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"You've already had Roslyn," Josie sulked, pushing blond hair back from her ears. Roslyn wanted to shake the little brat. How did she know that Kendall and she had been getting it on? How did anyone know? Her heart pounded. Now she suspected her nephew.

"She wanted me to do it," Kendall said, coming around the table towards Josie.

"Well I don't." She started away but he grabbed her wrist. Roslyn watched, holding her breath.

"Yes you do." Kendall kissed his cousin and she moaned again. When Roslyn saw her nephew's hands slide down to Josie's ass she was on the verge of rudely interrupting them. But Josie broke it off first.

"Stop! I mean it, Kendall." She stepped back and wiped her mouth with a swipe of her thin hand. "I don't even want to kiss you after seeing those pictures."

"What pictures?" Kendall asked.

"The ones Ronnie took! The ones of you licking…" Josie shuddered and turned away. She had the look of someone who'd blurted too much at the wrong time. Roslyn couldn't hold back any longer. She charged into the playroom, her face red with anger.

"You little slut, what are you talking about? What pictures?" She grabbed Josie by the shoulders as Kendall stared. He looked like he was in shock. Roslyn was crazy mad. She started to shake the frail girl. Tears burst down Josie's cheeks.

"It wasn't my idea!" she cried. "Ronnie took them. I thought they were disgusting."

"Why don't you leave her alone?" Kendall said, stepping forward.

"You shut up, you little bastard!" Roslyn spit. She pushed Josie back against the pool table end hurried to the basement darkroom her niece had set up. The prints were well bidden beneath a cardboard box but she found them. One by one she tore the enlargements in pieces and stuffed them in the wastebasket. It was the sound of a car starting that made her turn from her destruction and run upstairs again. She got to the kitchen just in time to see her Mercedes backing down the driveway.

"I didn't know Josie could even drive," she mumbled to herself. Kendall ran down the lawn after her but Josie got the car in gear and squealed off down the street. He came back to the house, dejected.

"She was really freaked."

"I'm freaked too," Roslyn snapped. She had to have a drink. She wanted to be good and drunk when she confronted that wiley bitch of a niece who'd invaded her privacy. She grabbed a bottle and stalked outside to sit by the edge of the pool.

Ronnie had heard it all. She'd been on the landing, listening to the screams and accusations. A couple of times she'd almost bolted herself. And then when Josie had taken off she knew that there was really no getting away from the scene. So as soon as her aunt had taken a bottle go to sulk by the swimming pool, Ronnie had made herself a very stiff drink. And then another. The third one she carried downstairs where Kendall was shooting pool again.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked, drifting in casually. She was wearing a pair of cut-off jeans and a t-shirt. Her big breasts did a good job of filling it out too. She could tell that Kendall was about to ask some embarrassing questions. He seemed more embarrassed than she was. "Yes, it's true. All true." She sipped her drink. "From what I heard my aunt tore up all the prints. But I could still show you the negatives if you'd like." She giggled. The whole thing seemed so humorous. Except for the fact that she was afraid she was pregnant. And her Uncle Evan didn't seem to have the time to bother with her any more. Though she really couldn't say whether his excuses were trumped up or not, she felt cheated of attention. After the one really fantastic fuck of her life she was suddenly being avoided like the plague. Was her uncle running scared? But all men were, weren't they? She came around the table toward Kendall.

"Is Aunt Roslyn really that good of a fuck?" she asked, eyes twinkling.

"I… uhhh. Well, I really don't think I should talk about it."

The liquor beat through her veins like wildfire. A sudden surge of excitement made Ronnie realize how horny she was. It'd been more than a week since Evan had fucked her. Oh how she wanted more cock. She took the pool cue from her cousin's fingers. He swallowed hard. His chest moved up and down faster than normal. Ronnie was amused.

"Do you like my breasts?" she asked. "Sure I d-d-do."

"Wouldn't you like to see more of them?"

Kendall shrugged, stepped back.

"You know when I saw you naked through the window it really turned me on," she blurted. Good old booze, she thought. It sure loosened things up. "And when Aunt Roslyn was sucking your cock, I thought how nice it would be to do the same thing." Ronnie grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt and skinned it up over her head. Her big tits bounced free on her chest. Red-faced, Kendall stared.

"You know Aunt Roslyn is out there somewhere," he mumbled.

"Fuck Aunt Roslyn!" she blurted, then laughed hysterically at what she'd said. "You did fuck her didn't you?" Her cousin nodded shamefacedly. Ronnie licked her lips. "What if I wanted you to fuck me?"

"She's gonna raise hell if she finds you down here without your t-shirt," Kendall said. He looked about to run for his life.

"That door locks, doesn't it?" Ronnie asked, jerking her head towards the only entrance to the playroom. "Why don't you go lock it?"

Everything swirled as she watched her cousin do what she'd asked. But when he turned, he stayed well away from her. She wiggled out of her jean shorts and watched him watching her. Without panties she felt more eager to have it than ever. What did it matter after all? The whole house had gone stark raving mad.

"Aren't you going to make love to me?" she asked silkily, climbing up and sitting on the edge of the pool table. She picked up the cue lying near and caressed it with her fingers like it was a cock. Kendall just kept staring. He looked like he wanted to come to her but didn't know exactly how to go about it. Ronnie watched him with her big dark eyes as she put the end of the cue up to her lips and licked it. The smooth wood glistened with her spit now.

"Ohhhh God I want to get fucked so bad," she sighed, putting her heels on the edge of the table. This position opened her pussy like a hot, dripping flower. She pushed the big end of the pool cue down against her crevice and worked it up and down. The smacking sound of her folds clasping around it made Kendall hug at his belly. It amused Ronnie to tease him like this. It was like watching a person slowly lose his mind. When she eased the thick, cock-sized handle up into her pussy, her whole body shuddered with the feelings.

"Uhhhh! Ohhhh!" Her hips lurched as she began to fuck in and out with the thing. Kendall licked his lips. He was trembling, blushing, coming apart.

"Don't hurt yourself. Ohh God, be careful, Ronnie!"

"Mmmmmmuuhh! Feels so good!" The bright light glistened off her skin. She fanned her toes, tucked her heels even tight er against the cheeks of her ass. Her pussy was a dark, glistening wound penetrated by the long pool cue. She held it halfway up the shaft and moved it around in circles inside her. A line of spit spilled from the corner of her mouth as it went deep against her womb. She began to jerk her hips where she perched on the raised edge of the pool table.

Kendall started for her then. He was undoing his pants, jerking at his shirt. She eased the cue from her pussy and let it clatter to the floor. Her cousin was moaning, jumping around on one leg as he tried to get his skivvies off. Then he was shoving against her, pushing between her thighs. She closed her ankles behind him and grabbed frantically for his cock.

"Put it in me, darling!" she babbled drunkenly. She could feel the cockhead so hot against her outer lips. She shoved it down her crevice and her juices quickly coated his dry skin with slickness.

His prick felt so fat, so pumped up with blood! She rolled her hips as she pulled him up onto her, onto the green felt of the table.

"God, Ronnie! Ohhhh Jesus, you're so soft! Your tits are so big!"