent across the billiard table. And right after that the strings of hot cum had dripped from her aunt's cunt.

"Kevin… listen to me… Kevin!"

"Love you Vicky! I love…!" He was moving wildly, his hips lurching and jabbing. His hands seemed to be trying to feel every inch of her skin at the same time. His mouth caught at her chin, found her mouth finally. She moaned a protest as he kissed her but the muscles in his thighs and ass were already rock hard. He was shivering as the sexual instincts of his body took complete control.


"It itches so much!" He speared his tongue deep into her mouth, his hips lunging forward to bury his prick against the mouth of her womb. Then a violent shudder went through him and his eyes glazed completely. At the same instant, Vicky felt her resistance crumble. Her clit had been aching furiously. Now it exploded and her body seemed to be floating in a lake of pure pleasure. She gasped and fucked and clawed at Kevin's back as the throes of sexual joy knifed through her with a steady rhythm. And as her pussy closed down around her lover's shaft, she could feel the pulsing jets work their way to the tip and spray out into her body.

She fucked back with uncontrolled fury and when the sharp edge of reality forced its way into her mind, she just closed all her doors to it.

"Yesss… Ohhhh God yessss!" she cried, hanging onto Kevin's back for dear life as he worked her ass deeper into the sand with every lurch. And even as the thick seed began to leak out around the edges of her tortured hole, she didn't care. She knew that what was happening was going to mean trouble, or hassle or maybe even worse. But with the tickling madness keeping control of her senses, there was nothing to do but fuck her heart out.

"Kevin?" She touched her mouth to his earlobe, nibbled lightly. "Kevin, are you still there?"