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Sylvie turned over in her sleep as Ron passed her room. In her dream she was running as quickly as she could over the dunes that were only a short distance from the big beach house, the family house of the Cassidys. Her bathing suit kept falling off, revealing her breasts to hundreds of spectators who had paid to watch her run. A voice over a loudspeaker was saying, "What makes Sylvie run?" and Sylvie herself was trying to ponder the answer to this question, trying to determine just who it was who was chasing her. She could sometimes almost see who or what it was by looking back over her shoulder, but she had to keep running faster and faster or he would catch her!

Ron continued past her door and on down the hall toward his own room, passing it and going to the very next door. He assumed that his younger brother Erick was sleeping further down the hall, and gave no thought to any of the other members of the family as he entered Arlene's room without knocking.

All was darkness inside, but he sensed that Arlene was awake in the big double bed that was at the end of the room. Without speaking, he disrobed, feeling tension leave him as his lean taut body was revealed in its nakedness to the dark of the room. A tremor of anticipation passed over him as he approached the bed. His eyes were rapidly adjusting to the lack of light, and he could make out Arlene's svelte shape upon the bed. As he reached the bed and stood peering down, he heard a rustle on the bed, and Arlene's hands moved out and her fingers clasped the semi-hardened column of his cock. It jerked to life in her hands as her other fingers began to slowly massage his tingling testicles, softly smoothing over the heavy weight of them while she gently touched his now fully-engorged penis.

"Aaaaah" she said in the darkness. "I was waiting for you!"

"I'm here…" Ron replied, his voice husky with desire as he stood stark still and let his assistant continue her expert manipulations.

"As you can tell!"


Erick's bare feet padded noiselessly along the hallway. He had been listening to the sounds downstairs, and now he was sure that Ron had just gone into Arlene's room.

"Shit!" he thought, "wish I was getting some of that tail!" His generally mischievous nature had changed little since he was a small boy, and he thought it might be amusing to find out if he could hear his older brother while he was going at it with Arlene. So, on his way down to the first floor of the house to seek out the little maid, Ella, he made a stop outside his brother's door.

He heard nothing. The solid oak doors of the Cassidy household did not lend themselves to eavesdropping. Even when he pressed his ear to the door, he couldn't hear a thing. It occurred to him that his brother had possibly gone fast asleep, but Erick remembered the hot looks that Arlene had been giving Ron at the dinner table earlier, and decided to investigate further. He carefully pushed on the doorknob and, with experience gained through years of childhood sneaking about, he succeeded in turning it without making a sound. One of the light switches for the hall light was nearby on the wall, and Erick flicked it out before pushing the door open just a fraction of an inch.

A wild cry met his ears and startled him so that he almost shut the door again. Then he realized that he had not been discovered, but had merely tuned in to the love cries of his older brother's woman. His boyish features split into a wide grin of satisfaction as he settled down to listen in the hallway.

Arlene's nakedly writhing body was lost in the fire of the moment.

Every muscle she possessed was tensed as she strained her hips upward toward the maddening probe in between her legs. Ron was magnificent!

She had never dreamed that it could be like this, that each time she was with him he could bring more and more pleasure from her body. Her love for him incited her further. Her updrawn legs opened and closed around the tormenting head that was licking gluttonously at her flameseared pussy. The cords of her neck stood out as she pulled with all her strength against the tangled hair of his head below her.

"Ooooooh! Ooooohhhhh! AAAaaaaaaaaaghhh!" she wailed, splaying her legs wider and wider to give him greater access. "Lick my cunt! Lick it!" she screamed, pleading with him. "Oh God, don't stop now… do it just like Senator Grotter! Lick it lick it!" And then there came a rushing in her ears as she choked and the ceiling seemed to cave in on her with a great resounding and echoing crash, and she moaned and cried out as the intolerable delight of her orgasm careened through her. She wanted it to go on forever and ever, to never, never stop!

As Arlene lay gasping and slowly recovering, Ron turned her over onto her stomach. Her willpower had been completely drained by her orgasm, and he kissed her smooth oval-shaped buttocks and bit them with sharp little nips of his teeth. He was vaguely unsatisfied. Tonight was special, he thought. He felt ready to go on for a long time, teasing her and bringing her to greater and greater heights of delirious pleasure. Tonight, he wished to extract from Arlene somehow, even deeper form of commitment. Not satisfied by the lengths which his passionately moaning assistant had gone to please him with the portly Senator Grotter, he wanted to devise something even more devastating that would bind her to him body and soul.

"Spread your legs!" he ordered her.

Chapter 5

Erick was already on his way downstairs. His ears were humming and his brain spinning. "Good old Ron!" he said out loud to himself. "So that's how he got old Grotter on our side!"

He was in a hurry now, for he had an idea that he thought would be extremely amusing, not to mention thoroughly exciting. He could feel his cock throbbing hard and demanding between his legs as he made his way to the servant's wing. It was a major accomplishment to have discovered so easily the secret of Ron's relationship with Sylvie's cousin Arlene. He never would have guessed in a million years that the headstrong young woman could become like putty in Ron's hands!

Erick eagerly sought out the right door in the narrow corridor that contained so many. He knew well enough that Ella's room was the third from the left, and without hesitating he knocked softly. After getting no reply, he turned the handle of the maid's door and, finding it open, stepped in.

Ella had awakened at Erick's first knock. Now she lay trembling in her narrow bed as the good looking young man entered. He was dressed in a black silk lounging robe and wore dark pants underneath. His blonde hair, like that of all the Cassidy brothers, was charmingly out of place and a large lock clung to his forehead. His steely blue eyes glinted and his expression was amicable as he moved swiftly to her.

"Go away!" she cried, holding her covers up against her chin. Beneath, she was clad in a simple white gown that came to her knees and had a white ruffle that closed beneath her chin.

"Why did you leave your door open, if you want me to go away?" Erick inquired, sitting down on the bed.

Ella started to answer, but he would not let her. His laugh resounded throughout the tiny room, and Ella was mortified at the thought that the other servants might hear and know that she was entertaining Mr.

Erick in her room.

"Oh hush… please hush!" she cried out.

His head bent low and he kissed her with a hard burning pressure, until her head sank back into the softness of the pillow. Her eyes were closed and the lids fluttered as the magic of his kisses did its work within her small trembling body. His tongue boldly thrust between her pinkly parted lips, touching her own tongue mercilessly and making her want to die from the bliss it created inside her.

"NO… no… please… don't go away… you mustn't… we mustn't …" she murmured, moving her head from side to side in an effort to escape his mouth.

"Yes…" he said suddenly, pulling away from her. "I'll go… but you're coming with me… Come on! Hurry!"