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"The two of them!" he said to Ron. "Let's see them do it to each other!"

"You must be out of your mind!" Arlene cried.

"No! I've got to get out of here! Please let me go!" Ella squirmed and tried to pull away, but with a good-natured laugh Erick pushed her onto the bed next to Arlene.

Ron's fingers tightened their grip around Arlene's body, his hands cupping against her large firm breasts. When she tried to twist away, his hands pulled her back, pressing expertly at her sensitive nipples and sending shivers of unexpected and unwanted desire racing through her helplessly pinned body. But it was a desire for him, not for the perverse caresses of some maid!

"Mmmmm…" Ron was saying. Just the thought of it was enough to make his pulsing cock raging hard again. "That would be quite a sight, wouldn't it?"

He was looking steadily at Ella, and she cast her eyes downward, unable to withstand his lustful gaze.

"This one will do anything I say!" Erick bragged to his brother.

"This one too!" Ron laughed, pinching Arlene's breast knowingly. "Come on, baby," he said to her persuasively. "You'll like it… I know you will!"

"Oh God," Arlene moaned softly. "Oh God!"

She tried not to think of anything. Her eyes remained closed as she heard their voices trading wise remarks and then breaking into raucous laughter once more. How could anyone be so crude? The Cassidy brothers might be fine separately, but Arlene could not abide their staggering male chauvinism when they were together. She had always thought that she and Ron had an understanding about the male and female roles… and certainly in their daily work life together there was not a hint of the usual kind of masculine injustice toward women. She was valued as an equal… a valued and valuable partner! In their private life, she chose to let him conquer her body, to extract from it the greatest delights. But recently things had been getting out of hand. First that 'lunch' with Senator Grotter, and then the double sodomy and now this!

Arlene did not know what to think. She burned inwardly at Erick's original statement about 'having fun with the girls'!

Both Erick and Ron mistook her silence for compliance and began to take full advantage of the situation.

Helplessly, Ella looked to Arlene for help, but the older woman refused to look her in the eye. Erick was urging her on, directing her, pushing her hands toward the softly protruding tips of Arlene's breasts with their dark areolas the size of half dollars. The bewildered young maid was frightened of many things… of Erick, of Ron and of Arlene herself. How had she ever gotten herself into such a situation? She felt that they were all forcing her into a lewd act of which she wanted no part. But she was already in a thoroughly compromising position and it seemed too late for regrets. With trembling fingers, Ella reached out for Arlene's stiffening body. The dark haired woman's nakedness was partially covered by the satin sheets, and only her torso and breasts were exposed to the trio's eyes. Her voluptuously white body gleamed in the soft light of the night lamp… beads of nervous perspiration glistened all over her skin. Ron reached out and pulled away the rest of the sheet. Her figure was perfect. The rib lines above the sharply indented waist, the navel with a thin line of down that ran like a pointer to the sleek curls of dark pussy hair against which the tops of her thighs pressed in an unsuccessful effort of concealment. She was all breasts, hips and thighs, seemingly ready to comply with the two brother's lewd suggestions.

Arlene felt two small hands touching her nipples, and closed her eyes tighter. She looked almost noble as she shivered beneath the young woman's unfamiliar touch.

"Lie down!" Ron cried enthusiastically, moving over on the bed to make room for Ella. Dutifully Ella climbed up onto the bed as Ron's hands pushed Arlene down. Tears welled into her eyes, as Arlene realized that she was only a spectacle for the Cassidy brothers and that Ron was going too far in the little love game that they had devised between them.Did he think he could make her do anything… anything at all?

But it occurred to her that perhaps he could, otherwise why was she lying there no, doing as she was told??? She knew that it was not only because she dreaded the stupidity of a scene, of a direct confrontation during which she would refuse to have any more to do with any of them.

After all, she had just agreed to make love with the other couple right there in the room… was it really such a big step from that to this?!

Arlene could hardly believe it when the young maid's fingers continued to touch and stroke her breasts with gentle severance, gradually becoming more used to the task and more expert at it as Arlene's nipples hardened unwillingly beneath the exciting pressure. Her hands were balled into fists at her sides as she lay with her legs slightly parted, eyes still tightly closed, allowing the frightened maid to caress her quiveringly naked breasts. Ella was now tweaking the nipples with determination and Arlene could hear the girl's careful, heavy breathing, as well as the breathing of the two men watching.

"Keep it up!" Erick commanded. "Lower… go down lower!"

"Let's get her nightgown off!" Ron suggested. The rustle of clothing and the temporary surcease of the gentle touching at her breasts told her that they were taking off the little maid's prim white nightgown.

Then Arlene felt the girl begin to trace tiny invisible fingernail lines across her rib cage and down along her stomach to the softly indented navel, pausing there to draw a small circle inside. Arlene lay trembling with shame, and Ella felt much the same way, except for the rising curiosity within her as she began to explore another woman's body for the first time in her life.

It occurred to Ella that she would do to Arlene just what she herself found stimulating, and that way she would hope to avoid displeasing her and making her that much more uncomfortable. She sensed now that both of them were in much the same position, and her heart went out to Arlene as another woman who was being put down by the Cassidys.

How degrading! Arlene thought. How terribly degrading! Tears streamed down her cheeks now as she realized that she would never really be the same again. All her life she would remember this night and wonder how to go about forgiving herself for letting it happen!

She had always maintained a fierce indifference to the idea of lesbianism, pushing out of her mind any curious thoughts she might have had on the subject. Even that long ago childhood touching that she and Sylvie had done in bed at night had been pushed to the farthest reaches of her mind. Now it returned to haunt her, and she remembered just how close she and her cousin had once been. Unlike now, when they had little to say to each other although they traveled in much the same circles. She felt a strange nostalgia for that friendship… that sisterhood with Sylvie that she herself had so blithely tossed away upon her arrival in the Cassidy household.

The fame and glory of the Cassidys had blinded her, making her forsake Sylvie's friendship and quite literally betray her to the male members of the family. For it was she who had revealed the presence of an incriminating tape recording to Sylvie's husband Tim!

Well, I'm paying for that now! Arlene thought suddenly. I'm paying for everything! She lay there with her cream white legs spread apart, her body growing more and more tense as the small fingers reached the curly tendrils of her cringing hair-lined pussy.

"Jesus!" Erick exclaimed from his position beside the bed. "You're doing okay, Ella… don't stop now!"

Erick was beginning to pull at the desire-enlarged shaft of his lustfully throbbing cock. He had never seen anything so magnificent as the sight of the two young women together. He could tell that Ron was enjoying it too, as his brother looked on with an intense expression, his hand fondling down between his thighs, clutching the swollen hardness of his rigid penis.