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Danni shook her head in an effort to rid herself of the thought. "Take each day as it comes and don’t worry about the next until it is here," she whispered as if saying a prayer. Then, she mentally chastised herself for her thoughts. She knew that her time with the tall, dark surgeon was limited. She had no reason to stay here, no ties that could hold her here. ‘I just wish…she could see how much better I…ah…we are for her.’ Danni remembered the numerous times that she had been left behind as someone’s choice, never really finding that true allegiance of spirit in her youth. It seemed like it just followed her no matter what she did or where she went. There was always something that made her feel isolated at times. The E.R. was the first real place that she ever felt she belonged, well, except for her Grandfather and her days spent at his cabin. He never looked at her as different or lacking, but rather with the acceptance of an unconditional love that she had grown to cherish.

She wondered if the surgeon had changed on-call nights and forgotten her familiar duffel bag this morning. She looked over at the desk for a note but found none. "Well, only one way to find out. I’ll just page her," the nurse assured herself as she placed the phone call to the paging operator at the hospital. She stole a quick glance at her watch. It was 0830. Her mind tried to remember Garrett’s schedule but she found it next to impossible with her lack of sleep.

"Dr. Trivoli here." The voice was strong and clear.

Startled from her thoughts, Danni spoke hesitantly. "Ah, this is Danni."

The surgeon’s voice now softened in tone, "Hey, how did your night go?"

"It was busy as usual, traumas don’t wait for you when you’re not on-call," she said with a laugh. "Thanks for asking any ways."

"I walked right into that one, didn’t I? Sorry to hear it was so busy."

"Don’t worry. I’ll survive. Just think after I sleep today, I get to come in and do it all over again tonight."

"Yeah, but this time you will have a real good time. I promise."

The nurse looked surprised, "…and just why is that?"

"Well, ‘cause, I’ll be on-call tonight instead of Rene."

"Oh, did something come up?"

"No, more like something coming out," the surgeon teased. "Renee’s wife is in labor. It’s their first child, so it could take a while. He called me at 5 this morning," she laughed. "Right after he called the Obstetrician."

"Oh, so that explains the duffel bag in the living room."

Her voice reflected the blank expression on her face. "I guess I was so excited for Renee and his wife that I forgot it."

"Don’t worry, I’ll bring it with me when I come to work this evening."

"Thanks, Danni. I appreciate that and so will everyone around me tonight. It has all my toiletries and change of clothes. Boy, I guess I’d be in a real bind if I didn’t have a roommate, huh?"

"Well, consider it part of the roommate code. Rule # 7, I think."

"And that would be…?"

"Never let your roommate go without clean clothes and toiletries for an overnight outing." The petite woman was finding it hard to keep from laughing.

"One of the days, you are going to have to show me these codes that you quote, okay? I don’t believe I ever received my copy of them."

Jokingly the blonde woman stated, "You have to be a roommate for a while before they give them out." She could hear the beeping coming through the phone. "Is that you?"

Garrett looked down at the annoying sound to see the number flashing across the pager. "Yeah, I’ve got to answer this. I’ll see you later tonight and thanks for bringing that in for me. Now go and get some sleep."

"I’ll page you when I get in. Bye!"

"See you later." She hung up the phone pausing for a moment as she considered how lucky she was.

The brisk episodes of wind seemed to make the outside world alive with the ever-floating leaves in the air. It brought to mind the small snow globe that she had received as a child on a long forgotten day. She was amazed at how obscure that gift and the circumstances surrounding it had come to her mind. Continuing to gaze out of the window, her mind replayed the events. The cherished thoughts made her feel warm and conjured up a feeling of love.

Her parents had given the globe to her. It was their way of explaining the bond that was to fill her life. The two snowmen inside of the globe stood side by side, one slightly larger than the other. They had told her about an unseen bond between the two figures. Her father shook the globe vigorously and held it out for her to see. Her mother knelt down behind her to wrap her arms around the young girl. Pointing to the snowstorm of activity inside the globe she commented that the two snowmen were held together in their strength for each other and that nothing could separate the bond they shared, not even the cold, harsh winds of the snowstorm. At times it was hard to see the figures but then, the snow would die down and there the two were, standing side by side, as if nothing had ever happened. The small child wondered which snowman she was. It was then that her father pointed to the larger of the two saying, "This one is you." The girl looked up to her mother for confirmation of the choice. She was hugged gently as her mother whispered, "You are the older and bigger one, my love." A puzzled look appeared on the youngster’s face as she looked from parent to parent. Seeing this, her father winked at her mother and motioned his head to the other room. Her mother stood and left the room only to return a moment later carrying something in her arms. Her face was radiant as she looked at her daughter and husband. She sat down on the sofa, cooing gently into the blanket that was in her arms. Hand in hand the young girl and her father crossed the room to her mother. Together, they invited her to meet her new baby brother. She could still remember the exact words as though it was yesterday. "This is your brother, Lucas. He will need you to look out for him and help him when the storms come. Do you think you can do that?"

The young girl’s eyes grew to the size of saucers at the sight of her new brother. She nodded her head and asked. "He’ll be with me always…forever and forever?" "Yes he will," was their simultaneous reply.

"Hey, Doc! You want in on the baby pool?"

The tall woman’s concentration being broken, she turned from the window in the trauma vestibule to see John, the E.R. nurse, standing with a long sheet of computer paper in his hands. "I take it this is for Dr. Chabot’s baby?"

"Yep!" The smile was big across his face. "We’re splitting it 50/50 with the baby. Only two bucks, Doc, I just need you to guess a time and sex." His eyebrows seemed to vibrate as he said the last word.

Garrett chuckled as she thought of the stories she had heard of the young male from the other nurses and Danni. She was amused that even with the pending birth, this guy would find an angle to talk about sex. "Yeah, let me in on the pool." The ends of her mouth curled upward as she considered what time the baby would arrive. "Hmmm! It’s 1845 now and they are still in labor," she mused. Her face twisted with thought, "Let’s say 2115."