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"Rosie, I want you to watch those balls carefully. No reaching for anything, got it? I want Ian to have to throw as many balls as we can let him," the coach instructed. "I want to tire out that arm of his. Remember what I said in the huddle?"

Rosie nodded, "Yeah! ‘Everything gets hit on the ground,’ just like you said."

"Right! Now let’s get you on base."

The nurse shook her head and proceeded over to the batter’s box.

"Play Ball!" the umpire bellowed.

With bat at the ready, Rosie stood there looking as the first two pitches were high and inside. The next pitch was a perfect one, right through the strike zone, as was the one after it. The count was 2 balls and 2 strikes on the batter. The nurse readied herself mentally. The pitch came over the plate just as she liked it, low and inside. Without warning the bat was slicing through the air in a slightly downward swing as it impacted the cowhide cover of the ball. The sphere took off in a lurch, diving into the ground several feet up the third base line. The nurse ran for first base as if she had been shot out of a cannon, making it there just before the throw from the third baseman. The leading run was now on base.

Danni was the next in line to advance the lead runner. She waited as she was instructed until her count was 3 and 2. The pitch was perfect, right down the middle. Mentally she chastised herself for wanting to really swing at this one. She knew what was expected of her and resigned herself to following Karen’s wish. Her hand slid up the rear of the bat as she leveled it into the bunting position. She held it there across the plate and waited for the ball to strike the wood. "Thunk!" The sound was not the usual one for her at bat, but she would do what was planned to get the runner around the bases. The ball dropped lifelessly and rolled slowly, staying in the playing field. Danni hesitated to start her run to first base in a delaying tactic for the catcher to get to the ball. It was only a second or two, but that was all her tall teammate needed to get to second base. The small nurse dropped the bat and quickly sprinted to first base. The ball was still rolling in the dirt as her foot touched the bag. The team now had two runners on base with nobody out.

The next batter was Marianne. She stood at the plate with all the determination of a major leaguer waiting for her pitch to cross the plate. Seeing the ball come into her sweet zone, the batter flexed what little muscle there was on her slender frame and brought the bat around. It was not a hard hit by any means, as the ball lazily bounced back to the pitcher. Ian looked nervously over at third base before catching the ball. Rosie was already a step away form the base. Knowing the speed that the nurses’ shortstop was capable of, the only possible play would be to first base. The throw was uneventful, arriving ahead of the runner. The batter had done her job, that being to advance the runners on base even though she was sacrificed as the first out.

Karen grabbed the next batter as she stepped on deck. "Nan, we need a base hit down the right field line. Do you think you can do it?" The coach’s eyes narrowed, "She’s a left hander out there, it will give Rosie enough time to take home."

Nan looked nonchalantly across the playing field; "You got it, Mom!" Her voice was full of determination. She turned and proceeded up to the plate.

The infield began to move a little closer as Nan stepped into the box. Her bat was held tightly, her knuckles turning white. She waited until she found what she was looking for, a high and inside pitch. Her arms kept the bat close to her body as she swung it into the ball. Contact being made, the ball ricocheted over the head of the first baseman and dropped into a gap in right field. Rosie was anticipating the hit. She immediately bolted toward home plate at the sound of it. The ball bounced and was caught by the right fielder that immediately threw it in to the pitcher. With the ball in hand, Ian called for a time out. They were now down by one, with runners on first and third, and only one out.

The nurses were jumping and celebrating on the sidelines. They had put their faith in Karen to lead them to victory and it was paying off. Danni stood on third base clapping wildly. She winked at Mom as they celebrated with a high five hand slap. Karen tried to calm herself, knowing full well that the game was not over yet. Anything could happen, especially with another inning to go. ‘Let’s see what you got now, Docs,’ the older nurse mused. Mom leaned into Danni saying, "The top of the order is up, so be on your toes. YOU are going to be the insurance run for our win."

The young nurse nodded her head in agreement; her green eyes twinkled at the thought. "You bet, Mom!" ‘I can taste that breakfast already and I know just where I want to eat it, too.’ Danni noticed that the color was draining out of Karen’s face, "Mom, what’s wrong?"

The coach’s mouth dropped open and she pointed towards the mound. "No…they…wouldn’t!" She was finally able to stammer out.

The young nurse quickly turned to see what was bothering Karen. There, walking on to the mound was Garrett Trivoli. Ian was flicking the ball in her direction. Jamie patted Dr. McCormick on the shoulder as they walked off of the mound together. Ian headed to the bench as a young emergency medicine resident ran out to center field. Jamie adjusted her facemask into place and stooped down into the catcher’s position. Garrett was mentally preparing for her new role as a pitcher.

Danni turned to look at Karen, her eyes as big as saucers. "I…I…" she started to apologize.

Karen just gritted her teeth saying, "Your ‘Amazon’!"

The young nurse balled her hands into fists, bringing them down onto her hips. Taking a deep breath she tried to calm herself. ‘I’ll get to know you better than I know myself before this year is done. You just wait, Garrett, just wait and see.’ Her eyes were locked on to the tall dark haired surgeon.

"Batter up!" The umpire cried.

John sauntered into the batter’s box. He looked directly at the surgeon as if to challenge her. He positioned himself and waited for her to make the next move.

Karen yelled at Danni, "If you hear the sound of a hit, you just put that head of yours down and run like hell for home."

The petite woman standing on third base nodded her head in acknowledgement. Determined more than ever, she positioned herself to charge at home plate at the first sound of a hit.

John watched the first pitch as it crossed the plate. It was high and inside, ball one. The next pitch was coming right through the strike zone. John quickly swung the bat in a powerful arc, impacting the ball with a loud noise. "Wham-boing." John hurriedly took off running for first base.

The young blonde nurse charged off of third base determined to capture home plate, her gaze locked onto her goal.

Garrett watched as the ball veered off from the impact where it had caused the bat to break into pieces. The momentum of her body kept her moving toward the advancing base runner in an attempt to divert a disaster. The young nurse was unaware of the danger about to descend upon her. After several long swift strides the surgeon thrust her body into the air reaching out with her long arms to grab the small nurse from behind, twisting to pull her effectively out of the path of the rampant odd shaped wooden fragments of the bat.