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Neither one of his older brothers could do anything about the fact that that had happened, no matter what happened in the future!

He was thinking about how satisfying it would be to be able to say the same thing of his brother's girl, Arlene. But he knew that Arlene was a different sort. Unlike Sylvie, who was easily flustered, Arlene was hard and smart, and it would take a lot of thinking and scheming to get her into the sack with him!

"I guess that's going to be my nookie for tonight!" he said to himself as he watched Sylvie's maid descending the ramp of the small jet. He wasn't really complaining, for it had been some time since he'd seen the pretty little Irish maid. He couldn't really deny that she was quite a little number, and he liked the way she always tried to fight him off, as though she didn't know that she was going to give in at the last.

The part was still fun, and he could already feel himself getting a hard-on at the thought of her sleek black-haired little pussy, squeezing him together between those trim little thighs.

Arlene moved away from him and she and Ron ran up to greet Tim and Sylvie. Erick nonchalantly tweaked Ella's right nipple so that no one could see and whispered to her, "See you tonight, sweetheart! Hope your little cunt s ready!"

Ella hurried away from him toward the waiting limousine, climbing into the last one. She was the only member of the servant staff from the Washington house who made the short trip to Grandville with the family.

There was still a permanent staff at the Family Meeting Place, including a new valet-butler who had taken Frank's place some time ago.

Ella's face was flushed beet-red from the words that young Mr. Erick had whispered to her, and she felt her sore nipple where he had harshly squeezed it. She felt like crying at the thought that he was expecting to see her that night. Somehow she must refuse him… she had to save what little there was left of her self-respect! Johnny was still in Vietnam, although she had expected him back for good; he had come home honorably discharged a year before and after a brief stay at home had re-enlisted, since more men were needed for the continuing war. Ella had hoped they would be married. She had thought that by now she would have babies, and no longer have to work for the Cassidys. But it was not to be. Sometimes she got letters from him, but then there were times… months… when she would hear nothing, and she would fear him either dead, or entranced with some local Vietnamese girl, and she did not know which was worse.

The limousine started up, and Ella, alone in hers, listened as the chauffeur began to tell her how pretty she was. She smiled and paid no attention, lost in her thoughts about the disappointing course of her life. The worst disappointment had come, oddly enough, during her fiancee's time at home. She had taken a leave from the Cassidys and had gone back to her parent's house, where she could see Johnny every day.

But the memories of their old kisses and of that night when he had taken her virginity on the sofa had been hard to revive, and it was all because of Erick Cassidy. Ella felt guilty that she had been so unfaithful, that her body had betrayed her, letting her fall prey to her young employer's lustful intentions. As Mr. Erick had so often explained to her, although theoretically she worked for Mrs. Cassidy, it was the Cassidy Corporation that hired her, of which Erick was a vice-president and major stockholder.

But Ella knew that his vague threats were not the cause of her giving into him. There was something terrible inside of her, just as her mother had often suggested, and as the priests in church had said. The nuns in school had made it clear that she must constantly maintain a vigilance against me devils within… and Ella had only given in with Johnny the night before he left for his first assignment in Vietnam!

That one time had given her little pleasure, and a great deal of worry afterward that she might be pregnant. She wasn't, though, and this first escape from a premature motherhood had been a sign to Ella that perhaps her sin had not been too great after all.

Timidly at first, Ella had let her recently returned fiancee touch her again, take her with him in his brother's car down by the river, where he'd parked and lifted her skirt, pulling down her brief little panties so they clung around her ankles. Then he'd mounted her, and thrust his desire-hardened cock up between her tender thighs, forcing them open and worming his way up into the moist warm split of her soft pussy.

Four or five times he'd thrust into her, hardly more than that first time when she had been a virgin, and then she'd felt the surging wetness of his cum spurting out deep within as he stiffened and twitched over her tensed young body and cried into her ear, "Oh honey, oh baby, oh honey, oh! Oh!"

Ella remembered it all now as the big black limousine sped toward the outskirts of town and the big rambling house that the Cassidys owned.

She remembered how she'd cried afterward, and how Johnny had thought she was crying for her lost virtue when in reality she was crying out of frustration. How could it feel so good with Mr. Erick, whom she hated, and so awful with Johnny, whom she loved? It was puzzling, to say the least, and Ella hated to admit even to herself that she was relieved when her boyfriend re-enlisted and gave her that much more time before they would be married.

Up ahead of the big black car the young maid could see the other limousine carrying Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cassidy and the two brothers, Ron and Erick, with Miss Arlene sitting between the brothers facing Tim and Sylvie.

Ella hoped that the weekend would be as calm as possible, but she couldn't help feeling the dreadful feeling of apprehension that she knew Sylvie Cassidy was feeling, even though she was many miles removed from her unwanted dealing with Frank the valet.

Ella closed her eyes and thought once more about Johnny… what was he doing now? But she really didn't care. She wanted to think about Mr.

Erick and how she would escape his attentions this time. She wouldn't let him come near her! A little shiver went through her as she thought of what would happen if she did.


The big clock in the living room struck one. It was early morning, and Ron had just left his brother shut up in the study where he was still going over the announcement that he would make to the public the following week. He himself had spent over an hour on the phone with Governor Teasdale, who had assured him that he himself would throw all of his supporters in Tim's direction when the time came. It looked like things were going to be happening hot and heavy in the next few days … and for several months to come. There would be no rest now until Tim was nominated, and then they would all be on the Presidential trail!

Ron yawned and poured himself a drink from the well-stocked bar in the corner of the room. Up above him over the fireplace an enormous portrait of his deceased father, Jenson Cassidy, stared sternly down at him. But he knew that the old man would be proud of him. Of all the brothers, he, the middle son, had inherited the most of their father's cunning and shrewdness, and Ron knew that without him masterminding the plan, his older brother Tim would never become president.

It was all working out very well, and he felt excited and not very sleepy at all. His mind turned to Arlene upstairs in her bedroom next to his. He decided he would go up and visit the dark-haired beauty.

Together they would celebrate the big decision in a very special way he had not even thought of yet. Carrying his bourbon and water with him, he slowly climbed the stairs.